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发布时间:2015-04-06 来源:人大经济论坛
轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 设计背景和意义1 1.1.1 设计背景1 1.1.2 设计意义2 1.2 设计具有的几点优势2 1.3 设计中几个值得注意的问题3 2. 设计过程4 2.1 设计条件4 2.2 总平面布置7 2.3 生产工艺设计10 2.4 浆水平衡及设备选型计算17 2.5 设备平面布置图简要说明43 2.6 车间配套工程设计44 3. 结果与讨论48 附录48 致谢49 参考文献50 年产30万吨高强瓦楞原纸工厂设计 (重点:制浆车间工艺设计) 摘 要: 本设计是一个年产30万吨高强瓦楞原纸的制浆造纸工厂设计,重点是制浆车间的工艺设计。 利用废纸资源造纸在国内外造纸工业中占有越来越重要的地位,对我国这样缺少造纸原料的造纸工业来说更具有深远的意义。 本设计说明书主要包括了以下内容:一、介绍了工程设计的背景、工程设计的必要性;二、主要介绍工艺设计的条件和总平面布置,以及总平面布置得基本原则和总平面布置概述;三、工艺部分,也是本设计的重点,说明了生产工艺及浆水平衡计算、设备选型计算、车间布置,并且还绘制了生产流程图,车间平面布置图,设备一览表;四、介绍了设计车间的辅助工程设施。 最后部分写明了参考文献,并对给予帮助的老师表示感谢! 关键词:废纸制浆;工艺设计;生产流程 Annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of high-strength corrugated paper plant design ( Focus :Pulping Process Design Workshop) Abstract: The design is an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of high-strength corrugated paper pulp and paper plant design, with a focus on making the process design workshop. The use of waste paper resources at home and abroad more and more paper industry occupies an important position paper on China's such a lack of raw materials for paper industry is more far-reaching significance. The design specification includes the following elements: First, to introduce the engineering design background, the need for engineering design; II introduces the conditions for process design and general layout, as well as a general layout of the basic principles and outlines the general layout; Third, some technology, but also the focus of this design shows that the production process and serofluid balance calculation, equipment selection, the shop layout, and production flow chart drawing, workshop floor plan, equipment list; IV introduced the design aided engineering workshop facilities. The last part stated references,and Expressed my gratitude to teacher for her help. Keywords:wasted peper pulping; Process Design; Production process
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