I am developing a two-level random intercept model with a dichotomous outcome in SAS. I would like to know what indices I may use to check if the model is on the right track. The outcome is administration of a certain drug across all hospitals in the data. The predictors include person level medical conditions and hospital level characteristics (size, beds, etc.)The ICC is only 0.04. Does that indicate that multilevel modeling is unnecessary? I'm also aware that ICC is not always reliable. Is there other index I may use to evaluate my model?
I'm new to multilevel modeling in SAS. Can anyone take a look at my syntax? I would greatly appreciate it!
Here's a simplified version (Person_condition is the within level variable, hospital_beds/size is the between level variable). My specific question is:should I use
ddfm=satterth, and tech=nrridg?
*proc* *glimmix* data= anti_LinkageFinal;
class hospitil person_condition1 person_condition2 hospital_size;
model drug = person_condition1 person_condition2 hospital_beds
/ dist=binary link=logit ddfm=satterth oddsratio;
random intercept / subject=hospital solution;
nloptions tech=nrridg;
ods exclude solutionr;