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【分享】MATLAB Programming Fundamentals(2010)

【分享】MATLAB Programming Fundamentals(2010)

发布:lanfeng0924 | 分类:Matlab软件培训






MATLABProgrammingFundamentals(2010).pdf目录:OverviewofMATLABClasses.......................1-2FundamentalMATLABClasses......................1-2HowtoUsetheDifferentClasses....................1-4Numeric ...

MATLAB Programming Fundamentals(2010).pdf
Overview of MATLAB Classes ....................... 1-2
Fundamental MATLAB Classes ...................... 1-2
HowtoUsetheDifferentClasses .................... 1-4
Numeric Classes ................................... 1-6
Overview ........................................ 1-6
Integers ......................................... 1-6
Floating-Point Numbers ............................ 1-10
Complex Numbers ................................. 1-20
Infinity and NaN .................................. 1-21
Identifying Numeric Classes ........................ 1-23
Display Format for Numeric Values .................. 1-24
Function Summary ................................ 1-26
The Logical Class .................................. 1-29
Overview of the Logical Class ....................... 1-29
Identifying Logical Arrays .......................... 1-30
Functions that Return a Logical Result ................ 1-31
Using Logical Arrays in Conditional Statements ........ 1-33
Using Logical Arrays in Indexing .................... 1-34
Characters and Strings ............................. 1-35
Creating Character Arrays .......................... 1-35
Cell Arrays of Strings .............................. 1-40
Formatting Strings ................................ 1-42
String Comparisons ............................... 1-56
Searching and Replacing ........................... 1-59
Converting from Numeric to String ................... 1-60
Converting from String to Numeric ................... 1-62
Function Summary ................................ 1-64
Structures ........................................ 1-67
What Is a Structure? ............................... 1-67
Creating a Structure ............................... 1-69
vStructure Fields .................................. 1-76
Concatenating Structures ........................... 1-79
Indexing into a Struct Array ........................ 1-80
Returning Data from a Struct Array .................. 1-82
Using Structures with Functions ..................... 1-86
Converting Between Struct Array and Cell Array ....... 1-89
Organizing Data in Structure Arrays ................. 1-91
Operator Summary ................................ 1-97
Function Summary ................................ 1-98
Cell Arrays ........................................ 1-101
What Is a Cell Array? .............................. 1-101
Cell Array Operations .............................. 1-103
Creating a Cell Array .............................. 1-103
Concatenating Cell Arrays .......................... 1-108
Indexing into a Cell Array .......................... 1-109
Assigning Values to a Cell Array ..................... 1-113
Returning Data from a Cell Array .................... 1-114
Using Cell Arrays with Functions .................... 1-118
Converting Between Cell Array and Struct Array ....... 1-121
Operator Summary ................................ 1-122
Function Summary ................................ 1-124
Function Handles .................................. 1-127
Overview ........................................ 1-127
Creating a Function Handle ......................... 1-127
Calling a Function By Means of Its Handle ............ 1-131
Preserving Data from the Workspace ................. 1-133
Applications of Function Handles .................... 1-136
Saving and Loading Function Handles ................ 1-142
Advanced Operations on Function Handles ............ 1-142
Functions That Operate on Function Handles .......... 1-149
Map Containers ................................... 1-150
Overview of the Map Data Structure .................. 1-150
Description of the Map Class ........................ 1-151
Creating a Map Object ............................. 1-153
Examining the Contents of the Map .................. 1-156
Reading and Writing Using a Key Index ............... 1-157
Modifying Keys and Values in the Map ................ 1-160
Mapping to Different Value Types .................... 1-163
vi ContentsCombining Unlike Classes .......................... 1-166
Combining Unlike Integer Types ..................... 1-167
Combining Integer and Noninteger Data .............. 1-169
Combining Cell Arrays with Non-Cell Arrays ........... 1-169
Empty Matrices ................................... 1-169
Concatenation Examples ........................... 1-170
Defining Your Own Classes ......................... 1-172
MATLAB Commands ............................... 2-2
Basic Command Syntax ............................ 2-2
Entering More Than One Command on a Line .......... 2-3
Assigning to Multiple Outputs ....................... 2-3
Commands that Call MATLAB Functions .............. 2-5
Expressions ....................................... 2-6
String Evaluation ................................. 2-6
Shell Escape Functions ............................. 2-7
Variables ......................................... 2-8
Types of Variables ................................. 2-8
Naming Variables ................................. 2-12
Guidelines to Using Variables ....................... 2-16
Scope of a Variable ................................ 2-16
Lifetime of a Variable .............................. 2-19
Keywords ......................................... 2-20
Special Values ..................................... 2-21
Operators ......................................... 2-23
Arithmetic Operators .............................. 2-23
Relational Operators ............................... 2-24
Logical Operators ................................. 2-25
Operator Precedence ............................... 2-32
viiComma-Separated Lists ............................ 2-34
What Is a Comma-Separated List? ................... 2-34
Generating a Comma-Separated List ................. 2-34
Assigning Output from a Comma-Separated List ........ 2-36
Assigning to a Comma-Separated List ................ 2-37
How to Use the Comma-Separated Lists ............... 2-38
Fast Fourier Transform Example .................... 2-40
Program Control Statements ....................... 2-42
Conditional Control — if, switch ..................... 2-42
Loop Control — for, while, continue, break ............. 2-46
Error Control — try, catch .......................... 2-49
Program Termination — return ...................... 2-50
Dates and Times ................................... 2-51
Representing Dates and Times in MATLAB ............ 2-51
Date and Time Functions ........................... 2-52
Working with Date Strings .......................... 2-52
Date String Tables ................................ 2-58
Working with Date Vectors ......................... 2-61
Working with Serial Date Numbers ................... 2-65
Other Considerations .............................. 2-67
Function Summary ................................ 2-69
Regular Expressions ............................... 2-71
Overview ........................................ 2-71
Calling Regular Expression Functions from MATLAB .... 2-73
Parsing Strings with Regular Expressions ............. 2-77
Other Benefits of Using Regular Expressions ........... 2-81
Metacharacters and Operators ....................... 2-82
Character Type Operators .......................... 2-84
Character Representation ........................... 2-88
Grouping Operators ............................... 2-89
Nonmatching Operators ............................ 2-91
Positional Operators ............................... 2-92
Lookaround Operators ............................. 2-93
Quantifiers ....................................... 2-99
Tokens .......................................... 2-102
Named Capture ................................... 2-107
Conditional Expressions ............................ 2-109
Dynamic Regular Expressions ....................... 2-111
String Replacement ................................ 2-120
Handling Multiple Strings .......................... 2-122
viii ContentsFunction, Mode Options, Operator, Return Value
Summaries .................................... 2-125
Symbol Reference ................................. 2-134
Asterisk — * ..................................... 2-135
At — @ .......................................... 2-135
Colon — : ........................................ 2-136
Comma — , ...................................... 2-137
Curly Braces — { } ................................. 2-138
Dot — . .......................................... 2-138
Dot-Dot — .. ...................................... 2-139
Dot-Dot-Dot (Ellipsis) — ... .......................... 2-139
Dot-Parentheses — .( ) ............................. 2-141
Exclamation Point — ! ............................. 2-141
Parentheses — ( ) ................................. 2-141
Percent — % ..................................... 2-142
Percent-Brace — %{ %} ............................. 2-143
Plus — + ......................................... 2-143
Semicolon — ; .................................... 2-143
Single Quotes — ’ ’ ................................. 2-144
Space Character .................................. 2-145
Slash and Backslash — / \ .......................... 2-145
Square Brackets — [ ] .............................. 2-146
Tilde — ~ ........................................ 2-146



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