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发布时间:2014-05-27 来源:人大经济论坛
电子信息工程毕业论文范文 目录 摘要I ABSTRACTII 第一章 课题与开发工具介绍1 1.1 课题综述1 1.1.1 单片机及可编程逻辑器件概述1 1.1.2 课题意义及设计方法1 1.2 软件工具3 1.2.1 MAXPLUS II3 1.2.2 Verilog HDL硬件描述语言4 1.2.3 CPLDDN下载软件6 1.3 硬件工具7 1.3.1 KHF-4型CPLD实验/开发系统简介8 1.3.2 TOP851V5编程器10 第二章 单片机的系统设计12 2.1 AT89S51单片机基本介绍12 2.2 AT89S51上实现数字钟计时设计14 2.2.1 实现数字钟计时的基本方法14 2.2.2 程序流程15 2.3 数字钟计时程序设计(c51)16 第三章 CPLD的系统设计21 3.1 CPLD的介绍21 3.2 Verilog HDL语言程序设计23 第四章 编程下载及调试29 4.1 下载29 4.2 调试30 4.2.1 管脚分配30 4.2.2 系统联调出现的问题和解决方法31 第五章 总结34 第六章 致谢35 参考文献36 摘要 单片微型计算机(单片机)自问世以来,因其小巧灵活、成本低、控制能力强、易于产品化等优势,在社会各领域中得到广泛的应用。随着社会发展,单片机芯片在速度、规模、性能等指标方面面临着新的挑战。与此同时,可编程逻辑器件向着高密度,高速度,低价格方向的发展,特别是VHDL、VerilogHDL等硬件描述语言改革了传统的数字系统的描述方法和设计方法。软件实现硬件化、硬件实现软件化、用户自制大规模和超大规模集成电路等过去被认为是梦想的事情而今都成为了现实。 本课题是利用资源丰富、控制灵活及良好人机对话功能的AT89S51单片机和具有内部结构重组、复杂可编程的CPLD芯片结合起来,实现了数字钟计时功能。采用C语言编写单片机的计时功能并将其数值送给CPLD。VerilogHDL语言完成接受单片机送来的数据并把该数据送LED数码管显示。这样对于单片机而言,LED时钟就完全相当于静态LED,达到了节约单片机的资源、减少了单片机的软件开销。 关键字:复杂可编程器件,VerilogHDL语言,单片机,数字钟 ABSTRACT Microcomputer (SCM) is widely used in the various areas because of its compact flexible, low cost, strong ability to control, easy using for product. Along with social development, the speed, size, performance indicators of SCM is facing new challenges. Meanwhile, the programmable logic device toward high density, high speed, low price of development, particularly the hardware description language such as VHDL, VerilogHDL has brought a reform of the traditional digital system description and design methods. Users made large and ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, etc. over and the dream is that things have now become a reality. The topic is the use of rich resources, control of flexible man-machine dialogue and good function of SCM and minicomputer with internal restructuring. complex programmable chip CPLD is the perfect combination to achieve a digital clock timing. Using the C language function SCM time given its numerical CPLD. Verilog HDL completed accept SCM data sent and the digital data sent LED Display. For the microcontroller, LED clock completely equivalent static LED, SCM achieve the savings achieved savings MCU resources and reduce the SCM software spending. Keywords: CPLD,VerilogHDL language,single-chip microcomputer (SCM),digital clock
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