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发布时间:2014-09-26 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 一、导论 1 二、理论综述 2 (一)绩效的概念 2 (二)绩效考核与绩效管理 3 (三)其他相关理论概述 5 三、问题的提出与研究方法 8 (一)问题提出 8 (二)研究方法 8 四、案例研究 9 (一)长沙酸酸乳有限公司概况 9 (二)公司现有绩效管理现状的描述 10 (三)调查问卷数据统计 11 (四)存在的问题分析 13 (五)改进建议 20 五、结论 25 (一)本文主要结论 25 (二)需要进一步研究的问题 25 致谢 26 参考文献 27 附录 28 摘 要 绩效管理是人力资源管理的重要组成部分,是企业培养核心竞争力的重要手段。 论文在综述部分对绩效的概念进行了界定,建立了绩效的“三层三面”概念分析框架;明确了绩效考核与绩效管理的概念及二者的区别,为企业建立绩效管理循环奠定理论基础;运用框架效应理论及转变性考评理论提出了考核环境对考评实施效果的重要性;同时结合周边绩效和任务绩效等理论,为考核指标设计提供了理论依据。以上这些形成了分析案例企业绩效管理操作的基本架构。 案例研究部分通过调查问卷、文档分析、访谈等研究方法对长沙酸酸乳有限公司的绩效管理的实施现状进行了分析,提出了存在的问题及针对性的改进建议。 关键词:绩效;绩效考核;绩效管理;考评环境 ABSTRACT Performance Management is an important part of human resources management, also an important means for the enterprises’ competitiveness. In the literature review of the paper , it defines the concept of performance and establish the conceptual framework for analysis; distinguishes the concept and differences of the performance appraisal and performance management and lies the theoretical foundation for enterprise to establish the performance management cycle; states the importance of the environmental assessment for examination implementation’s effects on base of Framing effects theory and Transforming performance measurement theory; at the same time, provides a theoretical basis for designing the indicators of assessment by contextual performance and task performance, and other theories. All of these formed a basic framework to analysis the case enterprise’s performance management operation. This paper has analyzed the present situation and existence questions in the performance management of the company systematically though the questionnaire, document analysis and interviews, and then gave suggestions for improvement about these questions. Keyword: performance; performance appraisal; performance management; environmental assessment
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