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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 引言 1 1 CAI课件设计概述 2 1.1 计算机要求 2 1.1.1计算机硬件要求 2 1.1.2计算机软件 2 1.2 《信号与系统》CAI课件制作的分析 2 1.2.1《信号与系统》CAI课件制作的必要性 2 1.2.2《信号与系统》CAI课件制作的教学性 3 1.2.3《信号与系统》CAI课件制作的教育性 3 1.2.4《信号与系统》CAI课件制作的观赏性 3 1.2.5《信号与系统》CAI课件制作的积件性 4 1.2.6《信号与系统》CAI课件制作的网络性 4 2 《信号与系统》课程要点分析 4 2.1 信号的分类 5 2.2 连续时间系统的时域分析 6 2.3 连续时间信号的傅立叶分析 6 2.4 拉普拉斯变换 8 3 《信号与系统》课件开发软件概述 9 3.1 Authorware软件 9 3.1.1Authorware简介 9 3.1.2Authorware的特点 9 3.2 MATLB软件 11 3.2.1MATLB软件简介 11 3.2.2MATLB软件的特点 11 3.3 PHOTOSHOP软件 11 4 《信号与系统》课件的设计与制作 11 4.1 《信号与系统》课件脚本设计 11 4.1.1《信号与系统》课件总要求 12 4.1.2《信号与系统》课件的范围 12 4.1.3《信号与系统》课件的总体框架设计 12 4.1.4 界面和特效的设计 14 4.2 《信号与系统》课件制作的准备工作 14 4.2.1《信号与系统》课件素材的收集 14 4.2.2《信号与系统》课件素材的分类 15 4.2.3《信号与系统》课件素材的录入 15 4.3 《信号与系统》课件的制作 15 4.3.1框架的制作 15 4.3.2特殊函数图形的绘制 18 4.4《信号与系统》课件演示组件的制作 24 4.4.1制作课件演示组件的整体思路 24 4.4.2信号反转的实现 24 4.4.3信号平移的实现 26 4.4.4例2.3-1卷积积分结果的演示 26 4.4.5脉冲宽度与频谱关系的互动演示 26 4.5 用MATLAB实现常用信号的分析系统 26 4.5.1对于没有安装MATLAB软件的主机 26 4.5.2对于安装了MATLAB软件的主机 29 4.6 《信号与系统》课件的后期完善 30 4.6.1对文字的处理 30 4.6.2对按钮的处理 30 4.6.3擦除图标的使用 30 4.7 《信号与系统》课件的打包发布 31 4.7.1发布的具体步骤 31 4.7.2发布后的测试 31 5 结论 31 谢辞 33 参考文献 34 附录 35 摘 要 多媒体CAI课件是一种根据教学目标设计的,表现特定的教学内容,反映一定教学策略的计算机教学程序。近年来,随着多媒体技术的飞速发展,多媒体教学已成为教育改革进程中的热点。伴随着计算机软、硬件的快速发展与更新,多媒体课件获得了更广阔的应用空间。课件的形式更加多样,内容更加充实。传统的教学模式受到了新的教育理念和现代教育技术的挑战,运用多媒体课件辅助教学已成为一种必然的趋势。 《信号与系统》课程是一门重要的技术基础课程。课程中涉及了许多抽象的概念,用传统的教学方式很难使学生对这些概念有比较直观的认识,也就无法达到理想的教学效果。因此,笔者在教学理论的指导下,笔者设计制作了《信号与系统》课程的课件以期提高《信号与系统》课程的教学效果。 本文概括地介绍了《信号与系统》课程的重点、难点及教学现状。分析了《信号与系统》课件制作的必要性、教育性、教学性、观赏性、积件性和网络性。阐明了《信号与系统》课件在推动教学改革及提高《信号与系统》课程教学质量方面的积极作用。并对制作《信号与系统》课件所使用的软件进行了简短的介绍。文章详细地说明了设计制作《信号与系统》多媒体课件的具体过程,着重阐述了《信号与系统》多媒体课件的设计思想(脚本的设计)、开发过程、后期完善以及设计中采用的一些关键技术。对课件制作过程中遇到的困难及解决的方法也进行了说明。 关键词: 信号与系统;Authorware;课件;多媒体技术;脚本 Abstract The Multi-media Courseware is a kind of computer procedure which can express the particular content of course according to the teaching target design and reflect the certain of teaching strategy. With the fast development of Multi-media Technology, the Multi-media Teaching has become a hotspot in the progress of Education Reformation in recent years. Accompany with the fast development and renewals in softwares and hardwares of the computer, the Multi-media Coursewares acquire wider room in application. As the Multi-media Courseware is becoming more and more diverse, the content of it is also becoming more and more substantial. The traditional teaching mode is facing to the unprecedented challenge form the new education principle and modern education technology. Courseware Assisted Teaching has become a necessary trend of Education Reformation. The Signal and System Course is an important technique foundational course. As there are many abstract concepts in this course, it is hard for the traditional teaching method to help students to have a visual view of these concepts, and can't attaint an ideal and expectant teaching effect. Under the guide of educational theories, author designed and manufactured a Signal and System Multi-media Courseware hoping to raise the effect on teaching of the Signal and System Course. The paper analyzed the keystone and the difficulties in the Signal and System Course and the present situation of education of the Signal and System Course broadly. It also analyzed the necessity, educative of the construction of the Signal and System Courseware, the virtues about teaching and using on internet of the courseware. Besides, it introduced the effect of Multi-media Courseware of Signal and System Course on promoting Education Reformation and improving the quality of teaching of the Signal and System Course, and described the softwares which were used in the construction of the Signal and System Multi-media Courseware shortly in this paper. The paper is mainly about the manufacture process of the Signal and System Course Multi-media Courseware, especially emphasized the design thoughts (the design of the script), the process of development of the Signal and System Courseware and the work of perfecting courseware in evening in detail. It included all key technical questions concerned and the difficulties in manufacturing the courseware and the methods of solving these problems in this paper. Key words:Signal and System; Authorware; Courseware; Multi-media Technology; Script
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