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  • 断路器安秒测试系统软件开发_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘要II AbstractⅢ 1 绪论1 1.1 研究背景1 1.1.1 断路器的现状概况1 1.1.2 断路器的发展概况2 1.1.3 低压断路器的结构和原理4 1.1.4 直流断路器的性能和应用6 1.1.5 串口通信的工作原理7 1.2 研究任务与目标8 2 基于VC++开发串口通信的方法10 2.1 串口通信实现的简介10 2.1.1 采用MFC串口通信编程10 2.1.2 采用ActiveX控件 (MScomm控件)编程12 2.1.3 利用VC++运行时库的标准通信函数实现串口编程14 2.2 串口通信实现的总结14 3 开发软件Visual C++相关16 3.1 VC++简介16 3.1.1 C++的发展历程16 3.1.2 可视化技术及其发展17 3.1.3 面向对象程序设计17 3.2 Visual C++ 6.0的开发环境简介19 3.2.1 Visual C++ 6.0的用户界面简介19 3.2.2 MFC的结构和向导工具的使用20 3.2.3 MFC编程20 3.2.4 创建基于对话框的应用框架21 4 断路器测试软件概况25 4.1 早期的断路器测试软件25 4.2 现代的断路器测试软件25 5 直流断路器安秒测试软件的设计与完成26 5.1 直流断路器安秒测试软件要求26 5.2 串口通信的设置与实现26 5.2.1 通信协议26 5.2.2 设置串口相关工作27 5.2.3 读串口操作29 5.2.4 写串口操作31 5.3 读取断路器断开时间32 5.4 绘制图形34 6 软件简介35 总结41 致谢42 参考文献43 摘要 直流电源设备作为应急和不停电电源在电力行业的直流系统中,为电网的发停电过程提供了保护、控制、通讯、信号等一系列可靠保证。而承担电网保护和控制作用的直流设备供配电系统和对供电设备及线路进行保护的主要元器件为断路器。 直流断路器是一种适用于保护系统中电气设备,当负载短路时,产生的短路电流通过电磁线圈产生电动力使断路器瞬间动作。“双金属条”是过载保护动作元件,当负载电流大于额定电流某一定值时,双金属条围绕在其上的电阻丝发热,金属条弯曲动作起到过载保护目的。 本课题就是对直流断路器安秒测试软件的一项设计,是在Microsoft Visual C++6.0开发环境中编出一个程序,使得通过对直流断路器施加不同倍数额定电流来测试断路器的脱筘时间,测试系统分为单点测试(每次测试一个电流比值),多点测试(连续测试多个电流比值)和级差测试(多个断路器级联测试),同时绘制出测试安秒曲线。 论文介绍了直流断路器的资料,MFC编程,在Visual C++下的串口通信,课题设计中所运用到的Visual C++6.0及其开发调试环境 关键词:直流断路器;Visual C++;串口通信;MFC编程 Abstract DC power equipment in the electricity industry as an emergency power supply , providing a series of reliable protection,including control, communications, signals for the power grid. Circuit breaker as the main equipment and components to protect the DC power distribution system and supply line which are used to the protection and control equipment of power system. DC circuit breaker is a electrical equipment of protection system , when the load short-circuit, the resulting short-circuit current through the electromagnetic coils so that circuit breakers have an instant-powered action. "Double metal" is overload protection device, when the load current beyond the rated current of a certain value, the resistance wire around the dual-metal begins heating, metal bending action played the purpose of overload protection. The second test software procedure of DC circuit breaker in Microsoft Visual C++6.0 development environment is the subject of designed the DC circuit breaker imposed by different multiples of rated current to test the time of circuit breakers off, the test system is divided into single-point test (each test a current ratio), multi-point test (for testing a number of current ratio) and differential test (number of circuit breakers cascade testing), at the same time draw curve seconds. This paper introduces a DC circuit breaker, MFC Programming,the serial communications under the Visual C++, the subject applied to the design of the Visual C++6.0 and its development environment for debugging Keywords: DC circuit breakers; Visual C + +; serial communication;MFC Programming

  • 基于VC++与PIC单片机的USB通讯_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 摘 要 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)以其卓越的易用性、稳定性、兼容性、扩展性、完备性、网络性和低功耗等诸多优点,越来越多地应用于嵌入式设备,是当前最流行的接口技术之一。在工业自动化领域,USB逐渐取代COM接口,得到了迅速发展和广泛的应用。 本毕业设计在对USB接口技术进行深入理解的基础上,探讨一种能通过USB总线实现PC与单片机数据通讯的设备雏形,以模拟工业现场USB通讯中数据收发与简单处理的过程。设计采用微处理器PIC16F877控制CH372接口芯片实现USB的批量传输和中断传输,并涉及基于VC的PC端配套软件。 该论文包括USB原理介绍,CH372接口芯片的使用,USB设备的软硬件设计以及PC端程序编写思路。对USB接口开发或者对原有设备进行USB升级有一定的作用。 关键词:通用串行总线;USB PIC16F877;接口芯片;CH372 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 1 前 言1 2 总体设计方案2 2.1 系统总体结构2 2.2 总体设计方案2 3 USB的基本原理4 3.1 USB协议概述4 3.2 USB的主要优点4 3.3 USB系统组成4 3.4 硬件结构5 3.5 通信协议6 3.5.1域6 3.5.2 包7 3.5.3数据传输类型8 3.5.4USB设备类9 4 USB接口芯片10 4.1 接口芯片的选择10 4.2 CH372介绍10 4.3 CH372硬件电路11 5 PIC16F877单片机的应用13 5.1 PIC16F877系统硬件概况13 5.1.1 内核及外围模块13 5.1.2 内核结构的特点14 5.1.3 存储器寻址方式14 5.2 中断机制14 5.2.1 PIC16F877中断简介14 5.2.2 RB0/INT外部中断15 5.3 A/D转换16 6 单片机及系统实现20 6.1 单片机的选择20 6.2 PIC实现CH372控制20 6.2.1硬件部分设计20 6.2.2软件部分设计21 6.3 综合功能实现24 7 PC端软件的实现26 7.1 USB设备驱动26 7.2 CH372的动态链接库26 8 总 结29 致 谢30 参考文献31 附录1 系统硬件总图32 1 硬件原理图总图32 2 PCB总图33 3 CH372b贴片封装参数34 Abstract Universal Serial Bus (Universal Serial Bus) is more and more used in embedded devices for its remarkable ease of use, stability, compatibility, scalability, comprehensive, network and low power consumption, and many other advantages, At present, it is already one of the most popular interface technology. In the field of industrial automation, USB gradually replace COM interfaces, it is developing rapid with the wide application. With in-depth understanding of the USB interface technology, the Graduation Design designs a equipment prototype that can make PC and MCU communicate through USB. This equipment prototype can simulate the USB data communication transceivers and simple handling process of the industrial scene. The Design used a PIC16F877 microprocessor to control CH372 that is a USB interface chips to achieve the bulk transmission and interrupt transmission, and involves the PC-based VC-matching software. This thesis includes Universal Serial Bus Specification, method of CH372, hardware and firmware programmer and the way of developing an application. It is useful for design a USB device or develops the existence device with USB. Keywords:Universal Serial Bus; USB; PIC16F877; CH372

  • 某塑制厂开关站主接线及配电系统设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 摘 要 电在人们的日常生产生活中已经占据了十分重要的地位。特别是在工厂,企业当中。没有电,人们就不能从事任何生产活动。所以如何进行工厂供配电以及工厂供配电系统的优化设计成了当今供配电方面的重要课题。随着社会生产方式的转变和更新,社会生产力的不断向前发展,人们已经不断发明和制造出了不计其数的各种性能优越的工厂供配电零部件,从而使得工厂供配电系统的设计发生了巨大的变化。当人们使用了这些先进的零部件之后,不仅工厂供配电的方式得到了创新,而且其质量也得到了前所未有的提高。因此,自己动手设计工厂供配电系统是一件非常具有现实意义的事情。 关键词 工厂供配电系统;优化设计;配电设备 目 录 摘要I 1 绪 论………………………………………………………………………………………….1 1.1 毕业设计的目的1 1.2 毕业设计的背景与意义1 1.3 毕业设计的内容1 2 设计原始资料……………………………………………………………………………….3 2.1 车间组成及布置………………………………………………………………………..3 2.2 设计资料3 2.2.1 负荷资料(380V侧)……………………………………………………………3 2.2.2 供电协议…………………………………………………………………………..5 2.2.3 供电系统技术数据………………………………………………………………..5 2.2.4 本厂负荷性质……………………………………………………………………..5 2.2.5 本厂自然条件……………………………………………………………………..5 2.3 设计范围、内容及其步骤6 2.3.1 总配电所设计……………………………………………………………………..6 2.3.2 厂区高压配电系统设计…………………………………………………………..6 3 负荷计算和无功功率补偿7 3.1 负荷计算7 3.1.1 一号变电所…………………………...……………………………………….…..7 3.1.2 二号变电所………………………………...………………………………….…..7 3.1.3 三号变电所…………………………...……………………………………….…..8 3.1.4 四号变电所...………………………………………………………………….…..9 3.1.5 五号变电所..……………………………….………………………………….…..9 4 变电所主变压器和主结线方案的选择12 4.1 变电所变压器的选择12 4.2 主接线方案的选择13 4.2.1 电气主接线的意义和重要性……………………………………………………13 4.2.2 电气主接线图……………………………………………………………………14 5 短路电流的计算15 5.1 1号变电所的短路电流计算………………………………………….……………….15 5.1.1 确定基准值………………………………………………………………………15 5.1.2 计算短路电路中各主要元件的电抗标幺值……………………………………15 5.1.3 高压侧的各短路值计算…………………………………………………………15 5.1.4 低压侧各短路值计算……………………………………………………………16 5.2 其他变电所的短路电流计算………………………………………………………….16 6 变电所一次设备的选择校验19 6.1 高压电缆选择19 6.1.1 短路热稳定性校验………………………………………………………………19 6.1.2 按电压损失校验…………………………………………………………………19 6.2 高压断路器的选择19 6.3 互感器的选择20 7 继电保护整定计算21 8 总结24 致谢………………………………………………………………………………….……………25 附录 设计图纸 Abstract The electricity already occupied the important status in people's regular production and life.,specially in factory and enterprise. Without the electricity, the people cannot be engaged in any production activity. Therefore how carries on the factory designs for the power distribution as well as the factory for the electrical power distribution system optimization has now supplied the power distribution aspect the important topic. Along with the social productive way transformation and the renewal, the social productive forces forward developed unceasingly, the people already unceasingly invented and make the countless each performance superior factory for the power distribution spare part, thus enabled the factory to occur earthshakingly for the electrical power distribution system design changed. After the people have used these advanced spare parts, not only the factory obtained the innovation for the power distribution way, moreover its quality also obtained the unprecedented enhancement. Therefore, I begin to design the factory has the practical significance matter extremely for the electrical power distribution system by myself. Keywords :the factory for the electrical power distribution system; design optimal;distribution devices

  • 某工厂总降压站电气系统设计_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 目 录 摘 要II AbstractIII 1 前 言1 2 设计任务书3 2.1 设计原始资料3 2.1.1厂区组成及布置3 2.1.2设计资料3 2.2 设计范围、内容及其步骤6 3 全厂负荷统计及无功功率补偿7 3.1 全厂各车间变电所的计算负荷7 3.2 无功功率补偿8 3.3 各车间变压器的型号初选9 3.4 小结10 4 总变电所变压器选择12 4.1 主变压器的台数选择及其原理12 4.1.1变压器台数选择的原理12 4.1.2变压器台数的选择12 4.2 主变压器的容量和型号选择12 4.3 SL7—4000/35 变压器功率损耗13 4.4 35kV侧的总负荷13 5 总降压站电气主接线设计15 5.1 设计二种电气主接线15 5.2 电气主接线方案的技术经济比较16 5.2.1供电方案的技术指标16 5.2.2供电方案的经济指标17 5.2.3供电方案比较选择17 6 短路电流计算18 6.1 计算短路电流的目的18 6.1.1短路的原因及危害18 6.2 短路电流计算18 6.2.1计算方法18 6.2.2短路点的确定18 6.2.3具体计算过程19 7 高、低压配电装置(柜)选择24 7.1 高压电器的选择与校验24 7.2 高压开关柜选择24 7.2.1 35kV高压开关柜的选择24 7.2.2 10kV高压开关柜的选择25 7.3 高压断路器的选择与校验25 7.3.1 35kV侧断路器的选择26 7.3.2 10kV侧断路器的选择27 7.4 高压隔离开关的选择与校验28 7.5 高压熔断器的选择与校验28 7.6 互感器的选择28 7.6.1电压互感器的选择28 7.6.2电流互感器的选择29 8 高、低压出线选择30 8.1 导线和电缆选择校验项目及条件30 8.2 总降压站35kV侧进线选择与校验30 8.3 车间变电所10kV侧进线选择与校验31 8.3.1 NO.1变电所10kV侧进线的电缆线选择与校验31 8.3.2 其他变电所10kV侧进线的电缆线选择与校验32 9 继电保护装置设置33 9.1 系统继电保护及自动装置33 9.2 线路的三段过电流继电保护整定计算33 9.3 相间短路保护34 10 绘制总变电所供电系统全图36 11 总 结37 致 谢38 参考文献39 摘 要 由于现代企业工厂生产规模的扩大,负荷用电容量也伴随之加大,往往需设立企业工厂内部总降压站,以适应生产规模的需求。它担负着将电网电压降压、从电网汲取电能直接向生产设备装置供给动力或转送给车间变电所的重任,是企业工厂供电系统的枢纽。所以设计时应全面考虑,力求尽善尽美,保证工厂的生产工作能正常、稳定、可靠地进行。 工厂车间供电设计是整个工厂建设设计中的重要组成部分。供电设计质量,会直接影响到日后工厂的生产与发展。尤其对那些工业生产自动化程度很高的大型现代化工厂,如果能有一个高质量的供电系统,那么,就有利于企业的快速发展。稳定可靠的供电系统,有助于工厂增加产品产量,提高产品质量,降低生产成本,增加企业经济效益。如果供电系统设计质量不高,将会给企业,给国家造成不可估量的损失。 关键词 变电所;负荷计算;变压器;继电保护 Abstract As the modern enterprise production scale expansion of the factory, the load capacity of electricity is accompanied by the increase, companies often need to set up factories within the overall step-down stations to meet the needs of the production scale. It bears the grid voltage step-down, draw power from the power plant directly to the production equipment is powered or forwarded to the important task of substation plant, the factory power supply system is the business hub. So the design should be fully taken into account, to seek perfection, to ensure the production of the factory work can be normal, stable and reliable manner. Factory floor factory building the power supply design is an important part of the design. Power supply design quality, will directly affect future production and development plant. Especially for those high degree of automation of industrial production for large-scale modern factory, if there is a high-quality power supply system, then, will be conducive to the rapid development of enterprises. Stable and reliable power supply system and help the factory to increase product yields, improve product quality, reduce production costs and increase economic efficiency of enterprises. If the power supply system design quality, and will give businesses, causing incalculable damage to the country. Keywords Substation;Load-calculation;Transformer;Relay-protection

  • 基于CAN总线的大巴空调控制系统_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 摘要 Ⅰ 1 绪论 1 1.1 本课题的背景和意义 1 1.2 客车空调系统结构及工作原理 2 1.2.1 客车空调系统组成 2 1.2.2 客车空调系统工作过程 3 1.3 客车空调控制系统 4 2 总体设计方案 5 2.1 CAN-bus空调控制系统结构 5 2.2 系统硬件结构 6 2.3 节点软件模型 7 3 CAN总线 8 3.1 现场总线技术 8 3.1.1 现场总线技术的概念 8 3.1.2 现场总线控制系统的特点 8 3.2 CAN总线的特点 9 3.3 CAN-bus规范2.0B 10 3.3.1 CAN的分层结构 10 3.3.2 CAN报文的帧结构 11 3.4 CAN应用层协议——J1939 12 3.4.1 J1939简介 12 3.4.2 J1939主要库函数简介 14 3.5 CAN总线系统的节点 15 3.5.1 CAN总线系统 15 3.5.2 节点的概念 15 3.5.3 节点的组成 16 4 PIC18F2580硬件概况 17 4.1 PIC系列单片机的优越性 17 4.2 PIC18F2580内部方框图 19 4.3 存储器构成 21 4.3.1 程序存储器构成 21 4.3.2 数据存储器构成 22 4.4 CAN总线通讯模块 23 4.5 主同步串行口(MSSP 25 4.5.1 MSSP方框图 25 4.5.2 SPI模式典型连接 26 4.6 10位模数(A/D)转换器模块 27 5 系统硬件设计 29 5.1 通讯模块单元 29 5.1.1 收发器PCA82C250 29 5.1.2 CAN总线接口电路 29 5.2 控制模块单元 30 5.3 按键、显示模块单元 33 6 系统软件设计 34 6.1 CAN通讯软件设计 34 6.2 司机空调控制节点软件设计 35 6.3 车顶控制节点软件设计 36 6.3.1 车顶控制节点主程序 37 6.3.2 运行模式转换 38 6.3.3 空调系统的保护 39 6.4 TMR0定时器软件设计 41 7 总结 42 致谢 43 摘要 随着汽车电子技术的不断发展,现代汽车中所使用的电子控制系统和通讯系统越来越多,巨大的数据交换量,如仍然采用传统数据交换的方法,即用导线进行点对点的连接的传输方式将是难以想象的。CAN(Controller Area Network)作为汽车环境中的微控制器通讯总线,解决了这一问题,它在车载各电子控制装置 ECU之间交换信息,形成了汽车电子控制网络。而目前,几乎所有大巴中的空调空调系统,仍用导线经行点对点的连接,导线连接复杂,通讯不可靠,而且与车身CAN-bus系统无法实现互连,不能实现信息共享,与汽车电子的现有技术水平不相匹配。 鉴于此,本设计采用CAN-bus通信技术,选用集成有CAN控制器的单片机PIC18F2580作为主控制器,实现大巴空调控制系统CAN-bus通讯。该系统节约了导线的使用量,降低了线路发热损耗,提高控制系统的检测精度与控制的稳定性,并可以与车身CAN-bus系统实现直接对接。 关键词:汽车电子,CAN-bus,空调控制,PIC18F2580 Abstract With the continuous development of Automotive Electronics Technology, electronic control system and communication system used in modern automotive is more and more. If we still use the traditional methods of data exchange, that is, transmission with wires connected to a point-to-point, the result will be unimaginable. The issue was resolved by CAN (Controller Area Network), as the micro-controller communication bus in automotive environment. Automotive electronic control devices (ECU) exchange information by CAN-bus which formed a network of automotive electronic control. While at present, almost all buses air-conditioning control system still use wire line to a point-to-point connection. If so, wire connection is complex, communication is unreliable, also it is unable to achieve interconnection to the CAN-bus system of automobile body, information sharing can not be achieved and it is not matched with the the existing level of Automotive Electronics Technology. So the bus air-conditioning control system in this design used CAN-bus communication technology, selected single chip microcomputer PIC18F2580 integrating CAN-controller and realized CAN-bus communication. The system saved the use of wire, reduce heat loss of lines, improved detection accuracy and control stability of control system, also able to achieve interconnection to the CAN-bus system of automobile body. Keywords : Automotive Electronics, CAN-bus, Air- conditioning control, PIC18F2580

  • 基于VC++与VFW的视频采集与网络传输_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘 要I AbstractII 1 绪论1 1.1 国内外概况1 1.2 本论文所做的工作3 1.2.1 设计原始资料的收集3 1.2.2 主要任务与目标3 2 VC++与VFW的介绍7 2.1 Visual C++介绍7 2.2 VFW的基本介绍9 2.3 VFW的结构组成10 2.4 AVIcap窗口类的基本功能11 2.5 AVIcap显示视频的两种模式11 2.6 AVIcap窗口类中常用的结构12 2.7 AVIcap中的回调机制12 2.8 视频捕获基本结构流程13 3 编解码技术17 3.1 静态图像压缩技术JPEG17 3.1.1 JPEG的具体的目标18 3.1.2 JPEG2000的原理19 3.2 活动图象压缩技术MPEG—420 3.3 Iccompress函数22 3.3.1 图象数据压缩(Image-Data Compression)22 3.3.2 压缩格式选择22 3.3.3 压缩初始化23 3.3.4 数据压缩23 3.3.5 结束压缩23 4 Winsock编程24 4.1 Winsock的介绍24 4.2 Winsock的套接口类型25 4.2.1 流式套接口26 4.2.2 数字包套接口27 4.3 应用程序与Winsock的关系28 4.4 Winsock中各种系统调用说明28 4.5 如何使函数工作在非阻塞模式31 4.6 传输过程中的失真问题32 5 视频的播放35 5.1 WMF SDK简介35 5.2 WMF SDK体系结构35 5.2.1 生成器结构35 5.2.2 读取器结构35 5.3 WMF SDK编程开发环境配置36 5.4 媒体播放器的设计36 总结37 致谢38 参考文献39 摘 要 随着信息技术的不断发展,人们将计算机技术引入视频采集、制作领域,传统的视频领域正面临着模拟化向数字化的变革,过去需要用大量的人力和昂贵的设备去处理视频图像,如今已经发展到在家用计算机上就能够处理。多媒体通信技术的发展为信息的获取和传输提供了丰富的手段,视频数据是其中不可缺少的重要组成部分,而视频数据的获取离不开视频采集系统。 Video for Windows库函数(VFw)是Windows环境下的视频开发工具,可以以纯软件的方式对实时视频信号的捕获和压缩与解压提供一种“黑箱”处理手段,大大方便了多媒体工程技术人员的编程开发工作。VFW视频捕捉系统,用VC开发的程序,让你可以试一下VFW视频捕捉。灵活地运用VFw所提供的函数、宏、结构、回调函数以及编解码技术将图像数字信号进行压缩处理通过网络传输发送出去,能实现实时视频传输的需要。 关键词: VFw,视频采集,压缩,编解码,网络传输 Abstract As information technology continues to develop, they will be bring the computer technology into the video acquisition and production areas, the traditional areas are faced with a video simulation of the digital revolution, in the past, there are needs a lot of manpower and expensive equipment to handle the video images, and now developing a home computer can handle these staff. The development of multimedia communications technology for transmission of information access and provide a wealth of tools, video data is an important and indispensable part, and getting access to video data can not be separated from the video acquisition system. Video for Windows library (VFW) is the video under Windows development tools, software-only approach to the real-time video capture and signal compression and decompression to provide a "black box" means to deal with greatly facilitate the multi-media engineering and technical personnel for - Development work. VFW video capture systems, development of the VC process, so you can try something VFW video capture. Flexibility in the use VFW provided by the function, Acer, structure, function and callback codec technology to digital image compression signal sent through the network transmission, to achieve real-time video transmission needs. Keywords :VFW, Video Collection, Compression, Codec, Transmission Network

  • 某工厂6kV变电所电气系统设计_电气工程论文范文

    电气工程论文 目录 摘 要II AbstractIII 1 绪 论3 2 参考资料及其分析4 2.1 原始资料4 2.1.1 厂区平面布置图4 2.1.2 负荷资料4 2.1.3 供电协议5 2.1.4 供电系统技术数据5 2.1.5 本厂负荷性质5 2.1.6 本厂自然条件5 2.2 设计范围、内容及其步骤5 3 全厂负荷统计6 3.1 负荷计算6 3.2 无功功率补偿7 4 变压器选择8 4.1 对于各车间变压器的选择8 4.1.1 NO.1车间变压器选择8 4.1.2 NO.2车间变压器选择9 4.1.3 NO.3车间变压器选择10 4.1.4 NO.4车间变压器选择11 4.1.5 化工厂变压器选择12 4.1.6 各车间变压器选择总结13 4.2 对于各车间补偿前后比较13 5 拟定全厂配电系统草图15 5.1 设计二种电气主接线并作经济技术比较15 5.2 拟定全厂供电系统图16 6 短路电流计算17 6.1 计算短路电流的目的17 6.1.1 短路的原因及危害17 6.2 短路电流的计算方法17 6.2.1 计算方法17 6.2.2 在最大运行方式下17 6.2.3在最小运行方式下19 6.2.4 短路电流计算结果21 7 高、低压设备选择22 7.1 高压设备选择的原则22 7.1.1 高压开关柜的选择原则22 7.1.2 短路校验的原则22 7.2各部分高压开关柜的型号选择22 7.2.1 6kV出线柜的选择22 7.2.2 车间变电所出线开关柜的选择23 7.2.3 试验变压器开关柜的选择23 7.2.4 避雷装置开关柜的选择23 7.3 变电所一次设备的选择与校验24 7.3.1 6kV侧一次设备的选择与校验24 7.3.2 380V侧一次设备的选择与校验24 8 高、低压线路选择26 8.1 线路选择与校验的项目及条件26 8.2 高低压母线选择26 8.3 6kV高压出线线路的选择与校验26 8.3.1 选择校验的方法26 8.3.2按发热条件选择6kV高压出线26 8.4 各车间用电设备导线选择27 8.4.1 各变电所设备所用导线选择27 9 继电保护设置29 9.1 系统继电保护及自动装置29 9.2 对各车间变压器的继电保护装置的设置29 9.2.1 380V出线各支路的保护29 9.2.2 相间短路保护30 9.2.3 各车间继电保护设置31 10 绘制总变电所供电系统全图32 11 总 结33 致 谢34 参考文献35 摘 要 本次毕业设计主要任务是为某工厂6kV变电所电气系统设计。设计内容包括:选择总降压变电所位置;全厂负荷统计后对变压器台数、容量和运行形式做出选择,还要合理地选择高低压设备;再是二次回路的设计及校验;最后完成总变电所供电系统电气图纸的绘制,形成设计计算说明书。本次毕业设计将设计出一整套具有安全,可靠,优质,经济的降压变电所供电系统,保证工厂的正常工业生产,提高产品质量,提高劳动生产率。同时本次设计可以成为以后同类工厂变电所电气系统设计的样本,并为同类工厂变电所电气系统的设计技术改造提供参考,推进供电系统设计的发展。 关键词 变电所;电气系统设计;电气设备选择;二次回路;继电保护;供电系统 Abstract The main task of this graduation project is a factory 6KV electrical substation design. Design includes: step-down substation location selection overall; the whole plant after load of the number of transformers, capacity and run the form to make a choice, but also a reasonable selection of high-voltage equipment; longer secondary circuit design and verification; finalize the total electrical power system substation drawing drawing, design and calculation of the formation of the instructions. The Graduation Project will design a set of safe, reliable, high quality, economical power supply step-down substations to ensure the plant's normal industrial production, improve product quality, improve labor productivity. This design can also become part of the electrical substation design similar plant samples, and similar plant transformation substation electrical system design for reference, to promote the development of power system design. Key words substation;Electrical Equipment;Electrical system design;Power system Relay protection;Secondary Circuit of Choice

  • 消毒柜控制器的研制_电气工程论文范文_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 摘 要 本文主要通过对C51及硬件保护电路的开发和研究,实现对消毒柜的控制,具有时间控制、温度控制、循环工作控制等功能。 消毒柜控制器的核心就是对磁控管进行控制。因受磁控管工作时间的限制,及针对消毒柜能够不间断的长时间使用,需对所有的磁控管进行分组循环控制。此外,温度的测量和反馈是该系统的重要组成部分之一,采用红外测温技术对其消毒物体的表面温度进行非接触测量,以达到消毒的控制。在整个控器中,其显示部分是必不可少的,通过面板显示的内容可以直接反应磁控管的工作情况、被消毒物体表面温度的情况、消毒时间等内容。对于整个设备而言,安全是必不可少的因素,在整个控制系统中设计了过欠压保护系统,过电流保护系统,过温保护系统等一系列的保护措施,能够保证在整个机器的运转过程中使其处在安全的范围内工作。 关键词:控制;测温;保护;散热 目 录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………...……... I 1 前言……………………………………………………………………………………………..1 2 总体设计方案…………………………………………………………………….…………. .3 2.1 消毒柜的总工作过程……………………………………………….……….…………..3 2.2 系统硬件结构……………………………………………………………….……...........4 2.3 系统体软件流程……………………………………………………………..……….….4 3 基本控制模块……………….…………………………………………………..….……..7 3.1 显示模块………………………………………………………………………..……….7 3.1.1 显示部分………………………………………………………………..……….7 3.1.2 驱动部分……………………………………………………………..………….8 3.2 按键控制模块………………………………………………………………..…………8 3.3 电流测量模块……………………………………………….……………….…………9 3.3.1 电流测量模块………………………………………………………….………..9 3.3.2 译码模块………………………………………………………….……….……10 3.4 温度控制模块………………………………………………………………….………11 3.4.1测温仪………………………………………………………………….……………………11 3.4.2测温电路……………………………………………………………………….……………12 3.5 工作控制模块…………………………………………………………………….…………15 4 安全控制模块…………………………………………………………………….………..16 4.1 微波腔内物体检测模块…………………………………………….…………………16 4.2 翻盖闭合检测模块…………………………………………………….………………17 4.3 磁控管温度检测模块………………………………………………….…...………….18 4.4 过欠压检测模块……………………………………………………………………….18 4.5 过电流检测模块……………………………………………………………………….20 4.6 温度检测模块………………………………………………………………………….20 4.7 散热处理………………………………………...……………………………………..20 5 软件设计…………………………………………………………………...………. . .……22 5.1 主程序…………………………………………………………………………………22 5.2 系统设置程序……………………………………………..……………….….………22 5.3 系统循环程序………………………………………………..……………….………24 5.4 译码程序………………………………………………………………………………26 6 系统的调试………………………………………………………………………………...29 6.1 各模块调试……………………………………………………………………………29 6.2 组机调试………………………………………………………………………………29 6.3 安全检查………………………………………………………………………………29 7 总结………………………………………………………………………………………….30 致谢……………………………………………………………………………………….……...31 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………….32 附录1……………………………………………………………………………………………..33 附录2……………………………………………………………………………………………..38 附录3……………………………………………………………………………………………..44 Abstract In this paper, through the protection circuit C51 and hardware development and research, to achieve control disinfection cabinet, has time control, temperature control, circulation control and other functions work. Disinfection cabinet controller core is controlled magnetron. Magnetron work due to time constraints, and for the disinfection of uninterrupted time to counter the use of the magnetron to be conducted for cycle control. In addition, temperature measurement and feedback of the system is an important part of one, the use of infrared temperature measurement technology to its disinfection of objects non-contact surface temperature measurement, in order to achieve the control of disinfection. In the controller, the display part is essential, through the display panel can be a direct response to the work of the magnetron, the surface temperature of disinfection, the disinfection of the contents of the time. For the whole equipment,security is an indispensable factor in the design of the control system over voltage protection, over-current protection system, over-temperature protection systems, such as a series of protective measures to ensure that the entire machine functioning in work within security. Keywords:Control; temperature; protection; cooling

  • 嵊泗港湾新城小区10kV供配电系统设计_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 摘 要 按照嵊泗港湾新城小区的相关技术资料,设计其供配电系统。通过相关的设计,对民用供配电技术有了更加深入的了解。主要的内容是设计由两幢十一层楼和七幢六层楼组成的住宅小区10kV供配电系统,主要包括供配电系统设计、建筑照明设计、插座布置、防雷与接地。具体要求是负荷分级及供电要求、负荷计算和变电所设计、电气设备选择及线路敷设,照明插座设计,防雷及接地系统设计。结果表明该供配电方案可行。由于生活水平的提高,使得生活用电量越来越高,人们对于电能的需求提出了更高的要求。设计成果在促进电力事业的较快发展具有重要意义。严格按照国家相关标准、规范和行业标准进行设计,设计内容能够充分体现出行业的严密性和建筑设计中电气专业的特色。 关键词:住宅小区供配电、民用供配电系统、10kV供配电系统、供配电系统设计 目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………….……………. . .…………….….....I 1 前言………………………………………………………………………………………….………..1 1.1 民用住宅供配电技术的现状与展望…………………….………………………….…………1 1.2 本文所做的主要工作…………………………………….………………….…………………1 1.3 本次设计所依据的设计规范………………………….……………………………….………2 2 原始资料与设计总体规划……………………………………………….…………. . .…………3 2.1 设计对象原始资料………………………………………………………….………….………3 2.2 设计总体规划…………………………………………………………….…………….………3 3 嵊泗港湾新城小区电力负荷计算………………………………………………….. .…………6 3.1 负荷计算方法……………………………………………………………….………….………6 3.2 本小区负荷资料………………………………………………….…………………….………6 3.3 电力负荷的计算及无功补偿…………………………………………….…………….………8 4 变压器选择和主接线方案………………………………..………………..……………………15 4.1 变压器台数的选择…………………………………………………...……………….………15 4.2 变电所出线方案及变压器容量…………………………………...………………….………16 4.3系统主接线方案设计………………………………………………………………….………17 5 短路计算和继电保护……………………………………….…………………………………....18 5.1 短路电流计算的目的………………………………………………………………….……...18 5.2 短路电流计算过程…………………………………………………………………….……...18 5.3 继电保护……………………………………………………………………………….……...21 6 嵊泗港湾新城小区电气设备的选择………………………………………………………….23 6.1 成套开关柜的意义……………………………………………………………………….…...23 6.2 10kV侧进线电气设备和开关柜设备的选择…………………….…………………………..23 6.3 配电柜的选型………………………………………………………………………. ……......24 7 接地及防雷系统设计…………………………………………………………………………….25 7.1 接地与防雷系统设计思路………………………………………………...……………….…25 7.2 嵊泗港湾新城小区防雷与接地方案………………………………………………………....26 8 结论……………………………………..………………………………………..………………….28 致谢…………………………………………………………………………...............………………...39 参考文献………………………………………………………………………...…...………………...30 Abstract Based on the related technical data of the New City Community in Sheng Si harbor, the electric power supply system was designed. Through the relevant design, the technology of civilian power supply system has been understood more deep. The main content was to design a 10kV electric power supply system of the residential district which consisted of a two 11-story buildings and seven 7-story buildings, and it mainly included the design of electric power supply systems, architectural lighting design, layout, lightning protection and ground. The specific requirements were load rating, power requirements, loads and power distribution equipment selection and laying of cable, design of lighting socket, lightning protection and grounding system. The results indicated that scheme of power supply system was viable. As improved of the living standards, the power consumption were more and more large, so the demand of electrical energy is put forward in higher requirement. The result of design is very important to promote the faster development of the power industry. According the relevant standards, specifications and industry standards, the content of design fully reflected the tightness of the industry and the professional of electrical characteristics in architectural design. Keywords: power supply of residential district, civilian power supply system, 10kV power supply system, design of power supply system

  • 基于工控组态软件的恒温恒湿系统开发_电气工程论文

    电气工程论文 目 录 摘 要II AbstractIII 1 前 言1 1.1 引言1 1.2 温控系统的现状1 1.3 组态软件的起源、现状和发展趋势2 1.4 论文主要的研究内容4 2 组态软件基础5 2.1 组态软件拟解决的问题5 2.2 组态软件的构成5 2.4 国内外主要组态软件的介绍8 2.5 Controx的系统结构10 2.6 Controx的系统特点11 2.7 本章小结12 3 总体方案设计13 3.1 系统的总体结构13 3.2 系统控制过程14 3.3 上位机监控原理15 3.4 本章小结15 4 基于工控组态软件的恒温恒湿系统开发16 4.1 软件设计流程16 4.2 组态过程17 4.3 恒温恒湿系统开发17 4.3.1节点管理17 4.3.2标签18 4.3.3动画链接19 4.3.4编写事件脚本20 4.3.5趋势曲线21 4.4 本章小结24 5 总 结25 致 谢26 参考文献27 附录28 摘 要 恒温恒湿系统在众多领域有广泛的应用,比如电力系统、温室大棚、程控交换机房、医院、实验室、博物馆、档案馆和制药、电子、食品、电池等行业的生产厂房以及军事装备和武器弹药等特殊物资的储存库都需要恒温恒湿控制系统。组态软件是近年来在工业自动化领域兴起的一种新型的软件开发技术, 它具有二次开发简便、开发周期短、通用性强、可靠性高等优点。 本文设计的恒温恒湿系统是基于工控组态软件开发的,利用组态软件包中的工具,通过硬件组态(硬件配置)、数据组态、图形图像组态等工作即可完成所需应用软件的开发工作,实现实时监测温湿数据,自动测量、控制、记录温湿度数据,还有报警功能。近几年来,工控组态软件普遍应用于众多的工业自动化控制领域。 关键词:工控组态软件,恒温恒湿系统,自动化控制 Abstract Constant temperature and humidity system have a wide range of applications in many fields , such as power systems, greenhouses, PBX rooms, hospitals, laboratories, museums, archives and pharmaceuticals, electronics, food, batteries and other industries as well as military equipment and production plantweapons and ammunition, and other special materials store needs constant temperature and humidity control system.Configuration software is a new type of software development technology in industrial automation in recent years, it has a secondary development of simple, short development cycle, versatility and high reliability. This system is designed for constant Temperature and Humidity control configuration based software development, using the configuration tool package by the hardware configuration (hardware configuration), data configuration, graphics and video to complete the required configuration, monitoring of temperature and humidity data all the time, automatic measurement, control and record temperature and humidity data, and alarm. In recent years, control configuration software commonly used in many industrial automation and control. Keywords:constant Temperature and Humidity system,Configuration Software,Automation