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Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering《生物科学工程》期刊导读

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering生物科学工程》期刊导读
ISSN: 1937-6871 (Print) 1937-688X (Online).
《生物科学工程》JBiSE免费下载网址: http://www.scirp.org/journal/jbise.
Table of Contents(Vol.04 No.05, May 2011):
(select part

Comparison of ICA and WT with S-transform based method for removal of ocular artifact from EEG signals
Kedarnath Senapati, Aurobinda Routray

Enhanced stability of nano-emulsified paclitaxel
Ju Young Lee, Da Yeon Kim, Gyeong Hae Kim, Kkot Nim Kang et al.

Mechanical loading of adipose derived stromal cells causes cell alignment
David A Gonzales, Alice S Ferng, Chris P Geffre, Jamie L Borg et al.

A doublet mechanics model for the ultrasound characterization of malignant tissues
Francesco Gentile, Jason Sakamoto, Raffaella Righetti, Paolo Decuzzi et al.

Influence of different CoCrMo counterfaces on wear in UHMWPE for artificial joints
Victor González-Mora, Michael Hoffmann, Rien Stroosnijder, Eduardo Espinar et al.

In vitro degradation behavior of chitosan based hybrid microparticles
A. Champa Jayasuriya, Kristalyn J. Mauch

Computational evaluation of the dynamic minimal model for the root causes of hypoglycemia
Murat Tunç, Sedat Şişbot, A. Kaya Gülkaya

The effects of different sterilization methods on silk fibroin
Yahong Zhao, Xiaoli Yan, Fei Ding, Yumin Yang et al.

JBiSE是一本由科研出版社出版的关于生物科学工程领域最新进展的国际期刊。科研出版社(Scientific Research Publishing)作为开放读取(Open Access)的先行者、世界最大的开源期刊之一,目前已有180多种期刊及配套的电子版本,内容涵盖自然科学、农业科学、医药科学、工程与技术科学、社会科学等领域。多个期刊已被CASEBSCOCAB AbstractsProQuest IndexCopernicusLibrary of CongressGale CSP等数据库全文或摘要收录。
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