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  • 基于松下GT32触摸屏的电路板打孔控制系统人机界面设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 摘 要 真空荧光屏(VFD)由于其工作电压低、体积小、亮度高,目前在计算机、家电、汽车、仪器仪表等领域都得到了广泛的应用。但是VFD生产厂家在实际生产中提出了印制电路板打孔精度不高的问题,需要提高数控打孔机精度。根据企业要求,本文提出了电路板打孔控制系统的工作原理及基于松下GT32触摸屏的系统人机界面设计。 本系统以松下PLC为控制器,松下触摸屏GT32作为人机界面,采用伺服驱动技术、变频器无级调速技术对伺服系统与变频器进行控制。文中对数控打孔机的软硬件结构设计进行了介绍,并从数控打孔机的功能入手,介绍了数控打孔机的各道工序,给出了具体的实现过程与实现步骤,进行一系列的实验调试, 系统运行情况证明该系统能保证数控打孔机工艺的一致性与稳定性,提高了产品质量;而且系统的硬件、软件成本低;而且本系统人机界面简洁易操作,抗干扰性强,便于操作,值得推广。 关键词:数控打孔机、人机界面、PLC、触摸屏 目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………………………….…………….Ⅱ Abstract…………………………………………………………………………….Ⅲ 目录………………………………………………………………………………………………..Ⅳ 1 绪论…………………………………………………………………………………………..1 1.1 研究背景及意义……………………………………………………………………….1 1.2 主要研究内容………………………………………………………………………….1 2 总体方案设计…………………………………………………………………………….3 2.1 生产工艺要求及性能指标…………………………………………………...….……3 2.2 系统总体结构设计……………………………………………….………...............3 3 线路板打孔控制系统硬件设计…………………………………………………….....5 3.1 人机界面硬件………………………………………………………………………...5 3.1.1 GT32一般规格…………………………………………………………….….6 3.1.2 GT32显示部规格………………………………………………………….….7 3.1.3 GT32触摸开关规格……………………………………………………….….8 3.1.4 GT32功能规格 8 3.1.5 GT32通信接口规格…………………………………………………………...9 3.2 主控系统硬件………………………………………………………………………...10 3.2.1 主控单元控制规格……………………………………………………………11 3.2.2 输入规格………………………………………………………………………13 3.2.3 输出规格………………………………………………………………...…….15 3.3 输入电路…………………………………………………………...……................…16 3.4 输出电路…………………………………………………………………………...…18 3.5 伺服驱动系统硬件…………………………………………………………..………18 3.6 系统性能精度………………………………………………………………………..20 4 系统软件设计…………………………………………………………………………….22 4.1 系统开发环境………………………………………………………………………..22 4.2 主控程序设计………………………………………………..………………………23 4.3 软件总体框架……………………………….……………………………………….25 4.4 人机界面设计原则…………………………………………………………………..25 4.5 人机界面功能………………………………………………………………………..26 5 结论与展望…………………………………………….………………………………..…33 5.1 论文的主要工作成果………………………………………………………………….33 5.2 存在的不足…………………………………………………………………………….33 5.3 研究展望……………………………………………………………………………….33 致谢……………………………………………………………………………………………...35 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………….36 Abstract Because of its low operating voltage, small size and high brightness, Vacuum Fluorescent Displayer (VFD) has been widely used in computers, home appliances, automotive, instrumentation and other fields at present. But VFD manufacturers forwards the problem of low PCB drilling precision, they need to improve the precision of CNC drilling machine in practical production. This paper mainly introduces the working principle of PCB drilling control system and the human-machine interface design that based on Panasonic GT32 touch screen. Panasonic PLC to the system controller, Panasonic GT32 touch screen as a human-machine interface, the use of servo drive technology, frequency converter step less speed regulation technology of servo control system and inverter. In this paper, CNC drilling machine structure design of hardware and software are introduced, and from the CNC drilling machine function, introduced a CNC drilling machine for various processes, given the realization of the specific process and implementation of steps to commissioning a series of experiments. System operation to ensure that the system can process numerical control drilling machine consistency and stability, improved product quality; and the system hardware, software and low cost; and the system simple and easy to operate human-machine interface, and strong anti-jamming , easy to operate, it is worth promoting. Keywords:CNC drilling machine、human-machine interface、PLC、touch screen

  • 电机上位机控制及界面设计_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 摘要:随着计算机、电子、通讯技术的飞速发展,人们对于车间现场设备的运行管理控制,可视化操作等综合水平提出了新的要求。 为了满足这新的要求,本毕业设计本着“不在现场,远离现场”的原则,以C语言作为开发语言,VC为开发环境,针对某充电机产品编写了应用程序,将充电机的现场设备界面通过串口通信技术,与上位机界面有机的结合起来,以实现计算机的远程监控功能。此外,该上位机应用软件还实现了查看充电机存储在U盘中的运行记录文件的功能。 在本毕业论文通过这个项目的开发过程,阐述了编程环境的选择,串口通讯实现远程测试的方法,通过文件操作读取U盘数据的技巧。探讨如何在PC平台与工控机平台间建立远程测试和历史数据读取和分析的一般方法。 关键词:人机界面;串口通信;Visual C++6.0;文件操作 Abstract:With the development of computer, electronics, communications technology, the people are requiring that the the operation and management of the equipment control,and the Visualization operation must develop too. To meet these new requirements, the design of the graduates base on that "not on the scene, the scene away from the principle of" and use the C language and VC environment programming the charger procedures. The design uses the communications technology to put the charger field equipment interface and PC interface combination.And it can be achieved RMON. In addition, the PC application software also can view the test records stored in the U disk. This paper through the project development process describes the following points.First is The choice of programming environments.Second is Serial Communication remote test method.Third is the skills of reading the test records stored in the U disk.Discussion on general methods that through the PC platform with the establishment of industrial computer platform for remote testing and reading historical data and analysis Keywords:Human-machine interface; Serial Communication;;Visual C++6.0;File

  • 纸机传动自动控制设计_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 摘要 随着计算机网络技术的发展,纸机变频传动系统也正在进入一个以通讯网络技术为核心的发展时期,传动系统将成为车间DCS系统的部分或子系统。网络化和计算机集中控制正成为纸机变频传动系统的主要发展趋势。在自动化功能方面,纸机变频传动系统在向多功能化、智能化进一步发展,使其在生产过程及质量管理过程中发挥更大的作用。 本文理论联系实际,对国内外造纸工业、造纸机械和纸机传动控制系统的发展现状进行了深入调研,并深入分析了纸机传动控制系统的理论问题。传动系统采用的是HZ -AC 3000系统,大部分元件为美国AB公司所产,是进口元件国内组装的一个很好应用。该系统采用的是基于微处理器的速度环、转矩环和张力环三环自动调整控制原理,在程序设定中可以自由调整加减速时间及最大/最小速度值。在多年的公司实际应用中以取得了良好的经济效益。 关键词:传动 、变频器 、造纸机 目录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………..Ⅰ 1 绪论……………………………………………………………………………….. 1 1.1 国内外造纸机械的发展现状……………………………………………………1 1.2 目前纸机的主要传动方式:交流变频传动……………………………………….2 1.2.1 西门子公司传动系统………………………………………………. … 3 1.2.2 ABB公司传动系统………………………………………………………3 1.3 纸机传动发展趋势……………………………………………………………...3 1.4问题的提出及其解决方案………………………………………………………4 2 造纸机介绍………………………………………………………………………..6 2.1 造纸机的组成………………………………………………………………….6 2.1.1 浆料流送装置…………………………………………………………6 2.1.2 网部…………………………………………………………………….7 2.1.3 压榨部………………………………………………………………….7 2.1.4 干燥部………………………………………………………………….8 2.1.5 压光机………………………………………………………………….9 2.1.6 卷纸机………………………………………………………………….9 2.2 造纸机的分类………………………………………………………………10 2.2.1根据网部的结构与造纸的分类方法……………………………………10 2.2.2 按传动部分的排列方法分类……………………………………………10 2.3 造纸流程…………………………………………………………………….10 3 纸机变频传动控制理论…………………………………………………………12 3.1 交流变频调速原理……………………………………………………………12 3.2 变频调速优点…………………………………………………………………13 3.3 变频器的基本结构……………………………………………………………13 3.4 变频器的基本原理……………………………………………………………14 3.5 纸机对电气传动控制系统的基本要求…………………………………………15 3.6 造纸机的变频器控制原理……………………………………………………15 3.6.1 速度链原理…………………………………………………………16 3.6.2 张力控制问题………………………………………………………16 3.6.3 负荷分配问题………………………………………………………17 4 变频器的选型…………………………………………………………………….19 4.1 变频器的发展过程与现状……………………………………………………..19 4.2 变频器的性能指标……………………………………………………………20 4.3 变频器供电方式的选择………………………………………………………20 4.3.1 交流母线供电传动系统………………………………………………..21 4.3.2 公共直流母线传动系统………………………………………………..21 4.3.3 电源系统的选择………………………………………………………22 4.4 变频器的选择……………………………………………………………….22 4.4.1 变频器类型的选择……………………………………………………23 4.4.2 变频器容量的选择……………………………………………………23 4.5 AB 1336系列变频器…………………………………………………………24 4.5.1 AB 1336 PLUSⅡ优点………………………………………………….24 4.5.2 AB 1336 PLUSⅡ的安装和接线………………………………………...25 5 系统的设计实现………………………………………………………………….28 5.1 纸机功能参数………………………………………………………………...28 5.2 纸机主传动列表………………………………………………………………28 5.3 系统控制结构设计……………………………………………………………29 5.4 系统设备简介………………………………………………………………...30 5.4.1 1336系列变频器………………………………………………………31 5.4.2 公共直流母线NRU和RGU………………………………………………31 5.4.3 操作员终端……………………………………………………………32 5.4.4 上位计算机系统……………………………………………………….33 5.4.5 Control Logix控制器………………………………………………...33 5.4.6 Control Logix I/O……………………………………………………34 5.4.7 ControlNet网络通信………………………………………………….34 5.5 纸机分部传动控制方案……………………………………………………….34 5.5.1 网部传动控制………………………………………………………………35 5.5.2 压部传动控制………………………………………………………….35 5.5.3 干部传动控制………………………………………………………….36 6 总结………………………………………………………………………………..38 致谢………………………………………………………………………………………..40 参考文献…………………………………………………………………………………..41 附录1……………………………………………………………………………………42 附录2……………………………………………………………………………………..43 Abstract With the development of computer network technology, The frequency drive system of paper machine also is entering a development period of communications network technology as the core ,the drive system will become part of the workshop DCS system or subsystem. Network and centralized control of computer is becoming a major development trends of the frequency drive system in paper machine. In automation, The frequency drive of paper machine tend to multifunctional and intelligent ,playing a greater role in production process and quality management process . This dissertation have theory and practice, reseaching the development of the domestic and international paper industry, papermaking machinery and machine drive control system in-depth and analysising the theoretical issues of the paper machine drive control system. Drive System is based on HZ-AC 3000, the majority of components is produced by AB co. for the United States.It is a very good application for the import component assembled in home. The system is based on microprocessor of speed ,torque and tension ring tricyclic automatically adjust control principle, it can adjust the acceleration and deceleration time and the largest / smallest rate of soeed freely in the procedure.It have gained good economic returns in many years of practical application . Keywords: Drive 、variable freqency drive(VFD) 、paper machine

  • 基于CAN总线汽车仪表_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 摘 要II Abstractiii 一 绪论1 二 总体设计方案2 2.1 系统总体结构2 2.2系统硬件结构2 2.3系统总体软件流程3 三 硬件设计4 3.1 检测电路控制模块硬件设计4 3.1.1 芯片PIC18F25804 3.1.2 电源模块4 3.1.3信号调理模块5 3.1.4 PCA82C250应用6 3.1.5 CAN接口电路8 3.1.6 检测电路控制模块电路8 3.2 仪表驱动模块硬件设计9 3.2.1主芯片uPD78F0822B10 3.2.2电源及点火电路11 3.2.3步进电机11 3.2.4 LCD模块14 3.2.5 LED背光及报警信号14 3.2.6 CAN收发模块15 3.2.7仪表驱动模块电路图及功能15 四 CAN协议18 4.1 介绍18 4.2 基本概念18 4.3 报文传输19 4.3.1 帧类型19 4.3.2 数据帧19 4.3.3 远程帧20 4.3.4 错误帧21 4.3.5 过载帧22 4.4 报文滤波22 4.5 报文校验23 4.6 编码23 4.7 错误处理23 4.7.1 错误检测23 4.7.2 错误标定24 4.8 故障界定24 4.9 振荡器容差25 五 软件设计26 5.1 CAN通讯26 5.1.1 帧起始26 5.1.2 仲裁字段26 5.1.3 控制字段27 5.1.4 数据字段27 5.1.5 CRC字段27 5.2 CAN通信程序流程27 5.3 仪表板主程序流程图29 5.4 CAN报文处理29 六 组合仪表参数及性能指标31 6.1 系统基本配置31 6.2 系统要求31 6.2.1车速里程表31 6.2.2转速表34 6.2.3燃油表36 6.2.4水温表37 6.2.5照明、报警指示灯38 6.2.6外观及背光照明模式40 6.2.7组合仪表电源模式40 6.2.8仪表布局41 6.3 环境要求41 6.4 校验点及误差41 6.5 引用标准42 七 总 结43 致 谢44 参 考 文 献45 摘 要 汽车仪表是人和汽车的交互界面,为驾驶员提供所需的汽车运行参数、故障、里程等信息,是每一辆汽车必不可少的部件。它经历了机械式、电气式、模拟电路电子式的发展过程,随着汽车电子的网络化,CAN总线技术在汽车领域得到了越来越广泛的应用,因此,CAN总线、嵌入式就成为了汽车仪表未来发展的必然趋势。 本文研究了单片机通过CANbus协议建立通讯连接的方法,它的应用对象是汽车仪表系统,从而简化了汽车线束,降低了汽车生产成本。本文重点介绍采用单片机的CAN总线仪表系统的设计。 关键词:PIC18F2580;uPD78F0822;PCA82C250;CAN总线 Abstract Motor vehicle and the instrument is the interface for the driver of the vehicle to provide the necessary operating parameters, faulutomobile dashboard of an inevitable trend.In this paper, the SCM agreement through the estat, mileage and other information, is essential for every car parts. It experienced a mechanical, electrical-and electronic analog circuit the development process, with a network of automotive electronics, CAN bus technology in the automotive sector has been increasingly widely used, so, CAN bus, has become embedded The future development of the ablishment of communication links CANbus way, it is the target of car dashboard system, thus simplifying the automotive wiring harness and reduce the cost of production cars. This article focuses on the use of SCM CAN bus instrumentation system design. Keyword:PIC18F2580;uPD78F0822;PCA82C250;CANbus

  • 五金工具自动充磁设备控制系统硬件设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 摘要:在五金工具生产过程中,为使工具便于实际应用,广泛采用充磁机对五金工具进行充磁。目前使用的充磁机自动化程度差,操作过程劳动强度大,以至生产效率低,同时充磁机中充磁线圈设计不尽合理,容易过热、烧毁等,同时较小的线圈结构也限制了生产。 本文应用可编程序控制器(PLC)和触摸屏技术,设计了充磁机自动控制系统的软硬件设计,建立了友好的人机操作界面。同时应用电磁场理论和电力电子技术,完成了充磁线圈的理论设计。系统经过调试,能够初步满足实际生产工艺要求。该系统改进了充磁机的自动化程度,提高了可靠性,具备规模化生产能力,人机界面使操作简单、方便,对五金工具制造行业自动化水平的提高具有积极意义,具备广阔的应用前景。 关键词: 五金工具;充磁机;PLC;触摸屏 Abstract:In the production process of hardware, filling magnetism device is widely used in area of filling hardware magnetism, which can be conveniently used in practical application. However, the automation degree of actual device is so low at present, that the productivity is low and the labor intension is high. Further more, the width of production equipment is not reasonable, temperature is very high , the device is easily destroyed by the high heat. The smaller winding fracture restrict the ability of production. This essay designed the filling magnetism automobile system and graphic operating panel with programmable logic controller (PLC) and touch panel. Finished the designation of winding by using the theory of electromagnetism field and power electronic technology. With the debugging of program, the system could satisfy the production process. The system improved the automatism and reliability of filling magnetism device. The device had a ability of mass production. Human machine panel made operation easy and simply, it will make positive meaning to improve fill magnetism device’s automation level . The device had a profound foreground in actual application.Keywords:hardware tool;fill magnetism device;programmable logic controller;touch panel

  • 基于CAN通讯的客车仪表节点_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘 要III AbstractIV 前 言1 1 绪论2 1.1汽车现代汽车电子的发展概况2 1.1.1什么是汽车电子2 1.1.2汽车电子的发展历史2 1.1.3我国汽车市场现状与汽车电子发展前景2 1.1.4目前汽车电子中存在的问题和相关解决方案3 1.2 CAN总线在汽车中的应用4 1.2.1汽车总线的主要特点4 1.2.2汽车总线的主要优点4 1.2.3汽车总线系统与传统汽车电器控制系统比较5 1.2.4 控制器局域网CAN5 1.3 本课题的内容与任务6 2 仪表系统方案论证7 2.1 方案可行性论证7 2.2 设计方案介绍8 3 液晶模块10 3.1 液晶控制芯片分类10 3.2液晶控制芯片选择11 3.3 RA8835控制字11 3.4 杭鹏G320240A液晶控制电路14 4 主控芯片DSPIC16 4.1 DSPIC简述16 4.2 DSPIC中使用到的功能模块17 4.2.1 中断模块17 4.2.2 定时器模块19 4.2.3 SPI通讯模块20 4.2.4 CAN通讯模块21 4.2.5 EEPROM模块22 4.2.6 看门狗模块24 4.3 DSPIC电源电路25 4.4 DSPIC按键电路26 5 步进电机驱动27 5.1 仪表用两相步进电机27 5.1.1 仪表两相步进电机简述27 5.1.2 仪表两相步进电机工作原理27 5.2 仪表两相步进电机驱动芯片29 5.3 仪表两相步进电机驱动电路设计30 6 程序32 6.1 DSPIC配置程序32 6.1.1 中断配置及初始化32 6.1.2 I/O口配置及初始化33 6.1.3 定时器配置及初始化33 6.1.4 SPI通讯配置及初始化34 6.1.5 CAN通讯配置及初始化35 6.2 液晶控制程序35 6.2.1 液晶上电配置及初始化35 6.2.2 液晶显示数据获取37 6.2.3 液晶显示函数39 6.3 按键扫描程序40 6.4 步进电机驱动程序42 6.4.1 脉冲式驱动程序段42 6.4.2 SPI方式驱动程序段43 7 总结45 致谢46 参考文献47 摘 要 传统仪表是机电式模拟仪表,一般只能显示车速、转速、油量、电池电压、轮胎气压等数据。只能给驾驶员提供汽车运行中必要而又少量的数据信息,已远远不能满足现代汽车新技术、高速度的要求。如当今国外发达国家普遍使用全数字式汽车仪表显示装置,而且绝大部分是步进电动机式汽车仪表,并准备向更高方向发展。基于上述原因,设计一套基于CAN总线的车辆数字仪表系统已迫在眉睫。这次我所设计的基于CAN总线的车辆仪表系统不仅采用了全数字化处理,而且在某些方面还增加了原先的模拟部分,比如转速表、气压表。我的这套系统采用了DSPIC,具备了双CAN模块,提高了系统的稳定性。同时在这次设计中我增加了菜单功能,增加了人机界面的可操作性,丰富了操作的趣味性。 关键词:CAN总线 数字化仪表 DSPIC 脉冲驱动 SPI驱动 Abstract Traditional electromechanical meter is analog instrumentation, Generally only shows the speed, speed, fuel, battery voltage, such as tire pressure data. Only to provide the operation of the driver and a small amount of data necessary information, has been far from enough to meet the new technology of modern automobiles, high-speed requirements. Developed countries such as commonly used in today's all-digital display devices car dashboard, the vast majority of car instrumentation stepper motor, and is ready to develop to a higher. For these reasons,design a vehicle based on CAN bus digital instrumentation system is imminent. I designed this based on the CAN bus system is not only the vehicle dashboard using all digital processing, and in some ways also an increase of the analog part of the original.for example, tachometer, barometer. I used this system with DSPIC,has double CAN module, improve the stability of the system. At the same time I am in the design of an increase of menu functions, add man-machine interface operability, enriched interesting operation. Keywords:CAN Bus、Digital Instrumentation DSPIC Pulse-driven SPIdriven

  • 基于单片机数字式频率计的硬件设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘要I 1 前言1 1.1 数字频率计研究的意义与目的1 1.2 数字频率计的现状和发展前景1 1.3 本文所做的主要工作2 2 89S51单片机简介3 2.1 89S51 和MCS-51 的区别3 2.2 89S51单片机的基本组成5 2.3 89S51单片机工作方式7 2.4 89S51单片机并行I/O接口8 2.5 89S51单片机串行接口9 2.6 89S51单片机中断系统11 3 外围电路设计13 3.1 信号输入单元13 3.1.1信号输入单元原理图13 3.1.2信号输入单元电路图14 3.1.3 741型集成运放电路简介14 3.2 数字显示电路17 3.2.1 元件引脚图17 3.1.2 元件功能表18 3.2.3 数码显示管介绍18 4 数字式频率计硬件设计22 4.1 数字频率计的工作原理22 4.2 数字频率计的系统级框图22 4.3 数字频率计硬件设计原理22 4.4 系统总设计23 2.5 系统硬件调试25 2.6 硬件调试工具—面包板简绍25 2.7 系统元器件简绍25 2.7.1 电阻25 2.7.2 电容27 2.8 PROTEL介绍29 5 软件系统设计31 5.1程序的设计总述31 5.2数字频率计系统总体程序31 5.3程序调试42 6 总结43 致谢44 参考文献45 附录:数字式频率计原理图 46 摘要 数字式频率计在现代化工业技术上得到广泛的应用,其作用为对周期信号实现频率与周期参数的测量。本文以单片机为核心,引入相应的外围硬件电路,设计制作了一个数字式频率计系统。系统的硬件电路由单片微处理器、信号整形与放大电路、隔直电路、触发电路、数据显示等部分组成。系统设计的基本思想是通过钳压电路对输入信号进行整形,由运算放大器电路对输入信号进行放大,经触发电路实现输入信号的锁存,单片微处理器完成信号的处理与运算,利用译码器译码,在LED显示器上显视被测频率参数。实际运行表明,所设计的系统运行正常,结果正确。同时,通过对输入信号的波形整形可实现对各种周期性变化信号的频率及周期参数测量,若配以适当的传感器,本系统也可实现多种非电量周期信号参数的测量,如机械振动的频率,转速,声音的频率等。 关键词: 数字频率计,单片机系统,硬件设计 Abstract Intelligent digital frequency meter is widely applied in the modern industrial technology, whose role is to realize the signal measurement of the cycle frequency. Based on the single-chip microcomputer, and introduced by relative the periphery circuits, a digital frequency meter system was designed and established. The hardware circuit consisted of the single-chip microprocessors, signal shaping and amplification circuits, DC circuits, trigger circuit, display circuit, and other components. System design through the basic idea is to clamp voltage circuit of the input signal shaping,op amp circuit from the input signal amplification, by the trigger circuit latches the input signal to achieve, complete single-chip microprocessor signal processing and computing, the use of decoder decoding, in the LED display on the frequency of significant parameters, as measured.Show that the actual operation, system designed to run normal, andthe results of the correct. At the same time, by shaping the waveform of the input signal can be achieved on a variety of cyclical changes in the frequency and signal parameter measurement cycle, the sensor with the appropriate, the system also enables a variety of non-periodic signal power measurement parameters, such as the frequency of mechanical vibration, speed, the frequency of sound. Key words:Digital frequency meter,single-chip microcomputer system,,hardware design

  • 基于CAN总线的客车空调系统设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目 录 摘 要II AbstractIII 前 言1 1 绪论2 1.1 现代客车空调技术的发展概况2 1.1.1 什么是客车空调系统2 1.1.2 客车空调技术的发展2 1.1.3 客车空调系统组成3 1.2 CAN总线在汽车中的应用3 1.2.2 汽车总线的主要特点3 1.2.2 汽车总线的主要优点4 1.2.3 汽车总线系统与传统汽车电器控制系统比较4 1.2.4 控制器局域网CAN5 1.3 本课题的内容与任务5 2 总体方案设计7 2.1 系统总体结构7 2.2 系统硬件结构8 2.3 系统总体软件结构9 3 控制系统总述10 3.1 空调操纵器10 3.1.1 操纵器功能10 3.1.2 技术参数10 3.1.3 操作按键与显示说明10 3.1.4 空调操纵器电气接口定义11 3.2 车顶控制器盒12 3.2.1 技术参数12 3.2.2 接口定义13 3.3 空调系统的保护14 3.3.1 蒸发器温度过低保护14 3.3.2 制冷系统压力保护15 3.3.3 空调系统制冷重新启动延时保护15 3.3.4 发电机电压故障时的保护15 3.3.5 其它功能15 3.4 空调系统的供电15 3.5 顶置控制盒的扩展使用16 3.5.1 配置工作方式16 3.5.2 扩展使用注意16 3.6 故障代码17 4 主控芯片PIC18F258018 4.1 18系列单片机概述18 4.1.1 高性能RISC CPU18 4.1.2 外围功能模块特性18 4.1.3 高级的模/数转换特性19 4.1.4 CAN总线模块特性19 4.2 PIC18F2580中使用到的功能模块20 4.2.1 中断模块20 4.2.2 SPI通讯模块21 4.2.3 ADC模块23 4.2.4 定时器模块23 4.2.5 CAN通讯模块24 4.2.6 EEPROM模块25 4.2.7 看门狗模块27 5 硬件功能模块及软件介绍28 5.1 主要硬件功能模块简介28 5.1.1 复位电路28 5.1.2 电源电路28 5.1.3 按键电路30 5.1.4 显示电路30 5.2 软件配置设计31 5.2.1 中断配置及初始化31 5.2.2 I/O口配置及初始化32 5.2.3 SPI通讯配置及初始化32 5.2.4 CAN通讯配置及初始化33 5.3 软件实现34 5.3.1 操纵器程序流程图34 5.3.2 顶置控制器程序流程图36 6 总结39 致 谢40 参考文献41 摘 要 随着中国经济的不断提高,私家车的数量也在急剧的增加,使得如今各个地方道路拥挤 状况日益加剧,以客车为主的各种公共交通工具也被人所青睐。城市公交在我国城市交通中占据着极其重要的作用,而客车空调系统的优越与否直接影响到乘客在乘坐时的舒适性以及乘客的心情。随着国内客车行业的发展,对空调系统的要求日益提高。因此,设计一套性能优越,价格实惠的客车空调系统迫在眉睫。这次我设计的基于CAN总线的客车空调系统采用操纵器和顶置控制器两部分组成。空调系统的灵魂集中在顶置控制器,装置于车顶,减少了各种可能带来的干扰。而操纵器只负责显示以及司机的一些按键操作,相当于一个人机界面。为以后产品的升级带来可能。此次设计采用CAN通讯,与传统的车用空调相比较,大幅度减少了原来用于连接操纵器和继电器板之间的连接线,节约了导线的使用量,降低了线路发热损耗量,减少了由电控单元带来的成本的增加,并且提高了系统的可靠性。 关键词: CAN通讯,操纵器,顶置控制器,客车空调 Abstract As China's economy continues to improve, the number of private cars has also increased dramatically, so now all the local road congestion Growing conditions, to bus-based public transport has also been favored. Urban public transport in city traffic occupies a very important role, while excellent bus air conditioning system will directly affect passengers ride comfort and passenger when the mood. With the development of the domestic passenger car industry, on the air conditioning system becoming more and more. Therefore, the design of a superior performance, affordable passenger car air-conditioning systems is urgent. This time I designed based on CAN bus bus air conditioning systems and overhead manipulator controller composed of two parts. Concentrated in the soul of air-conditioning system overhead controller, installed in the roof to reduce the variety of possible interference. The manipulator is responsible only for display and a number of key drivers of operation, equivalent to a human-machine interface. For future product upgrades may bring. The design uses a CAN communications, with the traditional vehicle air conditioner compared to a substantial reduction of the original manipulator and relays used to connect a cable between the board, saving the use of wires, reducing the amount of line heat loss, reduced by the electronic control unit increases the cost and increase reliability of the system. Keywords: CAN communications, manipulator, overhead controller, bus air conditioning

  • 变频恒压供水控制系统_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 摘 要:论文讨论了变频恒压供水控制原理,设计了变频恒压供水控制系统。采用了松下PLC(FP0—C32CT)和模拟量输入/输出模块(FP0—A21)、Pro—face触摸屏(GP37W2)以及富士变频器(FVR—E11S)构成一个对水压进行恒定控制的系统。系统能根据不同时间段用水量的不同实现目标压力值的自动调整,同时系统还具有在用水量非高峰期时定时自动切换水泵电机的功能。本设计采用了触摸屏作为人机界面,通过触摸屏的操作可进行参数设置,实现对各种功能的控制,同时还能通过触摸屏对系统当前运行状态进行实时的监控。 关键词:恒压供水;PLC;触摸屏; 模拟量输入/输出模块; 变频器 Abstract:In this thesis, the focus is the principle of frequency conversion constant pressure water supply control, designing frequency conversion constant pressure water supply control system. Using Panasonic PLC (FP0 - C32CT) and analog input / output modules (FP 0-A21). Pro-face Touch screen (GP37W2) and Fujitsu Inverter (FVR - E11S) constitutes a constant pressure control system for water. According to different water instantaneous pressure in different times ,the system could automatically adjust the pressure of water supply system, at the same time, the system has the function—regular automatic switch the pump motor when water consumption is in non-peak period. In this design touch screen is used as man-machine interface, because Touch screen and PLC both are universal. Operating the touch screen could control various functions, while touch screen could real-time monitor current states of system . Keyword: constant pressure water supply;PLC;touch screen; analog input/output module;transducer

  • LED点阵套件开发(软件)_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘 要I AbstractII 1 绪 论1 2 系统总体方案设计2 2.1 系统总体结构2 2.1.1 系统总体设计的目的2 2.1.2 系统总体设计的思路2 2.2 系统主要硬件描述3 2.2.1 控制单片机——STC89C54的简要介绍3 2.2.2 STC89C54的特点及其管脚图3 2.2.3 温度传感器——DS18B204 2.2.4 74HC595移位寄存器6 2.2.5 时钟芯片DS13027 3 系统硬件设计9 3.1 系统硬件设计原理图9 3.1.1 控制器部分9 3.1.2 时钟电路部分10 3.1.3 LED显示驱动部分10 3.1.4 串行数据传送部分10 3.2 系统硬件设计实物图11 4 系统软件设计13 4.1 系统软件设计的基本思路13 4.2 系统控制软件流程13 4.3 汉字显示原理14 4.4 LED静态显示17 4.5 LED动态左移显示17 4.6 LED下移显示18 4.7 软件调试20 5 结 论21 致 谢22 参考文献23 摘 要 在现代信息社会,通过宣传媒介已成为人们获取信息的一种主要手段。在诸多类型的宣传媒体中,全彩色、高分辨率的LED大屏幕电子显示屏具有色彩丰富、亮度高且可调、能够进行插播和画面编辑等突出的特点,正发挥着不可替代的作用,而点阵显示技术是其中的关键技术。 LED点阵电子显示屏制作简单,安装方便,被广泛应用于各种公共场合,如汽车报站器、广告屏以及公告牌等。本文介绍的是一种可用在值班室外等场合的公告牌的LED点阵电子显示屏设计。公告内容随时可以更新,能够显示温度和日期时间,并具有自动亮度调节功能。考虑到所需元器件的易购性,本设计使用了8×8的点阵发光管模块,组成16×64发光点阵,显示待定的中文、字符以及数字。 本设计所要求的显示汉字、字母和数字均已实现,并能控制文字的左右移动及速度。同时,温度与日期时间可以实时显示,与上位机联机尚未通信成功。整机系统的硬件制作简便,难点是软件设计。本系统采用并行方式显示,并且采用主从单片机来控制整个系统,这样能够大大减化软件的编写难度,容易实现各项功能指标。 关键词: LED点阵显示屏;单片机;驱动电路 Abstract In modern times of informational, it has become the one main means that people to gain the information throughing the propaganda medium. In many types’ propaganda medias, entire colored and high-resolution LED large electron display screen has many prominent features which is colorful,.high and adjustable lightness,it can spots,and picture editor. It has been playing an irre -placeable role. However, lattice display technique is the key techniques. Lattice LED electronic display in production is simple, in installation is convenient, which is widely used in various public occasions, such as auto-stop device, advertisement screens, as well as bulletin boards. This article describes a kind of used in the duty room and other places outside of the electronic bulletin boards LED lattice display design. Notice the content can be updated at any time to real-time display of temperature and date and time, and has automatic brightness adjustment function. Taking into account the ease of purchase of the required components, this design uses an 8 × 8 lattice LED modules, composed of 16 × 64 LED lattice, showing pending Chinese characters and digital . This design required by the display of Chinese characters, letters and numbers have been achieved, and can control the text and move around and speed. At the same time, temperature and date and time can be real-time display, but unsuccess of online communication with the host computer. Machine system's hardware production is simple and software design is difficult. The system uses a parallel display, and the use of master-slave microcontroller to control the entire system, what can greatly reduce the difficulty of the preparation of software, and easy to achieve the function index. Key word: LED lattice displayer;MCU;driver circuit