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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
2010年诺贝尔经济学奖由三位劳动经济学家获得,他们是:麻省理工学院彼特-戴蒙得(Peter A. Diamond)、美国西北大学戴尔-莫滕森(Dale T. Mortensen),,伦敦政治经济学院英裔、塞浦路斯籍经济学家克里斯托弗·皮萨里德斯(Christopher A. Pissarides)。三位学者在对劳动力市场的研究方面建树颇多,在结构性失业的成因、劳动力市场的搜寻与匹配行为、收入分配与贫困问题等方面均著述盈丰。几年前就一直关注过三位的论著,今Diamond)、日获悉他们得奖,真是兴奋不已。愿中国的劳动经济学家也能走向世界,更走向民生与人本。
邹恒甫的科学预测:Peter Diamond得奖了!他是应该得的。他一点也不感到意外。
Mortenson 还可以。可得可不得。他会感到意外。
Pissaridis 勉勉强强。他一定感到非常惊讶。
Press Release11 October 2010
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 2010 to
Peter A. Diamond
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA,
Dale T. Mortensen
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Christopher A. Pissarides
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
"for their analysis of markets with search frictions"
Markets with search costs
[size=1.17em]Why are so many people unemployed at the same time that there are a large number of job openings? How can economic policy affect unemployment? This year's Laureates have developed a theory which can be used to answer these questions. This theory is also applicable to markets other than the labor market.
On many markets, buyers and sellers do not always make contact with one another immediately. This concerns, for example, employers who are looking for employees and workers who are trying to find jobs. Since the search process requires time and resources, it creates frictions in the market. On such search markets, the demands of some buyers will not be met, while some sellers cannot sell as much as they would wish. Simultaneously, there are both job vacancies and unemployment on the labor market.
This year's three Laureates have formulated a theoretical framework for search markets. Peter Diamond has analyzed the foundations of search markets. Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides have expanded the theory and have applied it to the labor market. The Laureates' models help us understand the ways in which unemployment, job vacancies, and wages are affected by regulation and economic policy. This may refer to benefit levels in unemployment insurance or rules in regard to hiring and firing. One conclusion is that more generous unemployment benefits give rise to higher unemployment and longer search times.
Search theory has been applied to many other areas in addition to the labor market. This includes, in particular, the housing market. The number of homes for sale varies over time, as does the time it takes for a house to find a buyer and the parties to agree on the price. Search theory has also been used to study questions related to monetary theory, public economics, financial economics, regional economics, and family economics.
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