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发布时间:2015-03-15 来源:人大经济论坛
信息管理论文范文 目录 第一章 杭州宏艺文具公司ERP实施案例1 第一节 企业实施ERP背景1 第二节 企业需求分析1 一、信息需求1 二、功能需求1 第三节 企业实施ERP的风险2 一、实施用友ERP软件技术上的风险2 二、实施ERP软件管理层次上的问题5 第二章 ERP及ERP实施风险的概述6 第一节 选题的背景、目标及意义6 第二节 ERP概述6 一、ERP的概念6 二、ERP模块功能模块简介6 三、国内ERP实施现状10 第三章 ERP实施风险产生的原因12 第四章 ERP实施的风险分析14 第一节 开发阶段的风险14 一、软件风险14 二、业务流程重组风险15 三、认识风险15 四、外部风险16 第二节 实施过程的风险16 一、时间进度和成本控制风险17 二、实施队伍的组织和管理风险19 三、技术风险19 第三节 实施后的风险20 一、项目评估风险20 二、ERP系统应用后的管理持续工作风险20 第五章 ERP实施风险的控制22 第一节 ERP实施的整体思路22 第二节 选ERP实施风险的控制方案23 一、软件风险的控制23 二、业务流程重组风险的控制26 三、时间进度和成本控制风险的控制29 四、实施队伍组织风险的控制30 五、技术风险的控制31 六、实施后的风险控制32 第六章 结束语33 参考文献34 致  谢35 摘 要 ERP是企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning)的英文简称,由制造资源计划系统MRPII(Manufactory Resource Planning)扩展而来,是一个面向供应链的全面企业管理信息系统。 随着信息技术的飞速发展,信息化浪潮已经席卷全球,触及人类生活的各个领域,实施ERP成为了信息化建设的重要内容。企业期望通过ERP系统的实施实现企业所在供应链的信息集成,降低产品成本,缩短新产品上市时间,提高客户满意度,提升企业竞争优势,增加企业利润目的。然而,ERP实施是企业的一把双刃剑,做得好能够品尝到信息化提升效率、降低成本的喜悦,如若不好则会吞下ERP实施高风险的苦果,轻者空费财力物力,达不到ERP预期的实施效果,重者破坏了企业的正常经营秩序,严重影响企业的生产经营,从而使企业放弃ERP,以ERP实施彻底失败告终。究其原因,是因为在ERP实施过程中,技术和管理上都存在很大的风险,而目前ERP项目的风险管理又是一个薄弱环节,因此,如何识别和防范ERP实施风险就成为ERP项目管理的重要内容。本文从项目管理的角度对ERP的实施风险进行了分析,对风险产生的原因、风险的类别及内容进行了论述,提出了ERP实施过程中风险防范的措施,并贯穿一个具体的案例来说明ERP风险识别和防范的重要性。 关键词:ERP、实施风险、风险分析、风险控制、ERP系统实施 ABSTRACT ERP is the abbreviation for Enterprise Resource Planning in English. It was expanded from MRPII(Manufactory Resource Planning)and is a comprehensive enterprise management information system which is supply chain-oriented. With rapid development of information technology, informatization has embraced the whole world and has touched every corner of people's life. The ERP implementation becomes the important content of information construction . The ERP systems implementation is expected to reach the expectation of enterprise that they can intergrate the supply chain , reduce product costs, reduce the time of new products to be on the market, increase customer satisfaction, enhance the competitive advantages, and increase enterprise profits. But , ERP implementation of the enterprise is a double-edged sword. It is able to make we taste the joy that informatization increases efficiency and reduces product costs, if not , it would force we to swallow the bitter fruit of high-risk of ERP implementation. If the situation is not serious , we may waste the labor power , physical resources and can’t get the expected effect of ERP implementation. If the situation is serious, we may cause damage to the company's normal operating order , seriously affected the production and operation of enterprises , force enterprises to give up ERP, and end as the complete failure of ERP implementation. The reason is that there lays such considerable risk of technology and management on using the ERP process. And the risk management of ERP project is weak now. So, how to identify risk and keep guard against the risk during the course of ERP system implementation is the main content of ERP project management. The author analyzes risk in view of project management and discusses the reason, classification content of risk. The paper also discussed the methods to get rid of the risks during applying ERP and explain the importance of risk avoidance with a specific case. KEYWORDS:ERP,risk of implementation , analysis of risk ,control of risk , ERP system implementation
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