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发布时间:2014-10-25 来源:人大经济论坛
健康体检中健康教育对高血压病人的影响 摘 要 研究背景 高血压病是一个涉及到全球范围的重大公共卫生问题,在我国随着人们生活水平的提高,饮食结构的改变以及社会竞争力的增大,高血压患病率亦逐年增高。体检过程中我们发现大多数高血压病人对高血压疾病知识和危险性认识不足,但同时他们又希望得到这方面的帮助。通过健康教育,可使患者增强自我保健意识,提高自我控制能力。 研究目的 探讨体检过程中健康教育对高血压病人的影响。 研究对象 本研究分两期进行。1、第一期:2008年1月—10月,在我院参加体检对象中筛出符合高血压标准的患者,以自愿入选原则抽取被调查对象200人,其中男性164人,年龄28—60岁;女性46人,年龄32—58岁。诊断依据1999年世界卫生组织/国际高血压联盟(WHO/ISH)的标准。2、第二期:2009年4月—6月,对第一期被教育对象200人进行回访,发放调查问卷,回收126份有效答卷。 研究方法 采取问卷的方式对抽取的体检对象进行调查。调查问卷自行设计。 1、发放给经确认为高血压病自愿入选的患者,在教育前后分别发放内容相同的调查问卷,问卷由患者自行填写,并当场收回。内容包括:高血压病基本知识、危险因素、并发症、预防措施、治疗方法等。 2、2009年4月—6月,对第一期被教育对象200人进行回访,发放调查问卷,回收126份有效答卷,内容包括血压控制情况,治疗依从性,生活习惯改善,自我护理能力等。 研究结果 1、健康教育前后,患者对高血压病相关知识的了解有了明显提高。 2、通过健康教育,患者的血压控制率、治疗依从性和自我护理能力均有明显提高。 结论 在健康体检中,健康教育对提高高血压病的知晓率、血压控制率、治疗依从性和自我护理能力起到了重要作用。 关键词:健康体检;健康教育;高血压病 论文类型:研究报告 The influence of health education in health physical examination with hypertension patients  ABSTRACT Background: Hypertension is a big problem of public health in the world. With the improvement of standard of living,change of food structure and the pressure from social competition,the morbidity of hypertention has increased in China .During the health physical examination, we found many hypertension patients know little about hypertension disease and the fatalness of the disease.But at the same time, they also expect to get some help .Through the health education ,to build up the consciousness of self-health care, to raise the ability of self-control. Objectives: To explore the influence of health education in health physical examination with hypertension patients. Object:This research was carried out in two periods. 1.The first period:from January to October ,2008.We chose 200 person who was diagnosed hypertension in our physical examination, they were chosen on free will.The criterion of diagnoses was according to the standard from WHO/ISH. Among them,male :164 person ,aged from 28-60 ; female: 46 person , aged from 32-58. 2.The second period:from April to October,2009, re-investigate the 200 person who were educated in the first period. Methods: Questionnaire.The questionnaire was designed by ourself. Take different health education measures,and performed survey before and after the instruction. 1. Put out the same questionnaire to the hypertension sufferer who was willing to be chosen before and after the education . The questionnaire was answered and written by themselves,and we took back the answer sheets at once . The content of questionnaire included the ABC of hypertension disease , the risk factor , the syndrome , the prevent measure , the treatment means etc. 2. Put out the questionnaire to the 200 person who were educated in the first period ,we took back 126 effective answer sheets, The content of questionnaire included the control of blood pressure , the compliance of treatment and self-care ability.etc. Results: 1.After the health education ,the hypertension patients know more about the disease. 2. Through the education , the rate of control of blood pressure , the compliance of treatment , the self-care ability were all raised . Conclusion: In health physical examination , health education play a big role in the percentage of awareness ,treatment and control of hypertension ,and in self-care ability. KEY WORDS: health physical examination,health education,hypertension TYPE OF THESIS: Research report 目 录 1 绪论1 1.1 背景和意义1 1.2 目的和目标1 1.3 关键词和定义 ……………………………………………………………………..1 1.4 文献回顾 …………………………………………………………………………..2 2 研究设计5 2.1 研究对象5 2.2研究方法5 2.3研究步骤…………………………………………………………………………….5 2.4 数据分析…………………………………………………………………………....6 3 研究结果7 4 讨论9 5 推论及建议11 致 谢13 参考文献15 附 录17
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