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[下载]SAS For Dummies.pdf(很好的SAS入门教程)

[下载]SAS For Dummies.pdf(很好的SAS入门教程)

发布:qfweiwei | 分类:SAS软件培训






[/usermoney]大家好:附件是SASForDummies.pdf,2007年出版,很新、很好的SAS入门教程。作者简介如下:StephenMcDanielworksatYahoo!inSunnyvale,CA,andistheSeniorManagerofUserEmpowerment–BusinessIntelligencea ...

附件是SAS For Dummies.pdf,2007年出版,很新、很好的SAS入门教程。作者简介如下:
Stephen McDaniel works at Yahoo! in Sunnyvale, CA, and is the Senior Manager of User Empowerment–Business Intelligence and Analytics. He is a strategic advisor and mentor for the business units in Yahoo! Search Marketing, helping business users to harness the potential of their data assets for planning and decision-making. As a member of Strategic Data Systems, he works closely with the data warehousing, business intelligence, and analytic teams on behalf of the business units to provide user-centric vision and guidance to their efforts. You can reach himPreviously, Stephen was the senior manager in charge of the SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office development teams at SAS. Stephen has been a SAS user for more than 17 years and has experience at over 50 companies as a statistician, statistical programmer, product manager, and manager of data warehousing and business intelligence.
Chris Hemedinger is a senior software manager in the Business Intelligence Clients division at SAS. Chris began his career at SAS in 1993 as a technical writer, creating such hits as SAS Companion for the OS/2 Environment (remember OS/2?) and SAS Companion for the Microsoft Windows Environment. In 1997, he became involved in a prototype project to make SAS easier to use for non-programmers, and that project evolved into the hugely popular SAS Enterprise Guide, a product that Chris has worked with ever since.
Unless you live as a hermit, chances are good that your life is touched by SAS almost every day.
Have you ever received an offer for a credit card in the mail? The bank might have used SAS to select you for the particular offer you received. Remember a recent news article that cited demographic trends in the United States? The Census Bureau uses SAS to crunch its numbers. Were you tempted to buy that new gadget in a big-name retail store? The corporate office might have used SAS to calculate the best price to set for that specific item in that specific week.
The rate you pay for life insurance, the analysis behind pharmaceutical drug trials, the quality of parts used to assemble your automobile — all of these are determined by people who use SAS. You don’t see SAS directly from day to day — but, like gravity, it’s an invisible force that affects your life. This book offers a prolonged glimpse into the multifaceted world of SAS software. Read on to discover how people use SAS to influence the world around you. Perhaps you’ll see how to grab the reins yourself and use SAS to affect your own sphere of influence.
Even though this book is titled SAS For Dummies, you absolutely need some smarts to get solid results using SAS. However, the overarching message of this book is that you don’t need to be an expert at using software. You just need to know what questions to ask, what data is needed to provide an answer, and how to interpret the results.
This book covers a variety of SAS products. We take a high-level look at some and dive deeply into those that you’re most likely to use. The amazing fact is that SAS offers hundreds of software products covering dozens of industries and disciplines. No single person could possibly use them all and still have time for essential activities, such as sleep and personal hygiene. (Hmm, maybe that explains the smell around here.)



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