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发布时间:2015-01-14 来源:人大经济论坛
电子信息工程毕业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 第一章 绪论1 1.1 选题的背景与意义1 1.2 研究内容2 1.3 研究意义3 1.4 本章小结3 第二章 温控系统分析和方案的总体设计4 2.1 系统分析4 2.2 需求分析4 2.3 总体设计4 2.3.1 控制规律选择4 2.3.2 模拟量输出5 2.3.3 温度传感器的选择5 2.3.4 输入输出通道的设计5 2.3.5 单片机选型5 2.3.6 结构尺寸5 2.3.7 编程方式6 2.4 本章小结6 第三章 硬件电路设计7 3.1硬件结构7 3.2 设计与实现7 3.2.1 信号转换及调理电路7 3.2.2 数据采集模块9 3.2.3 数据显示模块9 3.2.4 制控制及驱动电路10 3.2.5 执行机构11 3.3 本章总结12 第四章 软件系统设计13 4.1 主程序设计流程13 4.2 中断服务程序15 4.3 系统软件抗干扰措施15 4.4 基于VB的串行通讯16 4.4.1 VB语言的实现形式16 4.4.2 串行通讯的程序流程图17 4.4.3 Visual Basic可视化界面设计18 4.3 本章小结21 第五章 数字PID控制算法设计22 5.1 数字PID控制原理22 5.2 数字PID控制算法22 5.3 本章小结24 第六章 XMT-7W四位智能数显调节仪及其控制25 6.1 仪表操作说明25 6.2 仪表安装与接线26 6.3 XMT-仪表接线图29 6.4 仪表附带串行通讯输出说明29 6.5 本章小结30 第七章 总结31 参考文献32 致 谢33 摘 要 本文结合温度控制系统项目开发,在查阅大量国内外参考文献的基础上,概述了温度控制在国内外的发展历史以及发展现状。介绍了国内外测控装置的发展动态和发展方向。 设计了以一种PID控制用于工业现场的可编程高精度智能数显控制仪及其软硬件结构实现方法。分析了当前其背景及其发展趋势。对温度控制系统分析方案和总体设计。控制规律选择、模拟量输出、温度传感器的选择、输入输出通道的设计、芯片的选择、结构尺寸和编程。串行通讯接口的工作机制,阐述了VB环境下实现上位机和SCR温度控制系统的串行通讯技术,并给出其关键程序。对控制回路及元器件方案设计,使得系统响应速度加快,超调减小。 还提到了XMT-7W四位智能数显调节仪,其仪表的接线,操作等等。在电器硬件方面行机械上采用简单可靠地构件。介绍了各部分的设计思想、原理电路以及抗干扰方法,并且给出了系统总硬件原理图;另外,在满足系统设计要求的前提下,尽可能选用价格低、功耗低的元器件,达到降低系统成本的目的 关键词:仪器仪表;温度控制;模糊 PID;VB;串行通讯 Abstract In this paper, the temperature control system for project development, both at home and abroad in a large number of references available on the basis of the temperature control provides an overview of the history of the development at home and abroad, as well as the development of the status quo. Monitoring device at home and abroad to introduce the developments and direction of development. Designed in a PID control for industrial field programmable high-precision intelligent digital control hardware and software structure and its methods. Analysis of the current trend of their background and their development. Analysis of the temperature control program and the overall design. Control law selection, analog output temperature sensor selection, design input and output channels, the choice of chips, structure size and programming. The work of a serial communication interface mechanism, the VB environment on the PC under SCR temperature control system and the serial communication technology, and given its critical processes. And components of the control loop design, the system response speed, super-reduced small. Also referred to the XMT-7W four intelligent digital regulator, the instrument wiring, operation and so on. In electrical mechanical hardware using a simple and reliable components. Introduced the various parts of the design idea, the principle of the circuit, as well as anti-interference methods, and gives the overall system hardware schematic; In addition, to meet the requirements of system design, the selection of low prices as much as possible, low power consumption of components, to achieve The purpose of reducing system cost Keywords: Instrumentation; Temperature control; Fuzzy PID; VB; Serial communication
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