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Many poor people could not afford the expensive medical insurance. However, when the poor is sick or has medical emergence in China, they would suffer from the expensive medical bills. Should the government offer more subsidiary medical insurances to the poor in the future than now to help these people receive affordable medical care? Let's discuss the pros (advantages) and cons (disadvanages) of subsidiary medical insurance below.


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叶慧捷 发表于27楼  查看完整内容

I think the goverment should offer more subsidiary medical insurances to the poor peole.Weight the advantages and disadvantages.The advantages have more influence than disadvantages.The advantages are that it can improve the goverment's image in most of people.it's not only can solve some society problems and guarantee the labor to promote the economic development.but also mske for society equity.
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xrym 发表于 2012-9-9 01:58:55 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
First of all, medical bills in China are much more reasonable than those in us. I once injured my finger in us and was sent to emergence room. The nurse took a look at it and think it was not serious. And he even did not try to stop the bleeding. I waited more than 5 hours before I was accepted inside and finally got 9 stitches. My medical bill was something like $4,500 and I have to pay over 700 out of my own pocket.

Second, it is the government's responsibility to offer basic medical care for everybody. There will always be some poor who could not afford anything. Tax revenue should cover most of the expense of those medical bills.

Med-care for everybody can make it possible that everyone has access to medical treatment when they needed. It is basic human right and the government should treat people equally with dignity. I think we are doing a fine job even in rural area of China. The government is trying very hard to develop a medical system which can cover every village. The disadvantage of med-care is that it will put more tax on most people.

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reduce_fat 发表于 2012-9-9 10:48:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


xrym 发表于 2012-9-9 01:58
First of all, medical bills in China are much more reasonable than those in us. I once injured my fi ...
Are you kidding me? If you injured your finger, you should go to Wal-mart and ask for a Pharmacist to take a look on your wound. If it's not a serious problem, then you can get medicine from Wal-mart to treat your finger. Otherwise, make an appointment with a doctor in a public hospital to cure your finger.
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小魚 发表于 2012-9-9 21:30:43 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
It is difficult to me.My point is if government raise the medical insurance now maybe aggravate goverment burden,because our nation enconomy is not well.If don't care about it, there will have more and more poor people who can not afford to expensive medical insurance.Maybe the country can reduce the medical price.
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390814002 在职认证  发表于 2012-9-10 08:49:10 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
From the aspect to improve the whole nationals health level, it's important to offer as much insurance as possible to the groups who needs it.
But we need also to conceive the fact that,the resources and technology of medical are limited.We cannot cure every member of our sociaty.There must be someone doomed not receiving necessary medical care when he is needed.But I also hold the idea wealth is not the criterion to distinguish which group could survive.But the fact we need also accept is we cannot offer infinite funds to a paticular group.
But we do hope when the condition is permitted, the goal to improve the medi-care is prioritized.
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mu_lianzheng + 100 + 100 + 1 + 1 + 1 Good
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warking 发表于 2012-9-10 09:08:47 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


褚玉静 发表于 2012-9-10 09:37:50 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
if goverment offer more subsidiary medical insurances to the poor ,the burden of goverment will be very high.that is to say,the goverment should offer the subsidiary medical insurance based on the own  ability.
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suoyuanyuan 发表于 2012-9-10 10:09:23 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
No matter to the government or our people ,the basis is always being the development of our economic, and now minor enterprises are in trouble, stock market plummeted to the situation as ten years ago, don't you believe our government have the ability to manage those problem at once? That's pretty good to be able to do one thing well now!
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humengke 学生认证  发表于 2012-9-10 10:27:05 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
It depends on whether our government has the ability to do that. There is no doubt that  the more medical insurances,the better! However,China is a developing country,the level of ecomomic  remains to be improved. So we can't c reach a satisfactory result at present. It's acceptable.
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灰蓝色的阳光 在职认证  发表于 2012-9-10 10:54:51 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
i pay ¥100 for my medical insurance in my college. and i can enjoy a 70% discount when i go to the hospital. of course most of the time i don't have to go to the doctor's since i am strong enough to handle the illness. but i still consider it a good ideal for the government to compel everyone to join in the medical insurance.
my english is quite poor, but i'd like to have a try. thanks.
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