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Banks and Interest Rates


Administer with care

Low interest rates are squeezing banks’ profits. Higher ones may do the same

Jun 29th 2013 |From the print edition

1 BE CAREFUL what you wish for. Bankers in the rich world have moaned incessantly over the past few years about how low interest rates are squeezing the life out of the banking system. Now that long-term interest rates have risen in anticipation of the Federal Reserve’s “tapering” of asset purchases, and changes in short-term rates seem closer than they once did, some are wondering whether higher rates are all they are cracked up to be. Rising rates may restore banks’ profitability but too sudden an increase may damage their health.


2 Banks usually make most of their money on the spread, or difference, between the rate of interest they pay savers and the one they charge borrowers. This spread has narrowed as policy rates in rich countries have fallen, because loans have become cheaper but rates on deposits can go no lower than zero. In America, for instance, the average “net interest margin” at banks supervised by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has fallen to its lowest level since 2006 (itself a 16-year low for small banks). Meagre profits have encouraged some banks to make riskier loans or buy riskier assets in a hunt for yield.

通常银行通过利差来赚钱,即银行给储户的利率和收取贷款者的利率之差。政策利率的下调导致发达国家的利差减少,因为银行贷款收益降低而储蓄的利率不能低于零。在美国,由联邦存款保险公司(FDIC) 统计的银行平均“净利息收益率” 已下降到了自2006年以来的最低水平 (也是小型银行16年来的最低值). 微薄的利润驱使一些银行提供更具风险的贷款或购买更具风险的资产,以追求收益。

3 An increase in interest rates would fatten net interest margins at those banks where the rates they charge borrowers rise more quickly than their own cost of funding. SNL Financial, a data firm, reckons that big American banks would gain from higher rates as, on average, a greater share of their assets than of their liabilities would reprice within a year. One exception is Citigroup, which could see its interest margin squeezed. Banks in Japan stand to gain from higher rates, too, according to Nomura. Higher rates may also be good for investment banks, which should benefit from increased trading and volatility in bonds if yields keep rising.

对于那些贷款利率增速快于自身融资成本增速的银行,利率上升会增加其净利息收益率。SNL Financial是一家数据公司,它估计美国的大型银行可以从高利率中获利,因为在一年中平均来说,大型银行相较于负债,有更多的资产被重新定价。不过花旗集团的净利息收益率减少了。野村控股公司 表示日本的银行从更高的利率中获利。更高的利率可能对投资银行有利,因为如果收益率持续增加,它可以从大幅提高的成交量和债券价格波动中获利。

4 Elsewhere the outlook is less sanguine. The Bank of England, releasing its annual report on financial stability on June 26th, fretted that margins at British banks may at first be compressed as rates rise. In Germany small savings banks are also at risk because they offer fixed-rate loans while taking variable-rate deposits. A similar area of vulnerability in America may be in credit unions, a type of financial co-operative, which have also taken on interest-rate risk through fixed-rate lending funded by variable-rate deposits.


5 Interest margins change relatively slowly. The immediate threat to banks is a fall in the market value of assets that banks hold. As yields of government bonds and other fixed-income securities rise, their prices fall. Because the amounts of outstanding debt are so large, the effects can be big. In its latest annual report the Bank for International Settlements, the Basel-based bank for central banks, reckons that a hypothetical three-percentage-point increase in yields across all bond maturities could result in losses to all holders of government bonds equivalent to 15-35% of GDP in countries such as France, Italy, Japan and Britain (see chart).

利息收益率变化相对较慢。利率飙升对银行的直接威胁是银行资产的市场价值缩水。当政府债券和其它固定收益证券的收益率增加时,他们的价格下降了。(原因?)因为未偿债务数额巨大,其影响甚广。位于巴塞尔为各央行服务的国际清算银行估计,假设所有期限的债券收益率均提高3个百分点,将给所有政府债券持有人造成损失,而这一损失相当于法国、意大利、日本和英国这样的国家15-35%的国内生产总值 (见图)。

6 Here again the effect on banks would vary widely from country to country. Government bonds account for less than 2% of the assets held by British banks, compared with about 25% of assets in the case of Japanese banks. But simply looking at holdings of government bonds probably understates the risk to banks of an upward lurch in yields, since they hold many other fixed-income assets that would also fall in value. Some 40% of British banks’ assets would have to be revalued if interest rates were to rise abruptly, according to the Bank of England. Furthermore, banks may be indirectly exposed to losses on fixed-income securities through other channels—loans to clients that are big holders of these instruments, say, or changes in the value of securities that are held as collateral.


7 A third risk to banks from higher rates is that more of their customers will struggle to repay their loans. Quantifying this risk is difficult since loan losses are influenced not just by interest rates but also by economic growth and employment, both of which would need to improve for central bankers to dial back their interventions. Even so, there are worrying signs. In Britain almost a fifth of secured loans have gone to households that have less than £200 ($307) a month left after paying essential costs, according to the Bank of England. Higher rates could push many into default. The dilemma for policymakers is that keeping rates low for long is dangerous. So is letting them rise too quickly.


From the print edition: Finance and economics

1. 美国法律要求国民银行、联邦储备体系会员银行必须参加存款保险,不是联邦储备体系成员的州立银行和其他金融机构可自愿参加保险。目前,新成立的银行都必须投保。实际上,美国几乎所有的银行都参加了保险。联邦存款保险公司的资本来源于向投保银行收取的保险费。
2. Net Interstate Margin,NIM,是利息净收入与总生息资产平均余额的比率,数字愈高,反映银行获利能力愈高。
3. 野村控股(NOMURA SECURITIES)是日本四大证券公司之首,也是全世界最大证券公司之一。


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