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发布时间:2014-11-16 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 课题背景1 1.2 课题研究的目的及意义1 2 RIP-光栅图像处理器3 2.1 RIP的主要作用3 2.2 RIP的主要技术指标4 2.3 RIP软件的发展趋势5 3 激光照排技术6 3.1 激光照排技术的定义6 3.2 激光照排工艺的流程6 3.3 激光照排机参数设定6 4 菲林输出质量的要求8 4.1 菲林的质量问题及其标准8 4.2 菲林输出准备要点9 4.3 印前输出文档的质量检查10 4.4 菲林输出陷井与输出技巧11 4.5 菲林输出的过程控制17 5 结论与展望22 5.1 结论22 5.2 展望22 致 谢23 参考文献24 摘 要:通过对实际生产中从事菲林质量检工作的调查、分析,发现由于菲林质量问题而耽误生产时间、造成经济损失的还为数不少。虽然菲林质量问题已不是一个新问题,即客户带来输出的文件总是存在“文件中缺少字体、图像分辨率错误,次序出错的页面设置”等问题,但据了解随着工艺的不断改进,质检人员苦于没有最新的、全面的菲林质量相关资料可对照而此工作又责任重大,所以工作中往往是无所适从。本文通过在菲林输出过程中,对输出时照排室环境、照排机参数、冲片机参数的设置情况的控制来达到对菲林输出质量的控制进行研究。 关键词:菲林来源;菲林质量;质检工作 Abstract:By engaging in the actual film production work to investigate the quality of review, analysis, found that as a result of quality problems and delays in film production time, resulting in economic loss is also a large number. Although the film quality is not a new problem, Customers that there is always the output file "file is missing fonts, image resolution error, the order of the Page Setup Error" and other issues,but it is understood as the process of continuous improvement, quality inspection personnel do not have up-to-date and comprehensive information on film quality control and also a heavy responsibility for this work, so work is often at a loss. In this paper, the research of controlling Phototypesetting room environment, Imagesetter parameters, punching machine parameters of the control settings in the output to achieve the quality of the film output。 Keywords: Film sources;film quality;quality of work
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