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  • 姓  名:


  • 职  务:清华大学经管学院系主任
  • 民  族:
  • 籍  贯:
  • 出生日期:
  • 毕业院校:清华大学
  • 所学专业:系统工程
  • 最高学历:博士
  • 所属行业:教育行业
  • 联系老师讲课,请扫描右边微信二维码联系客服 微信
  • 简介:陈剑,1989年获得清华大学经济管理学院博士学位。现为清华大学经济管理学院管理科学与工程系联想讲席教授、博士生导师,清华大学经济管理学院管理科学与工程系系主任, 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地—清华大学现代管理研究中心主任。


1、1989 清华大学 系统工程 博士学位
2、1986 清华大学 系统工程 硕士学位
3、1983 清华大学 高电压工程 学士学位





1 2002/01/01 Studies on a multi-agent system for serial enterprise supply chains
2 2002/01/01 A Fast Scalable Classifier Tightly Integrated with RDBMS
3 2002/01/01 A Federation-agent-workflow Simulation Framework for Virtual Organization Development
4 2002/07/01 多智能自主体企业供应链系统的构建及激励机制研究
5 2002/01/01 Performance of the Order-Update Compensation Contract (OUCC) for Fashion Products Management
6 2002/01/01 Search Costs in the Electronic Markets: Market Equilibrium and Corporation Strategy
7 2002/01/01 交通流路线选择行为演化模型
8 2002/01/01 虚拟企业中核心能力的定性与定量识别
9 2002/01/01 基于产品的虚拟企业工期风险控制研究
10 2002/01/01 虚拟企业中伙伴收益分配比例的确定
11 2002/01/01 网络效应、市场结构和进入壁垒
12 2002/01/01 裂缝性低渗透油层渗吸作用数学模型研究
13 2002/01/01 数据挖掘中的数据分类算法综述
14 2002/01/01 基于Hopfield网络的极小值问题学习算法
15 2002/01/01 分销配送网络优化模型及其求解算法
16 2002/01/01 单边R&D时横向一体化的效应
17 2002/01/01 虚拟企业及其构建研究
18 2002/01/01 逢低买入拍卖中的共谋研究
19 2002/01/01 网上逢低买入拍卖形式下的买方策略
20 2002/01/01 利用数据库技术实行的高效可扩展分类系统的研究与实现
21 2002/01/01 Global Supply Chain Management
22 2002/11/16 Bidder’s strategy under group-buying auction-on the Internet
23 2002/04/16 An Interactive DNN Approach for Solving Multiple Criteria Decision Making Problems
24 2003/01/01 可替代产品的库存模型研究(Ⅰ):最优订货量
25 2003/08/28 可替代产品的库存模型研究(II):基本性质
26 1900/01/01 基于Hopfield网络学习的多城市旅行商问题的解法
27 2003/06/01 生产能力无限时逢低买入与固定价格机制的比较
28 1900/01/01 基于Agent的营销经理信息系统分析
29 2003/01/01 交通流中的分形研究
30 2003/06/01 规模经济下的逢低买入
31 2003/10/01 两层供应链中上下游R&D补贴策略
32 2004/05/01 A neural network approach - Decision neural network (DNN) for preference assessment
33 2003/10/24 An interactive neural network-based approach for solving multiple criteria decision-making problems
34 2003/11/01 search costs in electuonic markets:market equilibrium and coporaton strategy
35 2004/11/10 Knowledge Transfer in Supply Chain: Hold Suppliers’ Complementary Knowledge
36 2005/12/30 Heuristic genetic algorithm for capacitated production planning problems with batch processing and remanufacturing
37 2004/04/30 基于树型结构的在线逆向组合拍卖模型
38 2004/08/30 Study on the Winning Probability for a Bid in Procurement Combinational Auction with Tree Structure
39 2004/09/30 Comparison of Group-buying Online Auction and Posted Pricing Mechanism in Uncertain Market
40 2004/12/30 Group-Buying Online Auction and Optimal Inventory Policy in Uncertain Market
41 2004/03/30 航空公司与旅行社的协作机制研究
42 2005/07/27 协调供应链如何应对突发事件
43 2004/12/16 Bidding Strategies Analysis for Procurement Combinatorial Auctions
44 2004/03/30 Research on A Range of Procurement Combinational Auction’s WDP Algorithm
45 2004/12/05 A Study of Single-Vendor and Multiple-Retailers Pricing-Ordering Strategy under Group-Buying Online Auction
46 2004/12/03 The order strategy for retailers under group-buying online auction
47 2004/10/27 需求不确定性条件下逢低买入网上拍卖中买方策略的研究
48 2004/07/16 An Optimal Incentive-Compatible Assignment Rule and pricing policy for multi-server queues
49 2004/07/16 The Impact of Passenger Diversion between Flights on the Optimal Protection Levels
50 2004/12/05 Studies on horizontal competition among homogenous retailers based on agent-based approach
51 2004/12/30 Coordination Mechanism for Postponement Strategy with Downward Substitutable Products
52 2005/12/30 不完全信息条件下的非单调推理技术集成决策框架研究
54 2004/12/30 Studies on Interaction and Coordination in Supply Chains with Perishable Products: A Review
55 2004/02/01 Single-Period Two-Product Inventory Model with Substitution: Solution and Properties(in Chinese)
56 2007/03/20 需求依赖于价格的供应链应对突发事件
57 2007/08/20 虚拟企业收益共享合同中的监控机制研究
58 2005/12/27 Studying Retailer Strategies through an Integrated E-Business Model, a Multi-Agent Approach
59 2005/12/27 Research on Pricing and Ordering Strategies of E-Retailers under Electronic Business Environment
60 2005/12/27 Study on Different Business Strategies of Retailers through an Integrated Multi-Agent E-Business Model
61 2005/12/27 Studies on Horizontal Cooperation among Homogenous Retailers Based on Multi-Agent Simulation
62 2005/10/01 销售不定期客票背景下双航班的联合机票控制研究
63 2006/01/01 基于乘客选择行为的航空机票控制模型研究
64 2005/12/27 Product Selection, Machine Time Allocation, and Scheduling Decisions for Manufacturing Perishable Products Subject to a Deadline
65 2005/03/01 逆向组合拍卖投标者获胜概率研究
66 2005/12/27 On-line Multi-attributes Procurement Combinatorial Auctions Bidding Strategies
67 2005/12/27 基于惩罚机制的配送系统协调优化
68 2005/12/27 Multiple Criteria Inventory Classification Based on Principal Components Analysis and Neural Network
70 2006/01/01 Uncapacitated production planning with multiple product types, returned product remanufacturing, and demand substitution
71 2005/11/09 An Integrated Staff-Sizing Approach Considering Feasibility of Scheduling Decision
72 2005/04/01 不确定需求下供应链渠道协调的数量折扣研究
73 2005/05/01 一类短生命周期产品供应链的联合契约
74 2006/09/01 A Coordination Mechanism for a Supply Chain with Demand Information Updating
75 2006/03/01 A New Non-interior Predictor-Corrector Method for P0 LCP
76 2006/05/01 Bayesian solution to pricing and inventory control under unknown demand distribution
77 2005/08/01 拍卖理论与网上拍卖
78 2005/08/01 企业信息化战略规划的一种新的分析框架模型
79 2006/01/01 Supply-Chain Coordination with Combined Contract for a Short-Life-Cycle Product
80 2005/08/01 回购契约下供应链对突发事件的协调应对
81 2005/12/27 N-person Noncooperative Game with Infinite Strategic Space
82 2007/08/20 突发事件下何时启动应急预案
83 2007/10/20 采购组合拍卖投标均衡策略研究
84 2007/12/20 An integrated staff-sizing approach considering feasibility of scheduling decision
85 2007/02/01 Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for Capacitated Production Planning Problems with Processing and Remanufacturing
86 2007/03/01 Comparison of the Group-buying Auction and the Fixed Pricing Mechanism
87 2007/02/20 Jointed inventory model on ordering and pricing: An extension for the newsboy model
88 2008/01/01 Some Models for Deriving the Priority Weights from Interval Fuzzy Preference Relations
89 2005/06/11 Optimal Manpower Planning with Temporal Labor and Contract Period Constraints
90 2006/12/01 SCBA:一种基于演变的规则知识库的数据流分类模型
91 2007/01/03 批发价契约下的供应链应对突发事件
92 2006/06/01 The Retailers’ Optimal Ordering Strategy in a Supply Chain under a Group-Buying Pricing Mechanism
93 2006/08/01 The Retailers’ Order Strategy under Open Group Buying Online Auction In B2B Market
94 2006/06/19 Competitive Inventory Rationing Game Under the Drop-Shipping E-Business Mode
95 2006/10/01 The Order Strategies for Competitive Retailers under the Group Buying Auction
96 2006/10/01 Studies on Competitive Parallel Distribution Channels with Move Sequence under Stochastic Demand
98 2006/06/01 K-means Clustering versus Validation Measures: A Data Distribution Perspective
99 2006/11/01 A New Statistical Method for Haplotype Inference from Genotype Data
100 2006/10/24 Failure Fees and New Private Label Product Introductions
101 2006/10/25 A Dynamic Lot Sizing Model for Durable Products with End-of-use Constraints
102 2005/06/01 Supply Chain Coordination under Demand Disruptions with Quantity Discount Contract
103 2007/03/01 Supply Chain Coordination with Contracts Game between Complementary Suppliers
104 2009/01/04 Should we Collude? analyzing the benefits of Bidder Cooperation in Online Group-buying auctions
105 2009/09/04 A Comparison of a Simple Procurement Auction and Generalized Nash Bargaining
106 2009/01/04 基于销售商努力的供应商定价和生产决策
107 2009/01/04 基于逢低买入拍卖的零售商订货策略
108 2009/01/04 基于凸情形下在线设备更新间题的竞争分析
109 2009/04/04 External Validation Measures for K-means Clustering: A Data Distribution Perspective
110 2009/04/04 K-means Clustering versus Validation Measures: A Data-Distribution Perspective
111 2009/10/04 Inventory control problem with freight cost and stochastic demand
112 2009/01/04 基于收益共享合同的虚拟企业控制权力分配
113 2009/01/04 Segmenting Uncertain Demand in Group-Buying Auctions
114 2009/01/04 Optimal Manpower Planning Decision with Single Employee Type Considering Minimal Employment Period Constraint
115 2009/01/04 COG: Local Decomposition for Rare Class Analysis
116 2009/01/04 Optimal Solution Structure for Multi-period Production Planning with Returned Products Remanufacturing
117 2009/01/04 GIS Enabled Service Site Selection: Environmental Analysis and Beyond
118 2009/01/04 Towards Understanding Hierarchical Clustering: A Data Distribution Perspective
119 2006/01/01 Distribution channel coordination through penalty schemes


陈剑教授作为作者/合作者在《Annals of Operations Research》,《Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery》,《Decision Support Systems》,《European Journal of Operational Research》,《IEEE Transaction on System, man and Cybernetics—Part A: systems and human》,《IIE Transactions》,《Information Science》,《International Journal of Production Economics》,《Omega, The International Journal of Management Science》,《Naval Research Logistics》,《Operations Research Letters》,《Production and Operations Management》,《系统工程理论与实践》、《管理科学学报》等国际国内学术期刊上发表论文一百七十多篇;主持近二十个国家自然科学基金委、教育部、863等国家部委项目,以及近20个地方政府/企业委托项目。应邀在多个国际会议上做大会报告(Keynote/Plenary Lecture)。陈剑教授获得过多项科技奖励及荣誉称号,如教育部科技进步奖/自然科学奖/人文社会科学奖;国际电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)会士;IBM学院奖;教育部长江学者;复旦管理学奖;全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师;北京市政府科学技术进步奖;中国青年科技奖等。

陈剑教授在多个学术组织中任职,如担任生产和运营管理学会(POMS)副理事长(负责亚太区),IEEE系统、人与控制论学会服务系统和组织专业委员会主席,IEEE SMC北京分会主席,中国系统工程学会副理事长,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会副理事长,中国信息协会常务理事,国家自然科学基金会管理科学部专家委员会委员、工商管理组副组长等,也是众多国际会议的主席/共同主席(例如:2004年第一届国际服务系统和服务管理会议主席、2001年第一届亚洲电子商务研讨会主席、2004年第四届电子商务国际会议主席;2007年INFORMS协会制造和服务运作管理学会年会共同主席(MSOM07)、2008年IEEE全球化企业高级信息管理研讨会(AMIGE'08)共同主席等),同时担任多个国际学术杂志(如:Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering、Electronic Commerce Research and Applications、IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics、Flexible Services and Manufacturing、International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making、 Systems Research and Behavioral Science等)的编辑或编委。


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