本次课程是上海财经大学城市与区域科学学院/财经研究所为本院研究生开设的暑期国际课程,原文地址https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz ... e0KsT8bFeZroKVId#rd。请有旁听需要的亲们速速报名吧!
曾道智教授现为日本东北大学信息科学研究科教授、博士生导师。1996年在日本京都大学取得工学博士后转入经济学领域,从事空间经济学的研究,其成果涉及城市经济学、区域经济学、国际贸易、环境经济学、实验经济学等多个学科,有40多篇论文发表在这些专业的知名SSCI学术期刊上。他曾获得日本应用区域学会的坂下奖,电子情报通信学会的论文奖,美国 Western Regional Science Association的论文奖。现在担任学术期刊Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Papers in Regional Science, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications的编辑委员。他还是日本应用区域学会、中国区域科学学会的理事,历任浙江大学和中国科学院大学的客座教授。更多情况详见曾道智教授的个人主页:[url=]http://www.se.is.tohoku.ac.jp/~zeng/[/url]
Given the unevenness in the spatial distribution of natural resources, climate differences, proximity to coasts and rivers, we observe a lot of agglomerations of economic activities in the world.Spatial economics brings location, distance, and land into economics to explain where economic activities locate. It has become one of the main economic fields that can be used to understand how the new map of economic activities is being redrawn.
Spatial economics is a discipline covering at least international trade and regional economics, which differ in labor mobility. International trade mainly considers the production and consumption flows when labor is immobile while reginal economics focuses on industrial location when labor is mobile across regions. Trade theory will be the first half of our course, followed by regional economics.
Let me emphasize two important features of this class. First, unlike traditional trade theory, spatial economics has more concerns in finite trade costs. While the theory of comparative advantage is based on the comparison between free trade and autarky, spatial economics discloses the economic activities in the wholeprocess of falling trade costs. Thus, spatial economics is considered to have a wide range of applications related to trade integration in the globalizing world (I will give some application examples in the lectures). Second, we learn new trade theory, which takes increasing returns as a cause of trade. This is accompanied with monopolistic competition. We also learn new economic geography, in which labor mobility interacts with increasing returns.
In addition to the production factor of labor,this class puts more weight on another factor---mobile capital. We will see that recent researches based on the footloose capital models lead to deeper and more intuitive insights on economic activities than the previous one-factor literature.
Finally,since we are going to “research frontiers” of spatial economics, this class has no textbooks. The basic frameworks are included in two important books (Fujitaand Thisse, 2013; Fujita, Krugman and Venables, 1999), which are listed in the references. Other materials are chosen from many top scientific journals.
■Objectives and outline |
Spatial economics clarifies regional industrial agglomeration and international trade by incorporating spatial factors into traditional economics. This lecture mainly focuses on New Economic Geography and New Trade Theory, which exhibit a remarkable development in recent years. Specifically, we introduce both the basic frameworks and the research frontier of new trade theory in international economics and core-periphery models of regional economics, and then show their applications. To understand this course, you are expected to have some basic knowledge of microeconomics. |
■Class plan |
We focus on the following issues on five weekdays from June 29 to July 5, 2016. 1a. Background of Spatial Economics 1b. Dixit-Stiglitz model 2a. Krugman-type one-factor models 2b. Footloose capital models 3a. Melitz model 3b. Core-Periphery model 4a. Quasi-linear utility and pro-competitive effect 4b. Re-dispersion 5a. Welfare measurement 5b. VES utility / Applications |
■Evaluation |
Students are evaluated on the level of class participation (30%), assignments (30%) and the final report (40%). |
■References |
Fujita, M. and Thisse, J.-F., Economics of Agglomeration, (2nd Edition), Cambridge University Press, 2013 Fujita, M., Krugman P and Venables A., The Spatial Economy, MIT Press, 1999.
A lot of papers in American Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Regional Science, etc. |
4、附件:上海财经大学城市与区域科学学院/财经研究所暑期课程《Research Frontiers of SpatialEconomics》旁听报名表(请点击链接下载旁听报名表: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1miaqwm0)。