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发布时间:2014-09-27 来源:人大经济论坛
企业所得税纳税筹划研究 摘要 随着市场经济的成熟,法律法规的完善,企业守法经营、依法纳税已经成为共识。如何在税法规定的范围内,通过对经营、投资、理财活动的事先筹划和安排,尽可能的取得节税的税收利益,减轻税收负担,使税收的支付达到尽可能最小,使企业总体收益最多,已逐渐被我国大多数企业所认识和重视。企业所得税作为我国税收制度的一个重要税种,在企业所上缴的税收收入中占有很大的比重,是税务筹划实施最广泛的领域,因此,进行企业所得税的纳税筹划是十分必要的。本文通过对企业所得税纳税筹划的研究,阐述企业所得税的纳税筹划在企业理财中的重要作用以及国家通过合理合法的纳税筹划实现国家税法的立法意图,充分发挥纳税杠杆作用,增加国家收入,重点指出企业所得税纳税筹划的基本恩思路和具体策略,在总结企业所得税的积极影响的前提下,指出企业在纳税筹划过程中应该注意的问题。 关键词:企业所得税;纳税筹划;纳税人 Study on Tax Planning of business Income tax Abstract With the development of the market economy,and laws and regulations, management and ratepaying according to law have become consensus.How to save tax as much as possible within the context of tax law,through business,investment, financial activities and arrangements in advance planning,to obtain tax benefits, reduce the tax burden to the smallest,and to enable enterprises to gain most from the overall has gradually been recognized and emphasized by the majority of our business.As an important part of the China's enterprise income tax system,Corporate Income Tax accounts for a large proportion of the tax paid by the enterprises,which is the most widely used area of the implementation of tax planning.Therefore,it is essential to plan with the corporate income tax.Based on the research on enterprise income tax planning,this study describes the important role of corporate income tax planning in corporate finance and national tax planning and the intent of national tax law to give full play to the role of tax leverage to increase the national income,and highlightsthe basic planning and specific strategies of corporate income tax planning.After summarizing the positive impact of corporate income tax, the study points out the issues that enterprises should pay attention to in the tax planning process. Key words : Corporate Income Tax ;Tax Planning ; Taxpayer 目录 1 绪论1 2 企业所得税理论基础概述3 2.1 纳税筹划的概念及意义3 2.1.1 纳税筹划的概念3 2.1.2 纳税筹划的意义3 2.2 企业所得税法基础理论概述4 2.2.1 企业所得税的概念和特点4 2.2.2 我国企业所得税的立法5 2.2.3 《企业所得税法》的基本内容5 2.3 企业所得税纳税筹划的基本方法5 2.3.1 纳税主体的筹划6 2.3.2 税率的筹划6 2.3.3 计税依据的筹划6 2.3.4 税收优惠政策的筹划6 3 企业所得税纳税筹划思路8 3.1 筹资过程中的纳税筹划8 3.1.1 利用税收政策、扣除方法进行纳税筹划8 3.1.2 利用税收政策、抵免方法进行纳税筹划9 3.2 投资过程中的纳税筹划9 3.2.1利用纳税主体进行纳税筹划9 3.2.2 利用税收优惠进行纳税筹划10 3.3 营运过程中的纳税筹划10 3.3.1利用税收政策、延期纳税进行纳税筹划10 3.3.2 利用税收政策、会计方法的选择进行纳税筹划11 3.4 收益分配过程中的纳税筹划12 3.4.1 利用税收优惠进行纳税筹划12 3.4.2 利用分割和减免税方法进行纳税筹划12 4 企业所得税纳税筹划中应注意的问题14 4.1 纳税筹划既要合法又要合理14 4.2 纳税筹划要统盘考虑14 4.3 纳税筹划要尽力减少涉税操作损失14 4.4 纳税筹划要考虑风险15 5 结束语16 参考文献17 致 谢18
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