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发布时间:2015-03-29 来源:人大经济论坛
食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 绪论1 1.1前言1 1.2婴儿配方奶粉的定义3 1.3乳清多肽的功能特性5 实验部分7 2.1婴儿配方奶粉的设计7 2.2婴儿配方奶粉的工艺过程10 2.3婴儿配方奶粉的喷雾干燥12 2.4乳清多肽的替代性实验14 3.结果与讨论15 3.1婴儿配方奶粉配方的设计15 3.2婴儿配方奶粉设计性实验16 3.3乳清多肽的替代性实验18 总结与展望19 4.1实验的总结19 4.2展望20 致谢21 参考文献22 摘 要:婴儿配方奶粉是根据婴儿生长需要,尽可能模拟母乳的营养成分,当母乳不足或匮乏时,专供婴儿的主要食物。乳清蛋白含有α一乳白蛋白、β一乳球蛋白、血清白蛋白、免疫球蛋白等多种蛋白,营养价值较高。但由于乳清蛋白是热敏性蛋白,热变性后在水中溶解性明显下降,使乳清蛋白质的利用范围受到很大的限制。本次实验的任务是将乳清蛋白经生物降解为乳清多肽后用在婴儿配方奶粉中。在实验室配制出简易的婴儿配方奶粉,对其加工工艺进行初步探究。同时熟悉并掌握喷雾干燥的原理及操作方法。并用乳清多肽替代婴儿配方奶粉中的WPC80,在各项指标符合国家标准的前提下,进行初步的配伍,并掌握其加工过程中的工艺参数。经过反复进行实验,最终确定的参数为:称取原料200克,调配的复原乳浓度为10%,进风温度为190℃,排风温度为90℃。替代性实验的基本数据和参数,首先延用了婴儿配方奶粉的设计性实验中所得出的数据,再进行替代实验,发现配方奶粉的出粉质量较好,结焦现象少。 关键词:奶粉;奶粉配方;乳清多肽;工艺参数 Abstract:Infant formula is based on the growth needs of infants, the nutritional content of breast milk as simulation, inadequate or lack the time when the breast, specifically for the baby's main food.Whey protein α-lactalbumin with, β 1 lactoglobulin, serum albumin, immunoglobulin and other proteins, nutritional value. However, whey proteins are heat-sensitive protein, heat denatured soluble in water decreased, so that the use of whey protein range is greatly restricted. The experimental task is to whey protein is whey peptides by biodegradable after use in infant formula milk powder. In the laboratory a simple infant formula, a preliminary exploration of its processing technology. Also familiar with and master the principles and operation of spray drying method.Whey peptides with an alternative infant formula in WPC80, the indicators in line with national standards in the premise of a preliminary compatibility, and master the process of process parameters. Repeated the experiment to optimize the process parameters.After repeated experiments, the final parameters are determined: Weigh 200 grams of raw materials, allocation of reconstituted milk concentration of 10%, the temperature was 190 ℃, exhaust air temperature is 90 ℃. Alternative basic data and parameters of the experiment, the first extension of the infant formula with the design of the data obtained in the experiment, further substitution experiments found that formula milk powder out of good quality and less coking phenomenon. Key words: Milk; Milk formula; whey peptides; process parameters
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