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发布时间:2015-04-06 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 研究的背景和意义1 1.2 研究的主要内容2 2 水性油墨的组成及印刷适性3 2.1 水性油墨的组成3 2.2 水性油墨的印刷适性5 3 水性油墨的应用11 3.1 水性柔版油墨11 3.2 水性凹版油墨16 3.3 水性网印油墨20 4 总结与展望24 致 谢25 参考文献26 摘 要:环保性水性油墨具有无毒、无刺激性气味、无腐蚀性的优良特征,产品在使用过程中可直接用自来水或乙醇稀释,对环境和人的身体都不存在危害。可广泛应用于烟、酒、食品、药品、饮料、儿童玩具等卫生条件要求严格的产品印刷。对我国柔性版印刷的配套国产化产品起到了积极推进作用。 关键词:环保性;水性油墨;包装印刷 Abstract: The environmental protection river character printing ink had non-toxic,the non-irritant smell,non-corrosiveness fine characteristic,the product may directly dilutes in the use process with the running water or the ethyl alcohol,dose not have the harm to the environment and person's body.But widely applies in the smoke,the liquor,food,the drugs,the drink,the child toy and so on sanitary condition request strict product printing.The necessary manufacture domestically product which prints to our country flexible version played the postive pushing effect. Keywords:The environmental protection;the river characer printing ink;the packing print
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