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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 1绪论1 1.1网络通信1 1.1.1网络通信原理1 1.1.2网络通信现状及前景2 1.2串口通讯4 1.2.1串口通信原理4 1.2.2串口通信现状及前景5 1.3测试架构6 2设计平台及环境简介7 2.1硬件平台7 2.1.1设计平台7 2.1.2通信平台7 2.2软件平台7 2.2.1嵌入式Linux7 2.3虚拟机简介8 3串口网络通讯原理设计10 3.1简单串口上网的实现原理10 3.2串口上网设备加载和注销形式11 4串口网络通讯具体开发与实现13 4.1字符设备驱动程序13 4.2伪网络驱动设备程序16 4.3用户空间串口通信程序19 总结22 致谢23 参考文献24 摘 要 本设计讨论了简易嵌入式Linux环境下的串口联网问题。 在如今的工业控制领域,嵌入式设备通讯能力的优劣已经成为了一个尤为重要的评判标准,是否能够进行网络通信将是十分重要的。对于由于特殊要求而不能订制一些网络硬件的嵌入式设备来说,我们希望通过最为简单且经济的方式来解决网络问题,由此我们自然希望在尽力不改变设备原有资源的情况下给设备添加网络功能,并且将设备原先的功能所产生的冲突减到最小,选择具有普遍广泛应用的串口来实现串口联网将是十分具有现实意义的。 本设计通过使用虚拟一些联网必备的网络硬件,通过串口来通信的方法来完成联网的实现,具体涉及到伪网络驱动程序和串口通信程序的开发。在不保证可靠通信和吞吐量的前提下,该设计能够实现简单的网络通信,包括Telnet等。 关键字:Linux环境,串口通讯,网络通讯,嵌入式 Design Of Embedded Serial Communication Based On Linux Abstract This design researches serial networking which runs under the simple kernel of Linux. Now in the field of industrial control, the capacity of communications has become a particularly important eva luation criterion in the embedded equipment. For some embedded equipments as a special request which can not be made in some of the embedded network hardware equipments, we hope that through the most simple and economical way to solve network problems. By the time we naturally hope to make every effort not to change the original equipment resources that we can add to the network function under the equipment, and the original equipment functions arising from the conflict could be minimized. It is very realistic significance to select the widespread application serial to achieve serial network link. The design takes the use of virtual networking to pretend some essential network hardware. Through serial communications to approach to the realization of network link, it will be specifically related to the pseudo-network driver and serial communication program development. Without guaranteed throughput and reliable communications on the premise the design can be achieved by simple network communications, including Telnet and so on. Keywords:Linux,serial communication,network,embedded
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