The economic census data suggeststhat foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) in China outperform the Chinese ownedenterprises (COEs) in terms of energy use efficiency. In this paper, we developa new energy occupancy input-output table characterizing FIEs and COEs tocompare their differences of total energy intensities per unit productions ofChina’s manufacturing industry in 2007.The results show that the total energyintensities of COEs in manufacturing are generally 10%-40% higher than that ofFIEs at the industry level. We further characterize these advantages of FIEsover COEs into the underlying determinants, by measuring the potential ofmanufacturing energy saving amounts assuming FIEs dominate the productions. Itturns out that the improvements of manufacturing structure, energy usetechnology and production chains in COEs would lead to 5%-45% of the overallindustrial energy saving.