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Macroeconomics,3e(Manfred gärtner) 中级宏观经济学教材

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛

Macroeconomics 3rd editionbyManfred gärtner


Pearson Education Canada; 3 edition (May 21, 2009)

The third edition of Macroeconomics remains true to its guiding principle, understand and learn macroeconomic

theory through applications of real-world issues and challenges facing the global economy.

What’s new

  • Macroeconomics of the global economic and financial crisis – Recent events are a running theme in the
  • business cycle chapters, featuring several case studies and boxes. Concepts that drifted to the edge of
  • intermediate macroeconomics curriculums in recent years, such as liquidity traps, market psychology, risk
  • premiums and deflation, receive renewed attention.
  • Monetary policy rules – While the text retains its full treatment of money markets, using the LM curve,
  • Chapter 3 Money and Interest rates has been thoroughly re-written to discuss the implications of monetary
  • policy rules, such as the Taylor rule, that many central banks have adopted. The chapter shows how the two
  • approaches relate, offering instructors the option to emphasise one or the other in later chapters.
  • Extended bridge towards graduate macroeconomics The text's concluding chapters offer a bridge
  • towards graduate macroeconomics, with Chapter 16 offering a serious introduction to the New Keynesian and
  • Sticky Information Phillips Curves, and Chapter 17 introducing the real business cycle approach.
  • Glossary and notes on Nobel laureates – A comprehensive glossary of all relevant technical terms has been
  • added to the book, as has a new appendix titled Economics Nobel prize winners and earlier giants,
  • introducing students to the names and work of the greatest minds that have contributed to the concepts and
  • models that form the backbone of this textbook.

Macroeconomics is aimed at courses in intermediate macroeconomics, applied macroeconomics, and on the

European economy

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