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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛


【演讲者】Xianbing Liu

【题目】Empirical Analyses of Economic Climate Policies


【时间】2013年9月17日,星期二, 12:00—13:30

【内容简介】Aiming to support the discussions of climatepolicies from the business perspective, Kansai Research Centre of Institute forGlobal Environmental Strategies (KRC/IGES) arranged a project, namely ‘Market-basedInstruments (MBIs) for Improving Company’s Carbon Performance in Northeast Asia’,during 2010 to 2012. The MBIs project targets the three major economies in thisregion, including Japan, China and the Republic of Korea, and gives the focusto how to design carbon pricing tools acceptable for the industry. This lectureintroduces the research outputs from the MBIs project, particularly theempirical analyses in China. The main contents include the measurement ofenergy saving practices of Chinese companies and the determinants, theestimations of carbon prices affordable for the companies using the approach ofwillingness-to-pay (WTP), and the analysis of company’s preference to thealternatives of carbon pricing policies through a choice experiment. Thislecture may enhance the understanding of company’s opinions to carbon pricingtools, which are viewed cost-effective but always against by the industry.

【演讲者简介】Dr. Xianbing Liu is currently a senior policyresearcher and task manager at Kansai Research Centre of Institute for GlobalEnvironmental Strategies (KRC/IGES). He has worked for IGES over six years(Since July of 2007). Using two years and a half (October 2004 to March 2007),he got a Ph.D. from Okayama University of Japan. Before coming to Japan, Dr.Liu served the Department of Science, Technology and Standards of StateEnvironmental Protection Administration (SEPA, now the Ministry ofEnvironmental Protection) for around seven years. His research interests focuson the analyses of environmental, energy and climate policies from themicro-business perspective. He has fruitful publications in internationalacademic journals, like ‘Energy Policy’, ‘Energy Economics’, ‘Applied Energy’, ‘Energyfor Sustainable Development’, ‘Journal of Environmental Management’ and ‘Journalof Cleaner Production’, etc. He is invited as anonymous reviewer frequently bythe journals as mentioned above.

能源经济研讨会(EnergyEconomics Seminar)由中国人民大学经济学院能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供一个交流的平台,以促进我国能源经济的教学研究水平的提高。



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