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Seriesfilesinthedatadirectorysortedbyseriesid:FileTitle,Units,Frequency,SeasonalAdjustment,LastUpdatedAAA.xlsMoody'sSeasonedAaaCorporateBondYield,%,M,NA,2007-05-08BA3M.xls3-MonthBankers'AcceptanceRate ...


Series files in the data directory sorted by series id:

File Title, Units, Frequency, Seasonal Adjustment, Last Updated
AAA.xls Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
BA3M.xls 3-Month Bankers' Acceptance Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
BA6M.xls 6-Month Bankers' Acceptance Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
BAA.xls Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CD1M.xls 1-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CD3M.xls 3-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CD6M.xls 6-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CDC.xls Rate for Credit Under the Century Date Change Special Liquidity Facility (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, Not Applicable, NA, 2000-02-02
CP1M.xls 1-Month Commercial Paper Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
CP3M.xls 3-Month Commercial Paper Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
CP6M.xls 6-Month Commercial Paper Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
CPF1M.xls 1-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CPF2M.xls 2-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CPF3M.xls 3-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CPN1M.xls 1-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CPN2M.xls 2-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
CPN3M.xls 3-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
DAAA.xls Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DBAA.xls Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DBKAC.xls 3-Month Bankers Acceptance Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, D, NA, 2000-07-03
DCD1M.xls 1-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DCD6M.xls 6-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DCD90.xls 3-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DCP30.xls 1-Month Commercial Paper Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, D, NA, 2002-06-28
DCPF1M.xls 1-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DCPF2M.xls 2-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DCPF3M.xls 3-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DCPN2M.xls 2-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DCPN30.xls 1-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DCPN3M.xls 3-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DDISCRT.xls Discount Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, D, NA, 2003-02-07
DFEDTAR.xls Federal Funds Target Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DFF.xls Effective Federal Funds Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DFII10.xls 10-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DFII20.xls 20-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DFII5.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DFII7.xls 7-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS1.xls 1-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS10.xls 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS1MO.xls 1-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS2.xls 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS20.xls 20-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS3.xls 3-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS30.xls 30-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS3MO.xls 3-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS5.xls 5-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS6MO.xls 6-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DGS7.xls 7-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DISCNTD8.xls Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Basic Discount Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, Not Applicable, NA, 2003-09-09
DISCOUNT.xls Discount Rate Changes: Historical Dates of Changes and Rates (DISCONTINUED), %, Not Applicable, NA, 2003-07-23
DLTA.xls Treasury Long-Term Average (25 years and above) (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, D, NA, 2004-06-02
DLTBOARD.xls Long-Term Composite Rate of U.S. Treasury Securities Over 10 years (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, D, NA, 2000-06-30
DPCREDIT.xls Primary Credit Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DPRIME.xls Bank Prime Loan Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTB1.xls 1-Year Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, D, NA, 2001-08-24
DTB3.xls 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTB4WK.xls 4-Week Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTB6.xls 6-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J07.xls 10-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2007 (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, D, NA, 2007-01-12
DTP10J08.xls 10-Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2008, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J09.xls 10-Year 3-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2009, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J10.xls 10-Year 4-1/4% Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2010, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J11.xls 10-Year 3-1/2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2011, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J12.xls 10-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2012, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J14.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2014, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J15.xls 10-Year 1-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2015, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J16.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2016, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10J17.xls 10-Year 2-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2017, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10L12.xls 10-Year 3% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2012, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10L13.xls 10-Year 1-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2013, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10L14.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2014, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10L15.xls 10-Year 1-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2015, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP10L16.xls 10-Year 2-1/2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2016, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP30A28.xls 30-Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2028, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP30A29.xls 30-Year 3-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2029, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP3HA32.xls 30-1/2-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2032, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP5A10.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 4/15/2010, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP5A11.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 4/15/2011, %, D, NA, 2007-05-09
DTP5L02.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2002 (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, D, NA, 2002-12-10
FEDFUNDS.xls Effective Federal Funds Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
FF.xls Effective Federal Funds Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
FHA30.xls 30-Year FHA Mortgage Rate: Secondary Market (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
FII10.xls 10-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
FII20.xls 20-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
FII5.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
FII7.xls 7-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
FLEXSC.xls Eighth District Flexible Rate on Seasonal Credit, %, BW, NA, 2007-04-26
GS1.xls 1-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS10.xls 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS1M.xls 1-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS2.xls 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS20.xls 20-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS3.xls 3-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS30.xls 30-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS3M.xls 3-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS5.xls 5-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS6M.xls 6-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
GS7.xls 7-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
LTA.xls Treasury Long-Term Average (25 years and above) (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
LTBOARD.xls Long-Term Composite Rate of U.S. Treasury Securities Over 10 years (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
LTGOVTBD.xls Long-Term U.S. Government Securities (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
LTGS.xls Long-Term U.S. Treasury Securities - Market Yield (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
M2OWN.xls M2 Own Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-04-27
MDISCRT.xls Discount Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
MORTG.xls 30-Year Conventional Mortgage Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
MPCREDIT.xls Primary Credit Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
MPRIME.xls Bank Prime Loan Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
MZMOWN.xls MZM Own Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-04-27
PCREDIT8.xls Primary Credit Rate for the Eighth District - Historical Dates of Changes and Rates, %, Not Applicable, NA, 2006-06-30
PRIME.xls Bank Prime Loan Rate Changes: Historical Dates of Changes and Rates, %, Not Applicable, NA, 2006-07-03
TB1YA.xls 1-Year Treasury Bill Rate: Auction Average (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
TB1YS.xls 1-Year Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
TB3MA.xls 3-Month Treasury Bill Rate: Auction Average (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2000-06-01
TB3MS.xls 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
TB4WK.xls 4-Week Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
TB6MA.xls 6-Month Treasury Bill Rate: Auction Average (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
TB6MS.xls 6-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, M, NA, 2007-05-08
TP10J07.xls 10-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2007 (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2007-01-02
TP10J08.xls 10-Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2008, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10J09.xls 10-Year 3-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2009, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10J10.xls 10-Year 4-1/4% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2010, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10J11.xls 10-Year 3-1/2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2011, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10J12.xls 10-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2012, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10J14.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2014, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10J15.xls 10-Year 1-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2015, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10J16.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2016, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10J17.xls 10-Year 2-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2017, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10L12.xls 10-Year 3% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2012, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10L13.xls 10-Year 1-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2013, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10L14.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2014, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10L15.xls 10-Year 1-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2015, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP10L16.xls 10-Year 2-1/2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2016, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP30A28.xls 30-Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2028, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP30A29.xls 30-Year 3-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2029, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP3HA32.xls 30-1/2-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2032, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP5A10.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 4/15/2010, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP5A11.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 4/15/2011, %, M, NA, 2007-05-01
TP5L02.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2002 (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, M, NA, 2006-06-07
WAAA.xls Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WBA3M.xls 3-Month Bankers Acceptance Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2000-06-30
WBA6M.xls 6-Month Bankers Acceptance Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
WBAA.xls Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCD1M.xls 1-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCD3M.xls 3-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCD6M.xls 6-Month Certificate of Deposit: Secondary Market Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCP1M.xls 1-Month Commercial Paper Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
WCP3M.xls 3-Month Commercial Paper Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
WCP6M.xls 6-Month Commercial Paper Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
WCPF1M.xls 1-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCPF2M.xls 2-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCPF3M.xls 3-Month AA Financial Commercial Paper Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCPN1M.xls 1-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCPN2M.xls 2-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WCPN3M.xls 3-Month AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WDISCRT.xls Discount Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
WFII10.xls 10-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WFII20.xls 20-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WFII5.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WFII7.xls 7-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS10YR.xls 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS1MO.xls 1-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS1YR.xls 1-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS20YR.xls 20-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS2YR.xls 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS30YR.xls 30-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS3MO.xls 3-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS3YR.xls 3-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS5YR.xls 5-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS6MO.xls 6-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WGS7YR.xls 7-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WLTA.xls Treasury Long-Term Average (25 years and above) (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-08-16
WMORTG.xls 30-Year Conventional Mortgage Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
WPCREDIT.xls Primary Credit Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WPRIME.xls Bank Prime Loan Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WRMORTG.xls 30-Year Conventional Mortgage Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WTB1YA.xls 1-Year Treasury Bill Rate: Auction Average (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
WTB1YS.xls 1-Year Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-08-16
WTB3MA.xls 3-Month Treasury Bill Rate: Auction Average (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2000-06-30
WTB3MS.xls 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WTB4WK.xls 4-Week Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WTB6MA.xls 6-Month Treasury Bill Rate: Auction Average (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27
WTB6MS.xls 6-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, %, W, NA, 2007-05-08
WTP10J07.xls 10-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2007 (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2007-01-08
WTP10J08.xls 10-Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2008, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10J09.xls 10-Year 3-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2009, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10J10.xls 10-Year 4-1/4% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2010, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10J11.xls 10-Year 3-1/2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2011, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10J12.xls 10-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2012, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10J14.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2014, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10J15.xls 10-Year 1-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2015, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10J16.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2016, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10J17.xls 10-Year 2-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2017, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10L12.xls 10-Year 3% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2012, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10L13.xls 10-Year 1-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2013, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10L14.xls 10-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2014, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10L15.xls 10-Year 1-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2015, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP10L16.xls 10-Year 2-1/2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2016, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP30A28.xls 30-Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2028, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP30A29.xls 30-Year 3-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2029, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP3HA32.xls 30-1/2-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2032, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP5A10.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 4/15/2010, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP5A11.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 4/15/2011, %, W, NA, 2007-05-07
WTP5L02.xls 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2002 (DISCONTINUED SERIES), %, W, NA, 2006-07-27


A = Annual
Q = Quarterly
M = Monthly
BW = Bi-Weekly
W = Weekly
D = Daily
Seasonal Adjustment
SA = Seasonally Adjusted
NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted
SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate
NA = Not Applicable

Directories are limited to 1000 files or less.
Subdirectories are created recursively for each character in a series ID until 1000 or fewer series IDs match a substring.
Most zip files contain less than 1000 files and do not contain additional subdirectories.





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