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发布时间:2014-09-26 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 1前言1 1.1应用价值及理论意义1 1.2国内外研究现状综述1 1.3本文解决的问题3 2中国银行业市场结构分析4 2.1市场结构的基本理论4 2.2中国银行业市场结构的实证分析5 3中国银行业市场绩效分析8 3.1市场绩效的内涵及影响因素8 3.2中国银行业市场绩效的实证分析9 4中国银行业市场结构与市场绩效关系的分析10 4.1中国银行业市场绩效的特殊性10 4.2中国银行业市场结构与市场绩效关系的判断11 4.3中国银行业市场结构与市场绩效无显著相关性的原因分析12 5构建有效的中国银行业市场结构的建议14 5.1降低行业进入壁垒,导入有效竞争14 5.2强化国有商业银行的改革15 5.3营造良好的外部竞争环境16 6结论17 参考文献18 致 谢19 摘要:本文通过银行业市场结构的主要测度指标市场集中度(CRn)、赫芬达尔(H)指数对中国银行业市场结构及市场绩效进行实证分析,来研究我国银行业的改革问题。研究发现中国银行业的市场结构开始由寡头垄断、高度集中转变为垄断竞争、适度集中的市场类型。本文对中国银行业的绩效水平进行了分析,发现中国银行业的绩效水平有所提高,其中国有商业银行的表现较为突出,同时指出市场结构对我国绩效的影响并不显著。在对中国银行业市场结构和市场绩效的研究基础上,得出中国银行业的改革应该降低行业进出壁垒,强化国有商业银行改革,改善经营管理,开拓市场,提高行业绩效。 关键词:中国银行业 市场结构 市场绩效 Abstract:In this paper the structure of the banking market indicators main measure of market concentration (CRn) with Herfindahl (H) index on the Chinese banking market structure and market performance empirical analysis, to study the reform of China's banking problems. Research found that the Chinese banking market structure started by an oligopoly, highly concentrated into a monopolistic competition, moderate concentration of the market types. China's banking sector is the right level of performance analysis found that the level of the banking sector's performance has improved, State-owned commercial bank performance more prominent, noting that the market structure of China's performance was not significantly affected. In the Chinese banking market structure and market performance based on the study. come to the reform of China's banking sector should reduce barriers to access, strengthen the reform of state-owned commercial banks, improve management, to expand the market, boost performance. Keyword:Chinese Banking Market Structure Market Performance
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