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Roast Dried Meat based on fresh meat as raw materials by slicing, salting, drying and other processing technology into a high-grade meat products,but the nutrition of the traditionary Roast Dried Meat is singleness,low yield,high price and more factors limit the large-scale production.With the improvement of living standards and the concept ofconsumption improving,Consumers will pay more attention to food nutrition and health.Adding the fruit and vegetable to the traditionary Roast Dried Meat has great significance in the cost and nutrition.Vegetables are rich in cellulose and a variety of vitamins,especially vitamin C and carotene,For the prevention of disease and the maintenance of normal metabolism ,there is a very important role.Also contains a variety of minerals and trace elements. This experiment using the latest production technology of Roast Dried Meat,Add the carrots into the meat.This experimental mainly from drying conditions, the amount of carrot juice and slag , the addition of phosphate, the ratio of fat and lean meat this five factors to explore the best process parameters of vegetables Roast Dried Meat.Final over the single factor experiments and orthogonal test to determine the optimal process parameters:Drying condition is the first high-temperature drying (80¡æ, 20min) after the low-temperature (60 ~ 68 ¡æ, 110min) drying;carrot juice add 6%;carrots slag add 5%;phosphate add 0.5%;the ratio of fat and lean meat is 1:6.And mensurate the moisture content of vegetables Roast Dried Meat, vitamin A content, protein content, dietary fibre content.The results are better than the market Roast Dried Meat, to meet our requirements.
Key words: vegetablesRoast Dried Meat, quality, vitamin A, dietary fibre