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发布时间:2015-01-23 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 第1章 引言1 第2章 系统介绍2 2.1自动装箱系统的原理2 2.2 系统工作步骤3 2.3 该系统具有的优点3 2.3.1处理能力强速度快3 2.3.2人机对话方便4 2.3.3硬件结构简单4 2.4单片微型计算机概述4 2.5单片机的发展趋势5 2.5.1 CPU功能增强5 2.5.2 资源增多5 2.5.3 应用多功能引脚6 2.5.4 范围大6 2.5.5 低功耗和低电压6 2.6单片机的特点和应用6 2.6.1 单片机的特点6 2.6.2 单片机的应用7 第3章 自动装箱系统的硬件设计9 3.1中央处理器(8031)10 3.1.1 CPU结构10 3.1.2 8031存储器结构12 3.1.3 I/O端口13 3.1.4定时器/计数器14 3.1.5 中断系统15 3.1.6 MCS-51单片机引脚功能15 3.2 Intel8255A可编程程序通用并行I/O接口及扩展技术17 3.2.1内部结构和引脚功能17 3.2.2 8255A工作方式及选择20 3.3 外部ROM存储器276421 3.3.1 内部结构21 3.3.2 引脚功能22 3.3.3 擦除特性23 3.3.4 工作方式和编程23 3.4 键盘部分25 3.5 显示部分26 3.6电机控制电路28 3.7 供电电源29 3.7.1 线性电源29 3.7.2 开关电源29 3.7.3 集成固定三端稳压器780530 3.8 其他部分电路31 3.8.1 检测电路31 3.8.2 系统按键电路31 3.8.3 报警电路31 第4章控制系统软件设计33 4.1 程序流程图33 4.2 内存分配35 第5章 结论36 参考文献37 致 谢38 附录39 摘 要 近几年来,单片机的发展很快。单片机的发展为工业生产及社会生活带来了很大的方便。单片机已经在工业过程控制、机床控制等方面得到广泛的应用。 在工业生产中,常需要对产品计数、包装。人工完成麻烦,且效率低,单片机的应用给这类系统的设计带来了方便。单片机体积小、性能高、可靠性高的特点可为这类系统提高效率,且降低成本。 本次设计是以单片机为核心部件的自动装箱系统。通过系统最小化控制实现对产品的自动装箱,及产品数量等方面的要求。该自动控制系统功能齐全、控制灵活、操作简便,具有自动显示、计数、报警等功能。自动控制过程的设计由光电传感器检测到信号信息输送至单片机内部的计数器中,单片机将传送来的信息处理并进行记录,再将计数器内的数据与自动控制系统工作前的设定值进行比较,来判断是否达到了事先所预设好的数量,然后单片机将比较后的结果进行判断处理,看是否需要继续装箱,若达到了规定值,则停止装入,否则继续装箱。同时单片机对箱数也进行了相同的控制过程,这样便达到了装箱自动控制的要求。最后通过电机带动传送带来完成自动装箱任务,从而达到了整个工作的控制要求。 在本次设计中主要对自动装箱系统做了硬件部分和软件部分的设计。在硬件设计过程中,中央处理器采用的是MCS-51系列中的8031单片机,通过锁存器连接外部存储器扩展其存储单元,其外部存储器选用的是2764,并利用I/O接口芯片扩展CPU的并行I/O端口。其I/O接口选用的是8255A。然后绘制出其硬件原理图。该系统的硬件部分包括键盘设计,显示部分,(该部分应用的是LED数码显示管),检测部分,系统监督部分,电源部分等,组成最小化系统,接下来绘制出键盘控制图。通过对此系统的了解,绘制出程序的流程图,然后对其设置内存分配,再对该系统做出程序的编写。 关键词:单片机;最小系统;自动控制系统;键盘显示 Abstract Recently, the development of single chip is rapid. The development of single chip has brought large convenience for industry production and society life. The single chip has been applied on industry course control and machine tool control. At industry production, often need take count of production and casing production. The manpower to complete it will inefficient. The single chip brought convenience for this system. The single chip has trait of high capability, small bulk, high reliability, so it can improve efficiency and reduce cost for this system. This design is automatism of box up which use single. Use minimum system to come true the automatism of box up and the request of production’s amount. That automatic control system function is well-found、controlling vivid、operate simple, have the auto the manifestation and count, report to the police to wait the function. The design of the automatic control process be felt by light fax the signal information that machine examine transports to the single chip microcomputer to count the machine inside internally. The single the information that a machine will deliver handles to combine the proceeding records, will count the data in the machine again and automatic control system work the ex-initial value proceeds the comparison, judge whether come to an in advance prepares to establish the quantity. Then single chip microcomputer will result after comparing the proceeding judges to handle, seeing whether need to be packed continuously, if come to a the provision the value, then stopping packing into, packing otherwise and continuously. At the same time the single chip microcomputer also preceded the control process of the homology to the number. Come to the request that pack the auto control like this and then. Pass finally the electrical engineering arouse the transmission brings to complete the auto packs the mission, coming to the control request of whole work. At this design, devise the hardware and software of automatism of box up is mostly. At the devise of hardware CPU used 8031 of MCS-51 series, via flip-latch to connect exterior memorizer, then to expend memory. It's exterior memorizer chose 2764, and use I/O interface to expand parallel part of CPU. It's I/O interface chose 8255A. Then draw elements of the hardware diagram. The hardware part of this system consist keyboard, display part (this part use LED), detect part and power supply. Put these parts build up minimize system and draw the drawing of keyboard control. Through comprehend this system, draw procedure flow diagram, then intercalate the EMS memory, finally, write procedure. Keywords: single chip microcomputer; automatic control system;the minimum system;keyboard/LED
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