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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
167728篇经济学论文,引用次数是指从论文发表到2001年底的被引用次数。该文发表于知名匿名审稿学术杂志Journal of the European Economic Association(欧洲经济学会的旗舰刊物)。

排名 引用次数 杂志 年份 作者1 作者2

1 2638 Econometrica 1980 WHITE, H

(Halbert White (1980), ‘A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity’, Econometrica 48, p. 817-838 关于异方差的经典

2 2521 Econometrica 1979 KAHNEMAN, D TVERSKY, A(Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (1979):‘Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk’. Econometrica, 47, p. 263-91.行为经济学的奠基)

3 2428 Econometrica 1987 ENGLE, RF GRANGER, CWJ(Engle RF, Granger CWJ. 1987. Co-integration and error correction representation, estimation, and testing. Econometrica 55: 251 -- 276. 时间序列的重要论文)

4 2330 Journal-of-Financial-Economics 1976 JENSEN, MC MECKLING, WH(Jensen MC, Meckling WH. 1976. Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure. Journal of Financial Economics 3(4): 305-360.哈佛大学詹森和迈克林的名作,公司财务和公司治理的经典)

5 1830 Econometrica 1979 HECKMAN, JJ(Heckman, JJ (1979) Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error ,
Econometrica, Vol.47, No.1, p.153-161 关于计量经济学中内生性的巧妙处理)

6 1446 Journal-of-the-American-Statistical-Association 1979 DICKEY, DA FULLER,WA(Dickey, D. and Fuller, WA (1979) “Distribution of the estimates for autoregressive time series. with a unit root”, Journal of the American StatisticalAssociation, 74: 427-31.单位根的经典)

7 1373 Journal-of-Economic-Dynamics-and-Control 1988 JOHANSEN, S
8 1361 Econometrica 1978 HAUSMAN, JA
9 1297 Journal-of-the-American-Statistical-Association 1979 CLEVELAND, WS
10 1265 Econometrica 1982 ENGLE, RF(Engle, RF (1982). Autoregressive condi- tional heteroscedasticity with
estimates of the variance of united kingdom inflation. Econometrica, 50(4):987– 1007 ARCH的奠基作)

11 1153 Econometrica 1981 DICKEY, DA FULLER, WA
12 1108 Econometrica 1982 HANSEN, LP(Hansen,LP,(1982 ),"Large Sample P ropertiesofG MME stimators",E
conometrica,50,. 102 9-1054 广义矩的奠基)

13 1046 Journal-of-Political-Economy 1986 ROMER, PM
Romer, PAUL, M "Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth." Journal of Political Economy 94 (1986): S1002-S1037 新增长理论的奠基作

14 986 Journal-of-Monetary-Economics 1988 LUCAS, RE
15 947 Journal-of-Monetary-Economics 1982 NELSON, CR PLOSSER, CI
16 945 Econometrica 1980 SIMS, CA
17 922 Econometrica 1987 NEWEY, WK WEST, KD
18 913 Journal-of-Law-and-Economics 1976 PELTZMAN, SPeltzman, S..Toward a more general theory of regulation[J] .Journal of Law andEconomics, 1976,是管制经济学的大作,在STIGLER的成果的基础上有大的发展

19 887 Oxford-Bulletin-of-Economics-and-Statistics 1990 JOHANSEN, S JUSELIUS, K

20 846 Journal-of-Law-and-Economics 1978 KLEIN,-B. CRAWFORD, RG ALCHIAN, A.
Klein, BR, Crawford, G., and Alchian, AA (1978) “Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Compet-. itive Contracting Process.” Journal of Law andEconomics, 21: 297–326. 是新制度经济学的代表作

1. 计量经济学的方法性文章占了相当份额。
2 .如果说喜欢发表基础理论和计量经济论文的杂志Econometrica上的论文占了10篇不算奇怪的话,American Economic Review没有一篇上榜多少有点异常。

3. 其中一些是诺贝尔奖论文(指对作者获得诺贝尔奖有决定性贡献的论文),如KAHNEMAN AND TVERSKY(1979), HECKMAN(1979 ), ENGLE AND GRANGER(1987 ), ENGLE(1982 关于ARCH)
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