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EViews 9 还是不错的

EViews 9 还是不错的

发布:maxchen | 分类:期刊库






获赠了一套EViews9.0,因此稍微认真看了下,如下功能还是不错的commandcapture,whenyouperformanoperationusingthedialogsoruser-interface,EViewswillsavetheequivalenttextcommandfordisplayandexport.图形界面鼠标 ...

获赠了一套 EViews 9.0,因此稍微认真看了下,如下功能还是不错的
command capture, when you perform an operation using the dialogs or user-interface, EViews will save the equivalent text command for display and export.
图形界面鼠标点击菜单操作,自动产生 相应的命令,拷贝出来保存为prg代码。。。
command and capture windows are dockable, hideable, and floatable
preview tool (F9), you may quickly browse through a number of objects.
整个工作文件可以快速浏览,快捷键是 F9
series objects can be linked to an object in another workfile and to any external data source
FRED Database Interface: a custom browser for navigating the available FRED data and adds support for retrieval of historical releases.
Cloud Drive Support: You may now access your Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive drive from within EViews.
new low-to-high frequency conversion methods as well as modification to the existing methods.
Graph Pan and Zoom: to focus on particular regions of the graph, much like cropping a photograph
Multi-graph Slideshow: multiple graphs in a single graph frame, zoom in on the individual graphs and to display the contents of the graph in a slideshow format.
Improved Mixed Graph Type: The new EViews interface allows you to specify the type of each graph element. Set the first series to spike, the second to line, and the third to area. Or mix up the assignment.
draw rectangles and ellipses in frozen graph objects.
Data-based Anchoring: attach arrows and the new rectangle and ellipse drawing objects to fixed data/date points within the graph.
以上这些图形改进,还是不错的。我最喜欢的是 Mixed Graph Type,本来就该多姿多彩
LaTeX Output: save your table, graph, and spool output in LaTeX format
这个对我来说太重要了,图形、表格结果,直接产生 LaTeX,直接导入俺的TeX文件中
Automatic ARIMA Forecasting: quickly determine an appropriate ARIMAX specification and use it to forecast the series into the future.
Forecast Evaluation: determine which single forecast to use, or whether constructing a composite forecast by averaging would be more appropriate. compute the Combination Test, or Forecast Encompassing Test (Chong and Hendry, 1986; Timmermann, 2006) for evaluating whether averages of forecasts perform better than the individual forecasts.
Forecast averaging, or forecast combining, is a methodology for combining multiple forecasts into a single forecast.
VAR Forecasting
ARDL: EViews offers specialized tools for estimating ARDL models, including built-in lag-length selection methods, cointegrating relationship estimation, and Bounds testing for long-run relationship.
estimate ARMA models specified by list using ML or GLS, use of the Kalman filter to evaluation the exact likelihood
exact maximum likelihood estimation of ARFIMA models via ML or GLS
Panel ARDL and Pooled Mean Group (PMG) Estimation
threshold autogressive models (TAR)
Optimization Engine and Coefficient Covariances
Unit Root Tests with a Breakpoint
Panel Cross-section Dependence Tests
Panel Random Effects Tests


