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发布:xc2010economics | 分类:博弈论资源






 搜狐财经2012年10月15日讯瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖评审委员会宣布将2012年诺贝尔经济学奖授予哈佛大学教授埃尔文-罗斯(AlvinE.Roth)及加州大学罗伊德-沙普利(LloydS.Shapley)。  资料显示,埃尔文·罗斯AlvinRoth ...

 搜狐财经2012年10月15日讯 瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖评审委员会宣布将2012年诺贝尔经济学奖授予哈佛大学教授埃尔文-罗斯(Alvin E. Roth)及加州大学罗伊德-沙普利(Lloyd S. Shapley)。

  资料显示,埃尔文·罗斯Alvin Roth(出生于1951年12月19日)是美国经济学家,目前担任乔治·冈德在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)教授,经济与工商管理。罗斯取得了博弈论(game theory),市场设计和实验经济学领域的重大贡献。

  罗伊德·沙普利Lloyd Shapley(出生于1923年6月2日)是美国杰出的数学家和经济学家。他是一位加州洛杉矶分校的退休教授,隶属于数学和和经济系。他在数理经济学,尤其是博弈论领域有着重大贡献。从1940年代,他开始和冯.诺依曼和摩根斯坦一起工作,他被很多专家认为是博弈论的象征。

  博弈论是二人在平等的对局中各自利用对方的策略变换自己的对抗策略,达到取胜的目的。属应用数学的一个分支, 已经成为经济学的标准分析工具之一。目前在生物学、经济学、国际关系、计算机科学、政治学、军事战略和其他很多学科都有广泛的应用。博弈论主要研究公式化了的激励结构间的相互作用。是研究具有斗争或竞争性质现象的数学理论和方法。也是运筹学的一个重要学科。博弈论考虑游戏中的个体的预测行为和实际行为,并研究它们的优化策略。



  1994年,授予美国伯克利加利福尼亚大学的约翰·海萨尼(J.Narsanyi)、普林斯顿大学约翰·纳什(J.Nash)和德国波恩大学的赖因哈德·泽尔滕(Reinhard Selten)。

  1996年,授予英国剑桥大学的 詹姆斯·莫里斯(James A. Mirrlees)与美国哥伦比亚大学的威廉·维克瑞(William Vickrey)。

  2001年,授予美国加州大学伯克莱分校的乔治·阿克尔洛夫(George A. Akerlof )生于1940年、美国斯坦福大学的迈克尔·斯宾塞(A. Michael Spence )和美国纽约哥伦比亚大学的约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨(Joseph E. Stiglitz)。

  2005年,授予美国马里兰大学的托马斯·克罗姆比·谢林(Thomas Crombie Schelling)和耶路撒冷希伯来大学的罗伯特·约翰·奥曼(Robert John Aumann)。

  2007年,授予美国明尼苏达大学的里奥尼德·赫维茨(Leonid Hurwicz)、美国普林斯顿大学的埃里克·马斯金(Eric S. Maskin)以及美国芝加哥大学的罗杰·迈尔森(Roger B. Myerson)。

  2012年,授予哈佛大学教授埃尔文-罗斯(Alvin E. Roth)及加州大学罗伊德-沙普利(Lloyd S. Shapley)。

News from WSJ and Reuters

Two American economists won the Nobel Prize in economics Monday for their research into how to match different actors in given markets, such as job seekers with employers and patients with donated kidneys.Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley were lauded for their research on how to match different agents in markets, such as job seekers with employers.Alvin Roth of Harvard University and Lloyd Shapley of the University of California Los Angeles won the prize "for the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design," the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said."This year's Prize concerns a central economic problem: how to match different agents as well as possible," the academy said in a statement. "For example, students have to be matched with schools, and donors of human organs with patients in need of a transplant. How can such matching be accomplished as efficiently as possible? What methods are beneficial to what groups? The prize rewards two scholars who have answered these questions on a journey from abstract theory on stable allocations to practical design of market institutions."The academy said the researchers worked independently rather than together, but that the "combination of Shapley's basic theory and Roth's empirical investigations, experiments and practical design has generated a flourishing field of research and improved the performance of many markets."The prize is formally known as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. It was the last of the 2012 Nobel awards to be announced.It's not technically a Nobel Prize, because unlike the five other awards it wasn't established in the will of Mr. Nobel, a Swedish industrialist also known for inventing dynamite.The economics prize was created by the Swedish central bank in Nobel's memory in 1968, and has been handed out with the other prizes ever since. Each award is worth 8 million Swedish kronor, or about $1.2 million.

(Reuters) - U.S. economists Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley won the 2012 Nobel prize for economics on Monday for research on how to match different economic agents such as students for schools or even organ donors with patients.The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which made the award, said the 8 million crown ($1.2 million) prize recognized "the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design".The award citation said Shapley had used game theory to study and compare various matching methods and how to make sure the matches were acceptable to all counterparts, including the creation of a special algorithm.Roth followed up on Shapley's results in a series of empirical studies and helped redesign existing institutions so that new doctors could be matched with hospitals, students with schools or patients with organ donors."This year's prize is awarded for an outstanding example of economic engineering," the committee added.The economics prize, officially called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was established in 1968. It was not part of the original group of awards set out in dynamite tycoon Nobel's 1895 will.



