教材介绍的是霍尔6本的 可听了下里面的内容 用的是伯南克中宏的6e
大家可以到课乐网上下载 可以用维棠下载器下载视频 那个视频应该是07年的
Economic Analysis--Macro ' i, q3 l% W4 W8 c1 sV
Course Description:; D2 n7 O. r: i8 ]$ B+ ]5 O. l
9 {3 \3 y+ \4 f* l# a- C
Macroeconomic Analyis - A study of the factors which determine national income, employment, and price levels, with attention to the effects of monetary and fiscal policy./ @n- S1 P7 k! f- t; l
$ G; h0 t/ h/ K) a
This is a course in intermediate macroeconomics with an emphasis on real world applications.
There are two objectives for this course:O* F( i& Y0 B: e! F$ b& s
: R( l! q/ x9 Z* j- ]
1. To develop simple models that can be usefully applied to generate realistic predictions about the behavior of important macroeconomic variables such as output and income, employment unemployment, interest rates, the government budget balance, exchange rates and the current account balance, and inflation.0 L5 w1 e6 w, D4 K; p1 |
' Z+ g. H$ M0 ~0 z0 k
2. To apply these models to understand and interpret current and historical macroeconomic developments—including monetary and fiscal policy choices—and to make predictions about future macroeconomic events, primarily in the industrialized countries.
Textbook: + ]+ y# Z# M' Q7 B7 d/ a
Robert E. Hall and David H. Papell
Macroeconomics: Economic Growth, Fluctuations, and Policy, 6th edition
W. W. Norton & Company, 20055 [+ D" P! @1 Q% B, ~7 t+ h, e
b2 h; l2 d, {Y
' e! h" F& L" S0 [1 X% V8 \
Instructor :Steven Wood
我上传些新的2010年春季学期这门课的 音频 还是这门课
希望能有高手出来翻译下 自己听的也是云里雾里 没办法 英语差啊
先献上相关课件和资料 最新音频稍后上传 都是免费的材料 只求高手快快翻译啊 ……