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国外网民热议:为什么西方希望中国失败(转贴) [推广有奖]

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politicsman500 wrote:
i live in america, so im part of the "west" but it seems like the west wants china to fail economically so much...

I don't know how Obama really thinks about this, I mean for Chinese, but if Chieses fail economically, billions of Chinese will starve. China will become one of the poorest country in the world. And all the human right things will be forgot...

i much rather have china as a superpower then any western nation, because they aren't really enticed into meaningless conflicts, and only want to have trade with countries, and arn't really interventionalist in other countries....

Correct. It is becuase the nation character, I guess. I don't know whether it is a proper example, but Asian Americans have lower crime rate. There are many reasons, but I think one reason is that they are so militant. So chinese don't like to involve other's business, and they don't like judge anyone. It is just a different culture.

我住在美国,所以我是“西方”的一份子,但是看起来西方似乎非常希望中国经济出现问题... ...

我不知道奥巴马的真实想法是什么,我的意思对于中国来说,如果中国的经济状况失败了,十几亿的人就会挨饿。 中国将会成为世界上最穷的的国家之一。 所有的人权问题都会抛诸脑后... ...

我希望中国能成为超级大国,而非任何一个西方国家,因为他们不想卷入任何毫无意义的冲突之中,而只是想与各国的进行贸易,并且对其他国家来说,他们是真正的不干涉主义者... ...

正确。 我猜这是由于民族的性格使然。 我不知道这个例子是否恰当,但是亚裔美国人的犯罪率较低。 原因有很多,但我认为原因之一是因为他们是如此激进(译者注:这段话应该少写了个not)。 所以,中国人不喜欢干涉别人的事情,他们不喜欢充当裁判员。 他们的文化和我们的不同。

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关键词:economically intervention Economical superpower Countries because Chinese country western become

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read2010 发表于 2012-9-7 22:30:20 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
greencement          [ +  ]

It's probably because China's development proves that western theroy is not perfect and universal.
Or we can say that western society has weakness and can be overpassed.



Potemkin          [ +  ]

Correct. It is becuase the nation character, I guess. I don't know whether it is a proper example, but Asian Americans have lower crime rate. There are many reasons, but I think one reason is that they are so militant. So chinese don't like to involve other's business, and they don't like judge anyone. It is just a different culture.

One word: Confucianism.

正确。 我猜这是由于民族的性格使然。 我不知道这个例子是否恰当,但是亚裔美国人的犯罪率较低。 原因有很多,但我认为原因之一是因为他们是如此激进。 所以,中国人不喜欢干涉别人的事情,他们不喜欢充当裁判员。 他们的文化和我们的不同。



KFlint          [ +  ]

politicsman500, you seem to have that a bit backwards. China is engaged in a full out economic war with America and in that we want them to fail. Should China be able to grow on its own, without taking what avenues that the USA has, then God bless them.

politicsman500,你似乎有点胳膊肘朝外拐。 中国正与美国进行一场激烈的经济战争,我们当然希望他们失败。中国能全凭它自己的力量,不采用美国的模式实现其经济增长吗,上帝保佑他们。


greencement          [ +  ]

Well, KFlint, I think that the "avenues that the USA has" is just available for US.
There is only one US in the world, so is China.
No one can copy other's develpment method in the world, because no one can copy other's history.
US's history is unique, because you cannot find a new continent on this planet at least.
China's history is unique, because no one else has such a long history and tradition.

It's hard to understand each other, because our natural resources cannot support two countries like US.
It's the limited resourses that make us become rivals.
Or we can say that our desires make us become rivals.
Just accept it.




read2010 发表于 2012-9-7 22:31:24 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Potemkin          [+]

politicsman500, you seem to have that a bit backwards. China is engaged in a full out economic war with America and in that we want them to fail. Should China be able to grow on its own, without taking what avenues that the USA has, then God bless them.

China is a revanchist power. The world has already been divvied up between the dominant powers many times in the past, and America has received the lion's share (most notably after WWII and after the collapse of the Soviet Union). Any rising power with ambitions to rival America in wealth and global influence therefore has no choice but to deprive the currently dominant world powers of at least some of their current hegemony. The question is, will America (and Europe, among others) move aside peacefully or not?

politicsman500,你似乎有点胳膊肘朝外拐。 中国正与美国进行一场激烈的经济战争,我们当然希望他们失败。 中国能全凭它自己的力量,不采用美国的模式实现其经济增长吗,上帝保佑他们。

中国是一个想要雪耻的国家。 这个世界在过去被强权国家瓜分过多次,美国获得了大部分的份额(尤其是二战之后,和苏联解体之后)。 因此,任何一个拥有野心的崛起中的国家,要与美国争夺财富和全球影响力,那么它别无选择,要么把目前占主导地位的世界大国拉下马,要么至少剥夺一些它们目前的支配权。问题是,美国(和欧洲,还有其他国家)会和平地交出权力吗?


KFlint          [ +  ]

Greencement wrote:
Well, KFlint, I think that the "avenues that the USA has" is just available for US.
Not true. China is approaching all our trade partners and brokering deals as a middle man to get around our trade and making those same partners sign agreements saying they will not use US currency while doing any international trade. This takes away from the USA.

At the same time China is claiming a default on Americas debts that they hold with claims of a devalued dollar, a situation that they created. Their solution is demanding land in America free of american laws....

Potemkin, maybe but they are going about it byway of attack and there are otherways. They have plenty of workers to hire out, tech to sell and exports to trade to get the resources that they need. They can do all of that without engaging in other practices.

The role they are playing in the SCS at the moment show that they will try to take what they want, regardless of the situation. China is far from peaceful, so why should the international reaction be any different?

事实并非如此。 中国以中间人的身份接近我们所有的贸易伙伴和经纪交易,游说我们的贸易伙伴与他们签署合作协议,让他们在任何的国际贸易中不再使用美元进行交易。 使得他们远离美国。

与此同时,中国通过声明美元的贬值(这种状况是他们制造出来的),不再对履行他们手中持有的美元债券的义务。 他们的解决方案就是通过美国的法律合法地要求美国的土地....

他们有大量工人出租,出售高科技和出口贸易以获得他们所需的资源。 通过上述行动他们就能够得偿所愿。




read2010 发表于 2012-9-7 22:32:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Potemkin          [ +  ]

Potemkin, maybe but they are going about it byway of attack and there are otherways. They have plenty of workers to hire out, tech to sell and exports to trade to get the resources that they need. They can do all of that without engaging in other practices.

My point is that no matter what methods they use to develop their nation's status in the world, they will inevitably be reducing America's (and the West in general's) relative status in the world. This is what happens when a revanchist power arises in a world which has already been divvied up between the leading powers - the others have to squeeze up to make room for the newcomer. They are inevitably not going to be happy about that.

他们有大量工人出租,出售高科技和出口贸易以获得他们所需的资源。 通过上述行动他们就能够得偿所愿。

我的观点是, 无论他们用什么方法来发展自己的民族在世界上的地位 ,都将不可避免地导致美国(和一般意义上的西方国家)在世界上的相对地位的降低。 这就是当一个想要雪耻的国家崛起的时候可能会发生的事,而这个世界已经被各主要大国瓜分殆尽——这就要求屋子里的人给新来者腾出位置。那么原先屋子里的人难免会不高兴的。


fuser          [ +  ]

It just seems that USA need some sort of Paranoia to carry on.

First it was Communists/Soviet Union then terrorists and now they are already readying China to take that place..




Potemkin          [ +  ]
It just seems that USA need some sort of Paranoia to carry on.

First it was Communists/Soviet Union then terrorists and now they are already readying China to take that place..

You've just described the history of Europe for the past thousand years or so - rival powers jostling for position. America is unused to this, due to its geographical isolation from the rest of the world, and its corresponding isolationist ideology. You seem to take it personally, and feel a need to demonise your rivals. This is a dangerous tendency.



你刚才所描述的在过去1000年左右的欧洲历史——竞争对手争夺王位。 由于美国地理位置上对于外部世界的隔绝,和其相应的孤立主义思想,美国不再是这样了。 你的想法太个人化,认为有必要妖魔化你的对手。 这是一个危险的趋势。


tailz          [ +  ]

Going by my experience, the atmosphere is not one of wanting China to fail, but a desire for a level playing field in trade between China and the world. The mentality that the west wants China to fail comes from Nationalists in China and Western (mainly American) nationalists who see each others manipulation of trade and manufacturing as a threat to their own development and nationalist pride/glory.

Western Nations see China's manipulation of its economic conditions (low wages,low value of the Chinese dollar) as a blatant creation of beneficial export environment for China, which in turn harms Western business that can't compete because China's cost of production is artificially low.

If Western countries introduce tariffs to help local manufacturers against cheep Chinese made goods, China sees that as unfair trade practices targeting China - which is ironic for China to complain about given its own manipulation.

But if China does not maintain its artificial economic conditions, development will slow as wages will rise and exports will slow as the level playing field will mean that Chinese goods will be on par (cost wise) as goods made elsewhere. Thus because China is bankrolling its modernization on its power to export goods, its needs to maintain its artificial economic conditions which puts it at odds with Western business that are at the whims of the economic trade winds. Thus any rumbling from the West about this, is seen by Chinese nationalists as an attack on China and a desire to see China fail because opening Chinese business up to the volatile trade winds will slow growth and development.

Again, nations show that self interest and double talk are the name of the game. Blame them for doing, what your doing too.

以我的感觉,西方并不希望中国失败,而是希望在贸易领域同中国和世界公平竞争。 西方希望中国失败的心态,来自于中国的民族主义者和西方(主要是美国)的民族主义者,他们都视对方操纵贸易,对方的制造业威胁了本国的发展,以及出于民族的自豪感/荣耀感。






read2010 发表于 2012-9-7 22:33:03 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Chill          [ +  ]

tailz wrote:
which is ironic for China to complain about given its own manipulation.
tailz wrote:
Blame them for doing, what your doing too.

There you go. US complain about China's manipulation while US is the biggest manipulator. Doesn't that sound ironic too? It should be more ironic given US complains much more than China.




tailz          [ +  ]

Chill wrote:
There you go. US complain about China's manipulation while US is the biggest manipulator. Doesn't that sound ironic too? It should be more ironic given US complains much more than China.

Chill... my comment "Blame them for doing, what your doing too" applies to both China and America. Your knee jerk response displays your political protectionism for the Chinese point of view. The point of view I wrote in my comment was a critical critique of both China and America, so why did you see it as critical of China and not America?


Chill... ... 我的评论“责怪别人这么做的同时,你自己也在这么做”适用于中国也适用于美国。你的本能反应显示了你对于政治上的贸易保护主义的中国立场。我所写的评论的观点是对中国和美国这二者做法的批评,那么,为什么你认为是在批评中国而非美国呢?


Chill          [ +  ]

tailz wrote:
so why did you see it as critical of China and not America?

So why do you see my comment as critical of America but not China?
I clearly pointed out both America and China's behavior is ironic and I clearly said 'there you go'.
However, when I say America is more ironic than China, what you can see is I only criticized America and didn't mention China at all.
Doesn't that show 'your political protectionism for the American point of view'?

None of us here is completely unbiased. It's pointless to argue one is unbiased while another is. It is also pointless to argue one is less biased than another.





read2010 发表于 2012-9-7 22:33:52 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
tailz          [ +  ]

Chill wrote:
So why do you see my comment as critical of America but not China?

Because of these statements:

You state that America is the biggest manipulator - US complain about China's manipulation while US is the biggest manipulator.
You state that America complains much more than China - It should be more ironic given US complains much more than China.

Both elements defend the Chinese point while attacking the American point. You did not then counter point these statements with critique of the Chinese aspect. So, protectionism or an apologist point of view. but no doubt you will rebuke this, but I'll let that analysis stand for others to judge.

Chill wrote:
None of us here is completely unbiased. It's pointless to argue one is unbiased while another is. It is also pointless to argue one is less biased than another.

Oh I am biased, but not towards America or China.








Chill          [ +  ]

tailz wrote:
You did not then counter point these statements with critique of the Chinese aspect.

I made my statements based on admitting both sides are ironic and my statements are correct. So what is the problem?
Which law prohibits people from criticizing only one side when both sides are wrong? Which code of ethics say you always have to criticize all the wrong in order to criticize one?

Were you aware you criticized China much more than US (if you did) in your post? Then why do you find my comment having a problem?





Dave          [ +  ]

I want China to fail because I want my country to remain number one. China has more than four times the population of my country, good quality human capital, and much more rational political leadership. So unless China fails, they will surpass my country and start setting the global agenda. I am especially upset at being surpassed by a non-white country.



Chill          [ +  ]

Dave wrote:
I want China to fail because I want my country to remain number one. China has more than four times the population of my country, good quality human capital, and much more rational political leadership. So unless China fails, they will surpass my country and start setting the global agenda. I am especially upset at being surpassed by a non-white country.

Honest boy.




greencement          [ +  ]

Dave wrote:
I want China to fail because I want my country to remain number one. China has more than four times the population of my country, good quality human capital, and much more rational political leadership. So unless China fails, they will surpass my country and start setting the global agenda. I am especially upset at being surpassed by a non-white country.

Surviving and being better than others is always the most important impetus in human history.
In 19th century, Chinese people were also upset at being surpassed by white "barbarian".

But white countries failed to destory China completely in 20th century.
(Or we can say that they didn't have the ability to destory China, though China was at the weakest moment in history.)
So today they have to handle with this big trouble.

It seems that white countries can never be united in front of their enemy, no matter it's Japan, China or Muslim world.
They always fight against each other. Just look at WWI, WWII and the Cold War.

In my opinion, comparing with China's political system, the strength to unite white countries is too weak in the world.







read2010 发表于 2012-9-7 22:34:23 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
ralfy          [ +  ]

China avoids engaging in meaningless conflicts because it can achieve economic trade, if not dominance, through business deals. But once such tactics no longer work....



Chill          [ +  ]

ralfy wrote:
But once such tactics no longer work....

It means China has either failed or reached developed nation's standard. Then it will become a hegemony. But usually the Chinese are more cautious at using force.




Noelnada          [ +  ]

But white countries failed to destory China completely in 20th century.

Probably because no major power had interest in destroying China, except maybe Japan. If you look at history, China could have well destroyed itself with internal rivalries of the warlords competing for power and that would not make such a difference today if there were something like 4,5 republics instead of one people's republic of China. Maybe that there wouldn't be so much inequalities and poverty as there is today in China. The CCP politics is to drain ressources from the mainland and from internal periphery towards coastal areas, that may be not the best solution for development and may ultimately lead to chaos (luan).

It seems that white countries can never be united in front of their enemy

Because there is no reason in the first place that such feeling of racial unity exist. "White" peoples compete for power, sometimes through hot war, sometimes through cold war, sometimes through economic competition. White peoples don't have a sense of being threatened whatsoever as a racial unit.

In my opinion, comparing with China's political system, the strength to unite white countries is too weak in the world.

We have NATO, United States of America, European Union, commonwealth, what do you want more ? Don't you think white countries (as you call them) aren't waging enough wars as it is and don't have enough strong technocratic components in their political systems ?

Why does the West want China to fail

And no, we don't want you to fail. Because if you fail, we fail too.










read2010 发表于 2012-9-7 22:35:32 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Dostoievski Beren          [ +  ]

Potemkin wrote:
rival powers jostling for position. America is unused to this

They got used to the Cold War very soon. And they can recall it very easily, I guess.




The Immortal Goon          [ +  ]

For the foreseeable future, the US and China are tied together. The US needs the cheap labour, the Chinese need the capital and middle class consumers.

Now that is starting to break apart a bit - as it was always going to do. However, both sides would rather keep business as usual I think. However it happens, the US and China are going to be in bed together for quite a while.




Decky          [ +  ]

It seems that white countries can never be united in front of their enemy

There is no such this as one homogeneous "white people."

I have nothing in common with a Frenchman, a German, or worse an American.





AVT          [ +  ]

It is difficult to say what China will do with their growing power, up to present it has mainly been confined to the economic and political theatres, but do not for one second think that China is not willing to use force to further their aims, look at Tibet, look at the threats at Taiwan and their recent behaviour in the South China Sea.

The only thing that China doesn't have that the USA and the West has is the ability project power beyond their neighbours and if their dealing with them are anything to go by they may not be such a likeable superpower that all the US haters want them to be. I believe Communist China is playing a very risky game, yes they are getting rich and getting all the benifits that the West enjoys but eventually their citizens are going to demand rights, I don't believe they can buy them off forever.

Do we want the Chinese to fail, no, do we want to see a level playing field re-established, yes.





ralfy          [ +  ]

They probably don't, and China feels the same because the two are tied to each other. The problem is that the U.S. has to continue borrowing and spending and China and the rest of BRIC and emerging markets (and even European nations) are relying on the same.

The catch is that after the amount of financial derivatives shot up in 2002 onward the global economy became increasing unstable. In any event, it would not have mattered, as the IEA and others have just admitted that global oil production has remained flat since 2006, and increasing energy demand is now being met by other sources of energy. With that, it's just a matter of time....




cathartic moment          [ +  ]

Decky wrote:

There is no such this as one homogeneous "white people."

I have nothing in common with a Frenchman, a German, or worse an American.

I believe that Chinese culture places far more emphasis on unity than western culture does. This isn't entirely a bad thing - it has allowed China to exist as a major nation far longer than any western country. When China started, most of us were still living in mud huts. China continues to celebrate unity, since without that concept, China simply wouldn't exist as a nation state.

However, whilst China has historically derived it's strength from unity, Europe has historically derived strength from diversity - different systems in fierce competition with each-other, with ideas and knowledge readily flowing across borders. Whilst back in the 17th century China was far stronger, with it's unity, than any individual European state, still the fiercely competitive environment of Europe led to the industrial and scientific revolutions and world power.

Greencement is reflecting a very Chinese point of view. He has been brought up to believe in strength through unity, and finds a concept such as strength through diversity to be very hard to understand.

Meanwhile, depressingly enough as a European, I see many of our leaders agreeing with him. Many are trying to remake Europe into a single large, united country, like China (or to a lesser extent the USA). They fail to see the source of the strength we once had, and are doing their best to destroy it.









read2010 发表于 2012-9-7 22:36:04 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Decky          [ +  ]

Meanwhile, depressingly enough as a European, I see many of our leaders agreeing with him. Many are trying to remake Europe into a single large, united country, like China (or to a lesser extent the USA). They fail to see the source of the strength we once had, and are doing their best to destroy it.

Couldn't agree more. Sill we will join the Reich, opps EU eventually. All the political parties are pro EU to some extent (even the Tories these days). Still being ****ed over by rich people in Berlin can't be much worse than getting ****ed over by rich people in London.




liujianfang 发表于 2012-9-7 22:40:23 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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