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发布时间:2014-10-29 来源:人大经济论坛
中小企业Email营销研究_市场营销论文范文  目 录 1 引言2 1.1选题的背景2 1.2研究的目的和意义2 2 E-mail营销的相关概念3 2.1 什么是E-mail营销3 2.2我国E-mail营销的现状3 2.3 中小企业开展E-mail营销的基础条件4 3E-mail营销基本原则5 3.1 制定系统的营销方案5 3.2 以诚信为本5 3.3 符合邮件的基本法则5 4 中小企业E-mail营销的优势6 5 中小企业E-mail营销存在的问题6 5.1 E-mail营销的五大禁忌6 5.2中小企业E-mail营销八个不足点8 6 中小企业E-mail营销的策略分析11 结 论14 致 谢15 参 考 文 献16 摘 要 E--mail营销是在用户事先许可的前提下,通过电子邮件的方式向目标用户传递有价值信息的一种网络营销手段。在互联网飞速发展的时代,各中小企业也逐步走进了电子商务时代,纷纷创建了自己的电子商务网站 。在此同时我们首先要充分了解中小企业的Email营销现状,其次着重分析中小企业发展Email的禁忌和黄金法则。由于国内互联网发展起步较晚,各中小企业对于E--mail营销意识还不是很强,E--mail营销没有得到足够且广泛的重视,希望能够在提出中小企业E—mail营销的问题的同时,找到有效的解决之道为中小企业提供优质的服务。然而对于每个中小企业来说,良好的E-mail营销策略才是企业获得利益的熏要保证。 关键词:中小企业 / E—mail营销 /电子邮件 / 营销策略 SME Email Marketing Research ABSTRACT E - mail marketing is the premise of the user's prior consent, by way of an e-mail to pass valuable information to target users of a network marketing tool. The rapid development of the Internet era, the small and medium enterprises have gradually entered the age of electronic commerce, have created their own e-commerce site. In the meantime we must first fully understand the current situation of SMEs in Email marketing, followed by focused analysis of the development of SMEs Email taboos and the Golden Rule. Because the domestic development of the Internet got a late start, the small and medium enterprises for the E - mail marketing, awareness is not yet very strong, E - mail marketing has not been adequate and a wide range of attention, hope to raise SME E-mail marketing problems as well as , to find an effective solution for SMEs to provide quality services. However, for each of SMEs, a good E-mail marketing strategy is the interests of the enterprises to ensure that smoked. Keywords:SME E-mailmarketing, e-mail marketing strategy
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