数据科学: 路在何方
Data Science, where are we going? What impact can we expect? With a special introduction from President Barack Obama.
通过DJ Patil的视频演讲,我们来好好了解和探寻一下数据科学的未来发展会是怎样的。
About DJ Patil
Dr. DJ Patil has been the VP of Product at RelateIQ and the Data Scientist in Residence at Greylock Partners.
He has held a variety of roles in academia, industry, and government, including Chief Scientist, Chief Security Officer, and Head of Analytics and Data Teams at the LinkedIn Corporation. Additionally he has held a number of roles at Skype, PayPal, and eBay.
dr . DJ Patil RelateIQ的产品副总裁和Greylock Partners的数据科学家。
On February 18, 2015, the White House announced as the first U.S. Chief Data Scientist (Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Data Policy and Chief Data Scientist). In his tenure, Patil helped launch the White House’s Police Data Initiative, collecting data on police activities, and worked on the Precision Medicine Initiative, aiming to build the largest database on genetic information.
2015年2月18日,白宫宣布成为第一位美国首席数据科学家(数据政策和首席数据科学家副首席技术官)。 Patil在任职期间,帮助警察局推出了白宫的警察数据计划,收集有关警察活动的数据,并致力于建立最大的遗传信息数据库。
数据科学: 路在何方 [视频链接·中文字幕]
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