目 录
1 绪论1
1.1 生态环境及分布1
1.2 杏鲍菇的形态1
1.3 生长发育特性2
1.3.1 营养需要2
1.3.2 水分2
1.3.3 生长温度2
1.3.4 光线3
1.3.5 温度3
1.3.6 酸碱度3
1.4 栽培技术3
1.5 营养成分4
1.5.1 主要营养成分4
1.5.2 其它营养成分4
1.6 生物化学和分子生物学的研究5
1.6.1 胞外酶5
1.6.2 其他酶、蛋白和多糖研究5
2 实验部分7
2.1 品种比较及筛选7
2.1.1 实验材料7
2.1.2 实验方法7
2.2 培养料配方筛选研究8
2.1.1 实验材料8
2.1.2 实验方法8
2.3 营养成分分析9
2.3.1 实验材料9
2.3.2 实验方法9
3 结果与讨论10
3.1 不同品种的菌种生长状况10
3.1.1 菌丝生长情况10
3.1.2 子实体形态特征11
3.2 不同培养料的菌种的生长状况11
3.2.1 菌丝生长情况11
3.2.2 子实体形态特征12
3.3 营养成分分析13
3.3.1 各种氨基酸的含量及比较13
3.3.2 蛋白营养价值的比较15
3.3.3 杏鲍菇与食用蛋白的比较16
3.3.4 杏鲍菇与四种农产品的比较16
4 总结与展望18
Abstract:This paper discusses the different species of Pleurotus eryngii the growth characteristics, yield and nutrient composition of the initial analysis. Experimental results show that different species Pleurotus eryngii growth conditions are different, the same culture conditions, Pleurotus eryngii varieties fruiting body morphology and yield is obviously different. Experimental selected through a high quality of Pleurotus eryngii 2 (cited in Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences) and the more ideal training materials formula : Sawdust 30%, 46.5% cotton seed hulls, wheat bran 18%, 3% of corn powder, sugar, 1%, 1% Gypsum, Lime 0.5% of. Four types of Pleurotus eryngii Fruitbody (dry goods) of amino acids and other nutritional components of the analysis, The results showed Pleurotus eryngii contains 17 kinds of amino acids (L - tryptophan unmeasured), a rich eight essential amino acids, Branched - chain amino acids and with the guanidine-arginine, and the aromatic amino acid content is low, arginine, Glutamate closer to a content - casein protein, egg protein and soybean globulin content.
Keywords: Pleurotus eryngii species, medium screening, nutrition, amino acids