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发布时间:2015-01-12 来源:人大经济论坛
市场营销论文范文 目录 第一章 引言1 第一节 选题背景1 第二节 研究目的和意义2 第二章 文献综述3 第一节 消费者以及消费者满意度3 第二节 消费者满意模型5 第三章 研究对象、内容及方法9 第一节 研究对象9 第二节 研究内容与方法10 第四章 调查数据分析与总结15 第一节 调查数据分析15 第二节 调查结果总结20 第五章 研究结论与建议22 参考文献25 致 谢26 附录1调查问卷27 摘 要 随着经济的发展,社会的进步,人们对餐饮业所提供产品以及服务的要求越来越高,重视消费者满意度已经成为餐饮业持续发展的关键。如今,消费者满意度的研究在国内外都有了一定的发展,然而,时代,环境,人群,背景的不同,对于餐饮业满意度的调查结果将截然不同。 本文在消费者满意度定义以及意义的基础上,利用顾客满意指数(ACSI)模型,期望不一致模型,参考了ACSI模型,制定的餐饮业ACSI模型指标体系表,编制了测量小和山科教园区餐饮业满意度的调查问卷。在针对小和山在校师生120人进行调查后,得出以下结论:(1)消费者对小和山科教园周边餐饮业并不满意,餐饮业主实施有效措施必将事半功倍。(2)便利性是消费者进行选择的主要因素。(3)消费者对餐饮业的价格并不敏感。(4)卫生的改善将对提升消费者的满意度起到关键作用。 本文通过对小和山在校师生对餐饮业满意度的调查,再结合目前小和山餐饮业的背景,提出参考性意见供餐饮店主借鉴和参考,最终提升小和山科教园区餐饮业整体水平。 关键词:餐饮、满意度、调查、小和山科教园 ABSTRACT With the development of economy, the social progressing , people offers products and services on the catering have demanded increasingly, attention to the customer satisfaction has become the key to sustainable development of catering. Today, the scholars (local and overseas) have a certain amount of development on customer satisfaction research. however, with the different ages, environment, people, different backgrounds, the survey results will be different. In this paper, based on the definition and meaning of customer satisfaction ,the author has used the Customer Satisfaction Index -ACSI model, Expectation-Disconfirmation model, reference to the ACSI model, developed by ACSI model index system catering table. After making a investigation of 120 teachers and students who from the Xiao He Shan University City ,comes to the following conclusions: (1) consumers are not satisfied to the catering of Xiao He Shan University City , the owners of the restaurant must take effective measures can get more profits. (2) convenience is a major factor on consumer choice. (3) consumers are not sensitive to the price on catering. (4) the improvement of hygiene will improve the satisfaction from the consumers plays a key role. The paper has based on the satisfaction survey of the teachers and students who from Xiao He Shan University City , combined with the current background of Xiao He Shan University City, make reference to the owners, in order to improve the standard of catering around the Xiao He Shan University City. KEYWORDS:Catering, Satisfaction,Survey ,XiaoHeShan University City
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