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法国实验经济学大牛介绍之-------Marie Claire Villeval

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
法国A+(最高级别)级经济研究中心主任,法国经济学协会主席,法国实验经济学会创始人,顶级杂志编辑。欧洲劳动经济学提名委员会成员。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。Villeval Marie Claire(玛丽 克莱尔)


http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif Director of GATE Lyon St Etienne
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif Research Professor, CNRS
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif IZA Research Fellow, Bonn (Germany)
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif Research Associate of the Center for Corporate Performance, Aarhus School of Business (Denmark)
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif Chair of the nomination committee of the European Association of Labour Economics
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif President of the French Economic Association (AFSE)
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif Founding President of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE)
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif Member of the executive committee of the Economic Science Association (ESA)
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif Associate Editor of the Journal of Public Economic Theory and the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
http://www.gate.cnrs.fr/squelettes-dist/puce.gif Contact : villeval@gate.cnrs.fr
Fields of interest :
  • Experimental Economics
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Personnel Economics
  • Neuroeconomics
  • Public Economics

Selected recent publications :
  • Lefebvre, M., Vieider, F., Villeval, M.C. (2010). The Ratio Bias Phenomenon : Fact or Artifact ? Theory and Decision, forthcoming.
  • Coricelli, G., Joffily, M., Montmarquette, C., Villeval, M.C. (2010). Cheating, emotions, and rationality : an experiment on tax evasion. Experimental Economics, 13, 226-247.
  • Clark, A., Masclet, D., Villeval, M.C. (2010). Effort and Comparison Income. Experimental and Survey Evidence. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63(3), 407-426.
  • Charness, G., Villeval, M.C. (2009). Cooperation, Competition, and Risk Attitudes : An Intergenerational Field and Laboratory Experiment, American Economic Review, 99 (3), 956–978.
  • Eriksson, T., Poulsen, A., Villeval, M.C. (2009). Feedback and Incentives : Experimental Evidence. Labour Economics, 16 (6), 679-688.
  • Masclet, D., Villeval, M.C. (2008). Punishment, Welfare and Inequality : A Public Good Experiment. Social Choice and Welfare 31(3), 475-502..
  • Eriksson, T., Villeval, M.C. (2008). Other-Regarding Preferences and Performance Pay. An Experiment on Incentives and Sorting, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 68, 412-421.
  • Dickinson, D., Villeval, M.C. (2008). Does Monitoring Decrease Work Effort ? The Complementarity Between Agency and Crowding-Out Theories. Games and Economic Behavior. 63, 56-76.
  • Fortin, B., Lacroix G., Villeval M.C. (2007). Tax Evasion and Social Interactions. Journal of Public Economics, 91, 2089–2112.
  • Montmarquette, C., Rullière, J.L., Villeval M.C., Zeiliger, R. (2004). « Redesigning Teams and Incentives in a Merger : An Experiment with Managers and Students », Management Science, 50 (10), 1379-1389.
  • Masclet, D., Noussair, C., Tucker, S., Villeval, M.C. (2003). “Monetary and Non-Monetary Punishment in the Voluntary Contributions Mechanism”, American Economic Review, 93 (1), 366-380.

Most recent Working Papers :
  • Hogarth, R.M., Villeval, M.C. (2010). Intermittent Reinforcement and the Persistence of Behavior : Experimental Evidence. IZA Discussion Paper 5103, Bonn, and GATE WP 10.
  • Charness, G., Masclet, D., Villeval, M.C. (2010). Competitive Preferences and Status as an Incentive : Experimental Evidence. IZA Discussion Paper 5034, Bonn, and GATE WP 10-16. halshs-00497974.
  • Eriksson, T., Villeval, M.C. (2010). Respect on the labor market. Mimeo.
  • Masclet, D., Noussair, D., Villeval, M.C. (2010). Threats and Sanctions in Public Goods Game. Mimeo.
  • Joffily, M., Masclet, D., Noussair, D., Villeval, M.C. (2010). Emotions, Sanctions, and Cooperation. Mimeo.
  • Charness, G., Kuhn, P., Villeval, M.C. (2008). Competition and the Ratchet Effect. IZA Discussion Paper 3784, Bonn, and GATE WP 08-28.
  • Dickinson, D., Villeval, M.C. (2007). The Peter Principle : An Experimental Test. IZA Discussion Paper 3205, Bonn, and GATE WP 07-28.
  • Arbak, E., Villeval, M.C. (2007). Endogenous Leadership - Selection and Influence. GATE WP 2007-07, and IZA Discussion Paper 2732, Bonn.
  • Cabrales, A., Charness, G., Villeval, M.C. (2006). Competition, Adverse Selection and Efficiency. GATE WP 06-05 and IZA Discussion Paper 2296, Bonn.

Work in progress :
  • Respect, with T. Eriksson
  • Quitting and peer effects, with R. Slonim and J. Rosaz
  • Actions and statements, with A. Rustichini
  • Self-image and donations : a neuro-economic approach, with L. Butera, J.C. Dreher, E. Metereau
  • Intergenerational teams and overconfidence, with T. Madies and M. Wasmer
  • Lie aversion, with J. Rosaz
  • Ingratiation (with S. Robin, GATE, and A. Rusinowska
  • Social preferences, migrations, and development : field experiments in China and Vietnam, with L. Hao, D. Houser, L. Mao, Q. N’Guyen, H. Xu
  • Gender and cooperativeness, with P. Kuhn
  • Risk attitudes and insurance, with G. Charness and T. Offerman
  • Fiscal and social fraud, with M. Lefebvre, P. Pestieau, A. Riedl

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