CHN强国网 10-01 14:26
A "poisonous combination" of low economic growthand high debt could catapult the world into its next crisis, led by China andthe "fragile eight" countries, warned a report by senior economists onMonday.
This year's Geneva Report, whose authors include ex-FederalReserve economist Vincent Reinhart, said global debt levels were still rising,particularly in developing countries.
今年的《日内瓦报告》(其作者包括美联储前经济学家Vincent Reinhart)称,全球债务水平仍在上升中,特别是发展中国家。
"Contrary towidely held beliefs, the world has not yet begun to delever and the globaldebt-to-GDP is still growing, breaking new highs. At the same time, in apoisonous combination, world growth and inflation are also lower thanpreviously expected," Reinhart and colleagues wrote in the 16th annualGeneva Report.
The authors said the ratio of global debt to GDP was"increasing at an unabated pace and breaking new highs". Theycalculated that world debt levels stood at 212 percent of the global economy,excluding the financial sector, in 2013-up 38 percent points since 2008.
The Geneva Report noted that debt accumulation was led bydeveloped economies until 2008, but has latterly been propelled by developingeconomies.