Think-cell 5.1 sp2 最新版[PPT&Excel绘图增强] [所谓高盛$168]-经管之家官网!

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Think-cell 5.1 sp2 最新版[PPT&Excel绘图增强] [所谓高盛$168]

Think-cell 5.1 sp2 最新版[PPT&Excel绘图增强] [所谓高盛$168]

发布:gegewoo | 分类:考研






这里是最新版,注册码在压缩包里。这款软件是内嵌在office里面的,安装以后程序菜单不会有显示,打开PowerPoint或Excel就会出现注册,输入注册码,就可以正常使用了。需要了解更多,google“thinkcell”。overviewCr ...


需要了解更多,google“think cell”。

overviewCreating data-driven charts in Microsoft PowerPoint is painstaking and cumbersome. Frequently used graphical elements are not integrated into the charts, automatic placement of labels does not work, and some chart types are simply not available. This results in large amounts of manual work and endless adjustments of graphical elements.
Our software product think-cell chart solves this problem. It is a powerful charting package that integrates seamlessly with PowerPoint and can be individually customized to respect yet strengthen your company's corporate design.
With a minimum of manual adjustments, you get accurate, well-laid-out and standard-conformant charts. Furthermore, with think-cell chart even occasional users can create and change charts 3-5 times faster than any PowerPoint expert without this product.
You can see some of the chart types supported by think-cell chart in action by clicking on the respective thumbnail image in the following overview. This will bring up a full-scale demonstration video. In order to play these movies, your browser needs the flash plug-in.

Stacked column chart[/td]
think-cell chart integrates smoothly into PowerPoint. You can simply access functionality by the think-cell toolbar, the circular context menu and direct mouse manipulations. This preview shows how you can build sophisticated stacked column charts using think-cell chart including value axis, automatic column breaks, formatted numbers and a CAGR.
Excel link[/td]
think-cell chart comes with a full-fledged internal data sheet based on Excel. Yet more powerful is the smart Excel link. Using it you can create and update PowerPoint charts directly from your Excel data. The smart Excel link fosters consistency and correctness and helps you collaborate with your colleagues when doing complex analysis and visualization.
Waterfall chart[/td]
You can easily create waterfall charts with think-cell chart. Simply put in the values to add. Positive values build up, negative values build down. "e" calculates a subtotal. For additional flexibility, you can interactively reattach the reference connector of each segment to change the order of summation.
Gantt chart[/td]
think-cell chart is the only software that allows you to create complex timeline charts (also known as Gantt charts) directly in PowerPoint. As seen in the preview the chart is completely calendar-based and supports a variety of decorations and labels.
Marimekko chart[/td]
A Marimekko chart is a two-dimensional 100% chart, in which the width of a column is proportional to the total of the column's values. Data input is similar to a 100% chart, with data represented as either absolute values or percentages of a given total.
Butterfly bar chart[/td]
You can flip most charts to combine them. The preview illustrates how two charts can be adjusted to the same scale automatically. It also shows that all labels have the same functionality as PowerPoint textboxes. think-cell chart renders values depending on spreadsheet data (e.g., the average of all bars) using special placeholders similar to master slide page number placeholders.
Clustered column chart[/td]
Clustered charts in think-cell chart feature the same advanced options as stacked column and bar charts. This preview shows how automatic breaks can be added and modified to ensure the perfect visibility of smaller data segments.
100% column chart[/td]
The think-cell chart data sheet is a full-featured Excel sheet. You can input either absolute values or percentages. To quickly mark elements of the same type, you can use our intelligent logical selection mechanism.
Pie chart[/td]
This preview demonstrates the automatic labeling capabilities of pie charts. You can rotate and explode pie segments by simply dragging their handles to anchor points at 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees.
Line chart[/td]
The preview shows how to create line charts with think-cell chart. It also demonstrates some of its advanced options such as automatic breaks, difference arrows and interpolation.
Scatter/Bubble chart[/td]
With think-cell chart you can forget about labeling scatter and bubble charts by hand. This is done automatically – even with two independent labels per scatter point or bubble. The preview shows how to create a scatter chart within seconds and how to turn it into a bubble chart by adding Z-values.
Area chart[/td]
The preview shows how to create area charts with think-cell chart. It also illustrates some advanced options such as the customization of axis tickmarks, axis range and grid lines.
100% area chart[/td]
The preview demonstrates how think-cell chart increases the effectiveness of your work when working on 100% area charts. Just as in case of 100% column charts, you can freely decide whether to enter percentages or absolute values.




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