姜博士的研究工作主要是探索会计信息的产生过程及其在资本市场上的应用,即如何利用会计信息加强资本市场的有效资源分配功能。在更广的视野上,他也分析投资者保护、公司治理与证券市场监管问题。姜博士的研究成果发表在 Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Accounting Studies、Journal of the American Statistical Association、Journal of Banking and Finance、Journal of Business and Economic Statistics、Journal of Business Ethics、《经济研究》《管理世界》《金融研究》《会计研究》《中国会计评论》等国内外学术杂志上。他的评论文章出现在《中国证券报》《上海证券报》《新财经》《网易财经》等报刊上,并多次就证券市场问题接受《中国证券报》《上海证券报》《文汇报》及中央电视台、新华社、中央人民广播电台、北京电视台、财经电视等新闻机构记者采访。
姜博士曾获得北京大学光华管理学院教学奖(MBA项目),和北京银行奖教金。姜博士多次就“财务报表分析、行为金融学与证券投资”、“企业财务汇报策略”、“上市公司财务报表中的赢余操纵分析”、“证券市场监管与经济发展”、“解读金融危机”、“量化投资策略”、和Financial Market and Financing in China等资本市场问题在全国各地公开演讲。
Guohong Chu, Xingqiang Du, and Guohua Jiang, 2011, "Buy, lie, or die: an investigation of Chinese ST firms' voluntary interim audit motive and auditor independence", Journal of Business Ethics 102(1): 135-153
Jigao Zhu and Guohua Jiang, 2009, "Trade credits, future earnings and stock returns: a self-dealing perspective", China Journal of Accounting Research 2: 59-80
Guohua Jiang, Charles M.C. Lee, and HengYue, 2010, “Tunneling through Inter-corporate Loans: The China Experience”, Journal of Financial Economics 98: 1-20 (lead article)
Baik, Bok, and Guohua Jiang, 2006, “The Use of Management Forecasts to Dampen Analysts’ Expectations”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 25: 531-555
Jiang, Qian, Hansheng Wang, Yingcun Xia, and Guohua Jiang, 2012, "On a Principal Varying Coefficient Model", Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA), forthcoming
Wang, Hansheng, Guodong Li, and Guohua Jiang, 2007, “Robust Regression Shrinkage and Consistent Variable Selection via the LAD-Lasso”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 25: 347-355