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  • 姓  名:


  • 职  务:长江商学院会计与金融学教授
  • 民  族:
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  • 最高学历:博士学位
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  • 简介:

    刘劲教授现任长江商学院副院长、会计与金融教授。刘教授曾任教于加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院(UCLA Anderson School)并获终身教授职称。他在2004-2005期间任长江商学院教授并兼任副院长,此后继续兼任长江商学院中国企业研究中心研究学者。

    刘教授1998年在哥伦比亚大学经济系授课,1999年获哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)工商管理博士学位。刘教授长期从事资本市场、财务会计和股权投资的研究,是在证券分析领域的国际著名专家,和多个国际一级学术刊物的长期审稿人,<<会计研究评论>>(Review of Accounting Studies)编委。刘教授曾获2010年长江商学院杰出研究奖、2005年加州大学安德森管理学院杰出研究奖(Eric and "E" Juline Faculty Excellence in Research Award),以及2007年巴克莱全球投资(Barclays Global Investors)最佳论文奖。教学科研之余,刘教授还活跃于实业界,现任多个国内与国际公司的独立董事及资深顾问。


不详—不详  哥伦比亚大学    博士




"Stock Returns and Accounting Earnings," with Jacob Thomas, Journal of Accounting Research, spring 2000.

"The Feltham-Ohlson (1995) Model: Empirical Implications," with James Ohlson, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, summer 2000.

"Equity Valuation Using Multiples," with Jacob Thomas and Doron Nissim, Journal of Accounting Research, March 2002.

"Measuring Value Relevance in a (possibly) Inefficient Market," with David Aboody and John Hughes, Journal of Accounting Research, September 2002.

"Valuation and Accounting for Inflation and Foreign Exchange," with John Hughes and Mingshan Zhang, Journal of Accounting Research, September 2004

"Discussion of 'The role of changes in expectations in explaining the cross-section of returns.'" Review of Accounting Studies, September 2004.

"Earnings quality, insider trading and cost of capital," with David Aboody and Jack Hughes, the Journal of Accounting Research, 2005.

"On international accounting valuation," the Journal of International Accounting Research, 2006.

"Cash flow is king? Comparing valuations based on cash flow versus earnings multiples," with Jacob Thomas and Doron Nissim, the Financial Analyst Journal, 2007.

"Information asymmetry, diversification and cost of capital" with John Hughes and Jun Liu, the Accounting Review, 2007.

"Are executive stock option exercises driven by private information?" with David Aboody, John Hughes and Wei Su, the Review of Accounting Studies, 2008.

"On the relation between predictable market returns and predictable analysts' forecast errors," with John Hughes and Wei Su, the Review of Accounting Studies, 2008. Winner of the BGI best paper award.

"On the relation between expected returns and implied cost of capital," with John Hughes and Jun Liu, the Review of Accounting Studies, 2009.

"Leverage, excess leverage and future stock returns," with Judson Caskey and John Hughes, the Review of Accounting Studies, 2011




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