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论坛首页 > 人物专题 > 经济学人 > 巫和懋 进入论坛下载中心
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  • 姓  名:


  • 职  务:北大国家发展研究院副院长
  • 民  族:汉族
  • 籍  贯:
  • 出生日期:
  • 毕业院校:斯坦福大学
  • 所学专业:经济学
  • 最高学历:博士
  • 所属行业:经济学家
  • 联系老师讲课,请扫描右边微信二维码联系客服 微信
  • 简介:巫和懋,台湾人,著名经济学家,1974年从台湾大学毕业后,到美国斯坦福大学就读,获得经济学硕士与经济学博士学位,现任北京大学国家发展研究院常务副院长,教授,中国经济学年会秘书长以及台湾中华经济研究院副院长。



台湾大学国际企业系教授, 1997年至2006年
台湾大学经济系客座及专任教授, 1993年至2006年
台湾中华经济研究院副院长, 1999年至2002年
台湾杰出人才基金会杰出人才讲座教授, 1997年至2002年
台湾中央研究院经济研究所(合聘)研究员, 1996年至2001年
台湾期货交易所公益监察人, 1997年至2003年
台湾行政院经济建设委员会咨询委员, 1995年至2003年
台湾行政院大陆委员会咨询委员, 2002年至2003年
台北市政府产业组市政顾问召集人, 1998年至2006年
台北市政府经济发展委员会委员, 1999年至2006年
北京大学光华管理学院特聘教授, 2002年至2006年
南开大学经济学院特聘教授, 1998年至今
清华大学经济管理学院客座教授, 2000年至2002年
浙江大学经济学院客座教授, 2002年至2004年
美国斯坦福大学访问教授, 1994年至1999年暑期
美国斯坦福大学访问副教授, 1991年至1993年
美国杜兰大学经济系与弗理曼商学院助理教授, 1983年至1989年
美国范德比堡大学访问助理教授, 1987年至1988年
美国罗格斯大学经济系助理教授, 1982年至1983年




Selected Referred Publications
1. “Merge Activities and Stock Market Valuation in China,” Accepted for Publication in
Financial Sector Development in the Pacific Rim ed. by Takatoshi Ito and Andrew Rose,
NBER and University of Chicago Press.
2. “General equilibrium with endogenous uncertainty and default”, (with Graciela
Chichilnisky), Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol.42, 499-524, 2006 download
3. “The Existence of Aggregate Expenditure Functions When Prices Are Variable across
Individuals,” (with Lawrence J. Lau), Accepted for publication in Exact Aggregation,
Forthcoming in The Contributions to Economic Analysis Series (Series Editors: D.W.
Jorgenson and J. Waelbroeck), Elsevier/North-Holland, Inc., 2006.
4. “Production Experiences and Market Structure in R&D Competition”, (with Shun-Chiao
Chang), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 30, 2, 163-183, 2006 SSCI
5. “The Effects of Collaborative Mechanisms on the Structure of Strategic Research
Alliance,” (with Hsueh-Jen Hsu), Academia Economic Papers, 2005. (TSSCI)
6. “Asset Price Volatility and Trading Volume with Rational Beliefs”, (with Wen-Chung
Guo), Economic Theory, Vol. 23, 795-829, 2004. SSCI download
7. “The Road to Financial Globalization”, The New Knowledge Economy of Taiwan, pp.
118-149, Edward Elgar, 2004.
8. “Speculative Trading with Rational Beliefs and Endogenous Uncertainty”, (with
Wen-Chung Guo) Economic Theory, Vol 21, 263-292, 2003. SSCI download
9. “The Centennial Anniversary of Introducing Economics to China: Economic Research in
Taiwan”, China Economic Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 4, 787-796, 2002.
10. “Market Equilibrium with Endogenous Price Uncertainty and Options”, (with Peter
Huang), in G. Chichilnisky ed. Markets, Information and Uncertainty: Essays in Honor of
Kenneth J. Arrow, pp.97-119, Cambridge University Press, 1999. download
11. “Endogenous Uncertainty in a General Equilibrium Model with Price Contingent
Contracts”, (with Mordecai Kurz), Economic Theory, Vol. 8, 1996. SSCI Reproduced in
Endogenous Uncertainty and Economic Fluctuations, pp.145-172, Springer-Verlag,
1997. download
12. “Individual Risk and Mutual Insurance”, (with David Cass and Graciela Chichilnisky),
Econometrica, Vol. 64, 1996. SSCI download
13. “Exact Aggregation under Summability and Homogeneity with Individually Variable
Prices,” (with Lawrence J. Lau), Economics Letters, 1996. (SSCI)
14. “More Order without More Law: A Theory of Social Norms and Organizational
Cultures”, (with Peter Huang), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Vol. 10,
1994. SSCI
15. “Competitive Equilibrium of Incomplete Markets for Securities with Smooth Payoffs”,
(with Peter Huang), Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 23, 1994. SSCI
16. “Emotional Responses in Litigation”, (with Peter Huang), International Review of Law
and Economics, Vol. 12, 1992. SSCI
17. “Unemployment Equilibrium in a Random Economy”, Journal of Mathematical
Economics, Vol. 17, 1988. SSCI
18. “Exact Aggregation When Prices Are Variable Across Individuals”, (with Lawrence J.
Lau), Economics Letters, Vol. 25, 1987. SSCI
19. “The Equalization of Factor Prices in General Equilibrium When Commodities
Outnumber Factors”, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 23, December 1987. SSCI
20. “On the Theory of Effective Demand under Stochastic Rationing”, Economic Journal,
Vol. 97, June 1987. SSCI download
Selected Research Papers & Books
1. Foundations for Financial Economics, (co-authored with Chi-fu Huang and Robert H.
Litzenberger), Second Edition, forthcoming 2008.
2. Assets, Beliefs and Equilibria in Economic Dynamics, (co-edited with Charalambos D.
Aliprantis, Kenneth J. Arrow, Peter Hammond, Felix Kubler and Nicholas C. Yannelis.),
Springer-Verlag 2004.
3. Economics 2000: The New Trend, (with De-Min Huo, Bing-Yuan Hsiung and Chun-Tien Hu),
Third Edition, Yeh Yeh Publishing Company, 2004. (930 pages, in Chinese).
4. “A Continuous Real Option and Bargaining Model of Litigation,” (with Joseph A. Grundfest
and Peter Huang), Working Paper, 2008.
5. “Option Pricing with a Normally Distributed Belief Structure,” (with Chien-Chih Lin), Working
Paper, 2008.
6. “Margin Requirements with Differences of Opinion,” (with Wen-Chung Guo), Working Paper,
7. “Asset Price Volatility with Risk-Averse Investors and Heterogeneous Beliefs,” (with
Wen-Chung Guo), Working Paper, 2005.
8. “Strategic Transfer Pricing: An Organization Design Perspective,” (with Hua Lee), Working
Paper, 2006, to be presented at American Accounting Association.
9. “How to Buy an Election? —A Study of Vote-Buying Schemes in Taiwan,” (with Lawrence J.
Lau and Shinn-Shyr Wang), Working Paper, 2006.
10. “The Role of Convertible Securities in Venture Capital Financing,” (with Shih-Chung Chang),
Working Paper, 2005.
11. “Synergies and Endogenous Formation of Horizontal Mergers,” (with Liang-Chou Huang),
Working Paper, 2005.
12. “Endogenous Formation of a Strong Nash Equilibrium Coalition with Externalities,” (with
Liang-Chou Huang), Working Paper, 2005.
13. “Free Trade Agreements with Cost Differences and Imperfect Competition,” (with
Keng-Sheng Chen), Working Paper, 2005.
14. “General Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets of European Options,” (with Peter Huang),
Working Paper, 2002.
15. “Temporal Granularity with Transaction Costs,” (with Yin-Ching Wang), Working Paper,
16. “Promotion and Allocation of Efforts in Hierarchies,” (with Yongsheng Xu), Working Paper,
17. “Incentives and Organization Design: Polyarchies and Hierarchies,” (with Akin Seber),
Working Paper, 2000.
18. “Endogenous Formation of Research Joint Ventures,” (with Hsueh-Jen Hsu), in The
Proceedings of the Conference on Industrial Economics, Tamkang University Press, 1996.
19. “Financial Innovation and Endogenous Default in Incomplete Asset Markets,” (with Graciela
Chichilnisky), SITE Technical Report No. 50, Stanford University, August 1996.
20. “Unemployment Equilibrium with Stochastic Rationing of Supplies,” IMSSS Technical Report No. 378, Stanford University, 1994.


台湾“教育部”人文社会学科学术奖, 1999年


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