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Initial Position Detection of Rotor _通信工程毕业论文

发布时间:2015-06-01 来源:人大经济论坛
Initial Position Detection of Rotor _通信工程毕业论文 全部作者: Yaya Soumah 第1作者单位: Hohai University 论文摘要: Rotor position detection is essential for phase commutation in brushless permanent motor drives. Sensorless commutation techniques can be categorized by methods using back electro-motive force (BEMF), inductance and impedance, and the microprocessor based computation method [1]. Among all of them, the back EMF method is preferred to others because of its simplicity. But the back EMF detection method can not be easily applied in cases of start stage or low speed running because the BEMF signals are so small. Enhanced schemes based on the general method of measuring inductance have been developed for detecting the initial position of the rotor without position sensors. To detect the magnet rotor position, Owen’s bridge method has been used for Y-winding motors where two phases are energized, and the inductance bridge method has been used for center-tapped winding motors where one phase is energized. Their configurations and application have been discussed. 关键词: Brushless permanent motor, Commutation, Back Electro-Motive Force (BEMF), Rotor, Inductance. (浏览全文) 发表日期: 2007年10月31日 同行评议: (暂时没有) 综合评价: (暂时没有)
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