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ÒýÑÔ 1
1 »ù´¡ÖªÊ¶ 3
1. 1 J2ME¸ÅÊö 3
1. 2 J2MEµÄÌåϵ½á¹¹ 4
1. 3 Ïêϸ̸̸J2MEÅäÖòã 6
1.4 ̸̸J2ME¿ò¼Ü²ã 9
2 ´î½¨J2MEµÄ¿ª·¢Æ½Ì¨ 11
2.2 JBuilder MobileSetµÄÌØÕ÷ 13
2.3 ÅäÖÃJDK 14
2.4 MIDPÏîÄ¿ 14
3 ³Ö¾ÃÊý¾ÝºÍ¼Ç¼¹ÜÀíϵͳ 16
3.1 ¼Ç¼¹ÜÀíϵͳRMS 16
3.2 javax.microedition.rms³ÌÐò°ü 17
4 ʱÖÓÈÕÆÚ¹ÜÀí 19
4.1 ´«Í³µÄJ2SEÖÐʱ¼äµÄʵÏÖ 19
4.2 CalendarÀà 20
4.3ÓÃDateFieldÀàÀ´ÊµÏÖ¶Ôʱ¼äÈÕÆڵĵ÷Óà 21
5 J2ME ÖеÄʼþ´¦ÀíºÍÓû§½çÃæÉè¼Æ 22
5.1 ʼþ´¦Àí 22
5.2 Éè¼ÆÓû§½çÃæ 23
6 ÉîÈëÁ˽âMIDlet 25
6.1 MIDlet¼ò½é 25
6.2 MIDletµÄÉúÃüÖÜÆÚ 26
6.3 MIDletÖеķ½·¨ 27
6.4 MIDletÌ×¼þ(suite) 28
7 ÊÖ»úµç»°±¾µÄʵÏÖ 29
8½áÂÛ 32
л ´Ç 33
²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ× 34
¸½ ¼ 35
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±¾ÎĶÔJ2MEºÍËüÔÚÏû·ÑÀàµç×Ó²úÆ·ÒÔ¼°Ç¶ÈëʽÉ豸ÁìÓòÖеķ¢Õ¹¼°Ìåϵ½á¹¹½øÐÐÁËÊʵ±µÄ½éÉÜ£¬½éÉÜÁËËüµÄ¿ò¼Ü²ãºÍÅäÖòã,×ܽá³öÁËMIDPÓ¦ÓóÌÐò¿ª·¢µÄ»ù±¾Á÷³ÌºÍ·½·¨£¬ÉîÈëÌÖÂÛÁËMIDletÕâÖÖËãÊÇMIDPÖлù±¾Ö´Ðе¥ÔªµÄÓ¦ÓóÌÐò,ÒÔ¼°¿ª·¢¹¤¾ßµÄÑ¡Ôñ¼°Æä±È½Ï¡£ÎÒµÄÕâ´Î±ÏÒµÉè¼Æ,Ñ¡ÔñÁËJbuilderXÕâ¸öµäÐ͵ÄJava IDE¹¤¾ß½øÐпª·¢£¬½áºÏJBuilder MobileSet 2.0ËùÌṩµÄÇ¿´óMIDP¿ª·¢¹¦ÄÜ£¬À´½øÐÐÒ»¸öÊÖ»úµç»°±¾µÄ¿ª·¢¡£ÔÚÒƶ¯É豸Éϱ£´æÒ»¸öµç»°±¾,ÐèÒª±£´æµÄÐÅÏ¢ÓÐÁªÏµÈËÐÕÃû¼°Æäµç»°ºÅÂë,¿ÉÒԶԵ绰±¾½øÐÐά»¤,°üÀ¨ÐÂÌíÁªÏµÈË,ɾ³ýÁªÏµÈË,ÐÞ¸ÄÁªÏµÈ˵È,ÒÔ¼°²é¿´µ±Ç°µÄʱÖÓÈÕÀú¡£Í¨¹ýÕâ´Î±ÏÒµÉè¼Æ,Ìá¸ßÁ˶ÔJ2MEµÄÁ˽âºÍÈÏʶ,²¢ÇÒÊìÖªÁËÔÚÒƶ¯É豸ÉÏ´æ´¢Êý¾ÝµÄÓÀ¾Ã´æ´¢»úÖÆ----¼Ç¼¹ÜÀíϵͳ(RMS,Record Management System),Õâ¸ö¼òµ¥µÄÃæÏò¼Ç¼µÄÊý¾Ý¿âÄ£ÐÍ¡£
¹Ø¼ü´Ê£ºJ2ME;CLDC;MIDP; ¼Ç¼¹ÜÀíϵͳ
This paper is for J2ME with it in consumer kind of electronic product as well as the development in embedded equipment field and architecture have carried out proper introduction,and introduct it¡¯s Configuration and profile .Summary has made the basic process of MIDP application program development and method, the option of as well as development tool and its comparison. My this graduated design, have selected the Java IDE tool of this Jbuilder typical case to carry out development, combine JBuilder MobileSet, the 2.0 powerful MIDP development functions that offer carry out a telephone of mobile telephone the development of book.On mobile equipment,to save the PhoneBook, must store the information of the friend name and his phone number,may carry out maintenance for telephone,include , add friends recently, deletes friends, modification friends,and sort friends by name,sort by id, find by name ,find by id, and look over the present clock calendar. Through this graduated design, have make more understanding for J2ME, And have known well , on wireless equipment, save data ,and mechanism permanently-- RMS,Record Management System, The simple database model faces to the record .
Key words: J2ME;CLDC;MIDP; RMS,Record Management System;