International Studies of Economics (ISE)
On the dynamic effects of the cross-section distribution of sectoral price changes in China
Abstract:This paper investigates the dynamic interactions of the cross-section distribution of sectoral price changes and the output growth in the Chinese economy. We compare in depth the results of Granger causality tests, Impulse Response, and Forecast Error Variance Decompositions from Mixed Sampling Frequency Vector Autoregression (MFVAR) with those from common frequency vector autoregression (VAR). It shows that potential causalities for inflation, relative price variability, relative price skewness, and output growth can be successfully detected by the MFVAR. The cross-section distribution of sectoral price changes stands to be a fundamental determinant of fluctuations in the aggregate economy, not only in the short run but also in the long run. Moreover, the empirical results are robust to the identification restrictions imposed as well as to alternative measures for model variables. Our findings are in line with the predictions of a standard sticky-price model, and thus pricing frictions are important factors behind the short-run nonneutrality of nominal shocks. We highlight the primacy of the information contained in the higher-order moments of cross-section distribution of sectoral price changes. We propose that policy authorities should make proper use of all of the valuable information available, particularly those embodied in the distribution of sectoral prices.
Cross-affiliation collaboration and power laws for research output of institutions: Evidence and theory from top three finance journals
Abstract:Cross-affiliation emerges as a new and fast-developing means to promote collaboration in financial research. We find that the average number of affiliations reported per author in the top-three finance journals increases steadily from 1.1 to 1.3 from 1995 to 2016. Scale-free power laws characterize the resulting highly-skewed distributions of top finance journal publications of worldwide institutions. We propose an explanation of the scale-invariance, based on a network model featuring nonlinear growth and linear preferential attachment. The model indicates that success-breeds-success engenders 87% of total publications and hence the dispersion in research output, while accelerated growth of collaboration reduces the heterogeneity.
Open doors: The impact of border reforming and opening policies on the regional border economies of China
Abstract:The openness and security of a country's borders is a matter of concern for countries worldwide. Since its reform and opening up in 1978, China has implemented reforming and opening policies in border regions, as represented by the “Xingbian Fumin Xingdong” (Revitalize Border Areas and Enrich Residents' Lives Policy [RBAERL Policy]) to achieve economic prosperity and stability. This study evaluated the impacts of the RBAERL policy in terms of outcomes related to county-level economic growth in China's border regions. Using China's county-level panel data from 1999 to 2016, we applied a spatial discontinuity design with the geographical boundary serving as the running variable. We found that the RBAERL policy contributed significantly to the economic growth of the border counties. These results were shown to be robust when measured against a series of test procedures. Through a by-segment analysis of the border regions, we found that the policy had the strongest effect in northeastern China. Further mechanism analysis showed that the effect of per capita GDP growth primarily resulted from the expansion of the industrial sector along with physical and human capital investment rather than the promotion of employment and the growth of total factor productivity. The findings of this study can provide references for the importance of open borders for economic development and national security.
InternationalStudies of Economics(《国际经济研究》,简称ISE) 由上海财经大学经济学院和Wiley合作编辑出版。本刊刊发经济学各个方向的理论性、实证性论文,特别是与中国经济及其他新兴、发展中或转型经济相关的论文。发稿以原创研究论文为主,同时也涵盖观点论文、文献综述、书评等。
期刊拥有强大的学术顾问委员会、共同主编团队及编委会,其中包括Eric Maskin,Daniel L. McFadden, Paul Milgrom, Amartya Sen等诺贝尔经济学奖获得者,邹至庄、吴敬琏等多位资深海内外著名经济学家,及钱颖一、陈晓红等一大批顶尖华人经济学家。
本刊为双向匿名审稿的英文季刊,以开放获取出版模式以电子网络版发行,并被DOAJ, EBSCO-BSU,美国EconLit(经济学文献数据库), ESCI,Gale, ProQuest, RePEc, SCOPUS等海内外十多家检索机构收录。
主 编:田国强,德州农工大学
王 能,哥伦比亚大学
温 泉,华盛顿大学
赵 开,康涅狄格大学
微信群名:ISE Scholars
Journal Profile
International Studies of Economics(ISE) is a general interest open access journal in economicspublished by Wiley on behalf of the Schoolof Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Issued quarterly, the journal is indexed in more than10 databases including DOAJ, EBSCO-BSU, EconLit, ESCI, Gale, ProQuest, RePEcand SCOPUS.
The ISE welcomes submissionsof theoretical and empirical papers from all fields of economics, particularlythose with an emphasis on the Chinese economy and other emerging, developing ortransition economies. While the journal is primarily interested in originalresearch papers, it also welcomes submissions of opinion articles, literaturesurveys, and book reviews.
Editor: Guoqiang Tian, Texas A&M University
Executive Editor: Yonghong An, Texas A&MUniversity
Chunrong Ai,Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)
Kevin X.D.Huang, Vanderbilt University
Neng Wang,Columbia University
Quan Wen,University of Washington
Kai Zhao,University of Connecticut