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·¢²¼Ê±¼ä£º2015-04-17 À´Ô´£ºÈË´ó¾­¼ÃÂÛ̳

[summary] under the Internet of the economic integral whole in world turns the world trend that have become can't resist, making people the behavior method of the tradition is under the influence of enormous impact with the idea. Obvious the electronic commerce becomes the latest market that Internet develop, it represent the applied development in the network of 21 centuries direction. The electronic commerce is used as a kind of brand-new business operation method, will bring mankind the once new industry revolution, the end result of this revolution will be mankind real taking into the information the society. Which advantages does electronic commerce have? Is the development present condition of Yunnan how? Which measures should Yunnan adopt quickly the step that develops with the future discussion of the electronic commerce¡£
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[Keyword] Electronic commerce Yunnan Appearance investigates now Prospect


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