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发布:arlionn | 分类:Stata软件培训






1.Stata12关联电子手册的方法:英文操作系统stata完美支持中文的方法 ...

1. Stata12 关联电子手册的方法:
2. 英文操作系统 stata完美支持中文的方法
Transferring data to/from Stata

  • How can I convert files among SAS, SPSS and Stata?
  • How can I read Excel files in Stata? (Stata 12)
  • How can I read Stata 12 data files in Stata 11?
  • How do I export Stata .dta files to comma-separated files?
  • How do I export Stata .dta files to a SAS Xport file?
  • How can I load, write, or view a dBASE file, Excel file or Access file using odbc?
  • How can I convert a Stata file to an MLwiN file using Stata program stata2mlwin?
  • How can I convert a Stata file to an Mplus file?
  • Stata to HLM

    • Easiest: How do I convert a Stata file to HLM?
    • Harder: How can I convert a Stata file to an HLM file using HLM Windows interface?
    • Harder: How to separate a Stata single file into multiple data files for analysis in HLM software?
  • How can I input a dataset quickly?
  • How do I read a data file that uses commas/tabs as delimeters?
  • How can I output a formatted ASCII file?
  • How do I load large data sets (> 1GB) under 32-bit Windows? (from Stata FAQs)

Stata Graphical User Interface (for Windows)
  • How do I make windows dock, pin, and float? (shown as a movie)
  • How do I load window settings? (shown as a movie)
  • How do I save window settings? (shown as a movie)
  • How do I set other window preferences? (shown as a movie)
  • How do I change the font (PC version)?

General Use and Data Management
  • How can I anonymize patient IDs and still be able to decode them, if necessary?
  • How can I sort data within rows independently for each observation?
  • How can I create all pairs within groups?
  • How do I copy Stata output and Stata graphs into Word?
  • How can I save the contents of the results window?
  • How can I make the results window hold more results?
  • How do I update my copy of Stata?
  • How do I check that the same data input by two people are consistently entered?
  • How can I list observations in blocks?
  • Can I do by and sort in one command?
  • Why am I losing precision with large whole numbers (such as an ID variable)?
  • How can I quickly recode continuous variables into groups?
  • How do I standardize variables (make them have a mean of 0 and sd of 1)?
  • How can I randomly assign observations to groups in Stata?
  • How can I draw a random sample of my data?
  • How can I read dates with both 2-digit abd 4-digit year?
  • How can I "fill down"/expand observations with respect to dates and then update my dates?
  • How can I count the number of days between two dates?
  • How do I assign the values of one variable as the value labels for another variable?
  • How can I detect duplicate observations?
  • How can I access information stored after I run a command in Stata (returned results)?
  • How can I identify cases used by an estimation command using e(sample)?
  • How can I sample from a datasets with frequency weights?
  • How do I document and search a Stata dataset?
  • How can I create dyad IDs?

  • How can I generate automated filenames in Stata?
  • How can I merge multiple files in Stata?
  • How can I combine a large number of files?


  • Why are R2 and F so large for models without a constant?
  • What is dummy coding?
  • What is effect coding?
  • What are Pseudo R-Squareds?
  • How do I interpret odds ratios in logistic regression?
  • How do I interpret a regression model when some variables are log transformed?
  • How are the likelihood ratio, Wald, and Lagrange multiplier (score) tests different and/or similar?
  • Excel Tips
  • How can I detect/address spatial autocorrelation in my data?

String variables

  • How can I quickly convert many string variables to numeric variables?
  • How can I turn a string variable containing dates into a date variable Stata can recognize?
  • How can I extract a portion of a string variable using regular expressions?

Error messages
  • How can I handle the matsize too small error?
  • How can I handle the No Room to Add Observations error?

Missing values

  • Can I quickly see how many missing values a variable has?
  • How can I see the number of missing values and patterns of missing values in my data file?
  • How can I quickly recode missing values into different categories?
  • How can I use multiply imputed data where original data is not included?

Topics on R2
Test Goodness of Fit (R2)

FAQ: Why are R2 and F so large for models without a constant?

FAQ: What are pseudo R-squareds?

R-square and Standardization in Regression

MLE 相关
Q:MLE 过程中,参数 row 的取值范围是 0-1,而 theta 必须为正,但是如何设置参数的取值范围呢?
A:写程序时,可以设定 theta = ln(theta2),得到 theta2 的估计值后可以求出 theta = exp(theta2)。
同理,可以设定 row = normal(row2),得到 row2 的估计值后,可以求出 row = invnormal(row2)。


